blob: e223a2b13e4910e8b194a5fb18ef05e86d7162b0 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from collections import namedtuple
import pytest
from tcp_tests.helpers import ext
from tcp_tests import logger
from tcp_tests.managers import saltmanager
from tcp_tests.managers import underlay_ssh_manager
LOG = logger.logger
def day1_underlay(revert_snapshot, config, hardware):
"""Fixture that should provide SSH access to underlay objects.
- Starts the 'hardware' environment and creates 'underlay' with required
- Fills the following object using the 'hardware' fixture:
config.underlay.ssh = JSONList of SSH access credentials for nodes.
This list will be used for initialization the
model UnderlaySSHManager, see it for details.
:rtype UnderlaySSHManager: Object that encapsulate SSH credentials;
- provide list of underlay nodes;
- provide SSH access to underlay nodes using
node names or node IPs.
# Create Underlay
if not config.day1_underlay.ssh:
# If config.underlay.ssh wasn't provided from external config, then
# try to get necessary data from hardware manager (fuel-devops)
# for devops manager: power on nodes and wait for SSH
# for empty manager: do nothing
# for maas manager: provision nodes and wait for SSH
# hardware.start(underlay_node_roles=config.underlay.roles,
config.day1_underlay.ssh = hardware.get_ssh_data(
underlay = underlay_ssh_manager.UnderlaySSHManager(config)"Generate MACs for MaaS")
macs = {'.')[0]: {
"interface": {
"mac": n.get_interface_by_network_name('admin').mac_address}} # noqa
for n in hardware.slave_nodes}
config.day1_cfg_config.maas_machines_macs = {
"parameters": {
"maas": {
"region": {
"machines": macs}}}}
# 1. hardware environment created and powered on
# 2. config.underlay.ssh contains SSH access to provisioned nodes
# (can be passed from external config with TESTS_CONFIGS variable)
underlay = underlay_ssh_manager.UnderlaySSHManager(config)
return underlay
def day1_cfg_config(revert_snapshot, request, config, hardware, underlay,
salt_actions, snapshot, grab_versions):
"""Fixture to get or install cfg node from day1 image on environment
:param revert_snapshot: fixture that reverts snapshot that is specified
in test with @pytest.mark.revert_snapshot(<name>)
:param request: fixture provides pytest data
:param config: fixture provides oslo.config
:param hardware: fixture provides enviromnet manager
:param day1_underlay: fixture provides underlay manager
:param salt_actions: fixture provides SaltManager instance
:rtype: SaltManager
If config.salt.salt_master_host is not set, this fixture assumes that
the salt was not installed, and do the following:
- install salt master and salt minions
- make snapshot with name 'cfg_configured'
- return SaltManager
If config.salt.salt_master_host was set, this fixture assumes that the
salt was already deployed, and do the following:
- return SaltManager instance
If you want to revert 'cfg_configured' snapshot, please use mark:
# Create Salt cluster
if config.salt.salt_master_host == '':
# Temporary workaround. Underlay should be extended with roles
config.salt.salt_master_host = \
commands = underlay.read_template(
config.day1_cfg_config.configure_steps_path)"############ Executing command ####### {0}".format(commands))
salt_nodes = salt_actions.get_ssh_data()
config.underlay.ssh = config.underlay.ssh + \
[node for node in salt_nodes
if not any(node['node_name'] == n['node_name']
for n in config.underlay.ssh)]
# 1. hardware environment created and powered on
# 2. config.underlay.ssh contains SSH access to provisioned nodes
# (can be passed from external config with TESTS_CONFIGS variable)
# 3. config.tcp.* options contain access credentials to the already
# installed TCP API endpoint
Collection = namedtuple(
'Collection', ['salt', 'underlay', 'config'], verbose=True)
return Collection(salt_actions, underlay, config)
def day1_salt_actions(config, day1_underlay):
"""Fixture that provides various actions for salt
:param config: fixture provides oslo.config
:param day1_underlay: fixture provides underlay manager
:rtype: SaltManager
return saltmanager.SaltManager(config, day1_underlay)