| package com.mirantis.system_qa |
| |
| import groovy.xml.XmlUtil |
| |
| def run_cmd(String cmd, Boolean returnStdout=false, Boolean exeption_with_logs=false) { |
| def common = new com.mirantis.mk.Common() |
| common.printMsg("Run shell command:\n" + cmd, "blue") |
| def VENV_PATH='/home/jenkins/fuel-devops30' |
| def stdout_path = "/tmp/${JOB_NAME}_${BUILD_NUMBER}_stdout.log" |
| def stderr_path = "/tmp/${JOB_NAME}_${BUILD_NUMBER}_stderr.log" |
| script = """\ |
| set +x; |
| echo 'activate python virtualenv ${VENV_PATH}'; |
| . ${VENV_PATH}/bin/activate; |
| bash -c 'set -ex; set -ex; ${cmd.stripIndent()}' 1>${stdout_path} 2>${stderr_path} |
| """ |
| def result |
| try { |
| result = sh(script: script) |
| if (returnStdout) { |
| def stdout = readFile("${stdout_path}") |
| return stdout |
| } else { |
| return result |
| } |
| } catch (e) { |
| if (exeption_with_logs) { |
| def stdout = readFile("${stdout_path}") |
| def stderr = readFile("${stderr_path}") |
| def error_message = e.message + "\n<<<<<< STDOUT: >>>>>>\n" + stdout + "\n<<<<<< STDERR: >>>>>>\n" + stderr |
| throw new Exception(error_message) |
| } else { |
| throw e |
| } |
| } finally { |
| sh(script: "rm ${stdout_path} ${stderr_path} || true") |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def run_cmd_stdout(cmd) { |
| return run_cmd(cmd, true, true) |
| } |
| |
| def build_pipeline_job(job_name, parameters) { |
| //Build a job, grab the results if failed and use the results in exception |
| def common = new com.mirantis.mk.Common() |
| common.printMsg("Start building job '${job_name}' with parameters:", "purple") |
| common.prettyPrint(parameters) |
| |
| def job_info = build job: "${job_name}", |
| parameters: parameters, |
| propagate: false |
| |
| if (job_info.getResult() != "SUCCESS") { |
| currentBuild.result = job_info.getResult() |
| def build_number = job_info.getNumber() |
| common.printMsg("Job '${job_name}' failed, getting details", "red") |
| def workflow_details=run_cmd_stdout("""\ |
| export JOB_NAME=${job_name} |
| export BUILD_NUMBER=${build_number} |
| python ./tcp_tests/utils/get_jenkins_job_stages.py |
| """) |
| throw new Exception(workflow_details) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def build_shell_job(job_name, parameters, junit_report_filename=null, junit_report_source_dir='**/') { |
| //Build a job, grab the results if failed and use the results in exception |
| //junit_report_filename: if not null, try to copy this JUnit report first from remote job |
| def common = new com.mirantis.mk.Common() |
| common.printMsg("Start building job '${job_name}' with parameters:", "purple") |
| common.prettyPrint(parameters) |
| |
| def job_info = build job: "${job_name}", |
| parameters: parameters, |
| propagate: false |
| |
| if (job_info.getResult() != "SUCCESS") { |
| def build_status = job_info.getResult() |
| def build_number = job_info.getNumber() |
| def build_url = job_info.getAbsoluteUrl() |
| def job_url = "${build_url}" |
| currentBuild.result = build_status |
| if (junit_report_filename) { |
| common.printMsg("Job '${job_url}' failed with status ${build_status}, getting details", "red") |
| step($class: 'hudson.plugins.copyartifact.CopyArtifact', |
| projectName: job_name, |
| selector: specific("${build_number}"), |
| filter: "${junit_report_source_dir}/${junit_report_filename}", |
| target: '.', |
| flatten: true, |
| fingerprintArtifacts: true) |
| |
| def String junit_report_xml = readFile("${junit_report_filename}") |
| def String junit_report_xml_pretty = new XmlUtil().serialize(junit_report_xml) |
| def String msg = "Job '${job_url}' failed with status ${build_status}, JUnit report:\n" |
| throw new Exception(msg + junit_report_xml_pretty) |
| } else { |
| throw new Exception("Job '${job_url}' failed with status ${build_status}, please check the console output.") |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def prepare_working_dir() { |
| println "Clean the working directory ${env.WORKSPACE}" |
| deleteDir() |
| |
| // do not fail if environment doesn't exists |
| println "Remove environment ${ENV_NAME}" |
| run_cmd("""\ |
| dos.py erase ${ENV_NAME} || true |
| """) |
| println "Remove config drive ISO" |
| run_cmd("""\ |
| rm /home/jenkins/images/${CFG01_CONFIG_IMAGE_NAME} || true |
| """) |
| |
| run_cmd("""\ |
| git clone https://github.com/Mirantis/tcp-qa.git ${env.WORKSPACE} |
| if [ -n "$TCP_QA_REFS" ]; then |
| set -e |
| git fetch https://review.gerrithub.io/Mirantis/tcp-qa $TCP_QA_REFS && git checkout FETCH_HEAD || exit \$? |
| fi |
| pip install --upgrade --upgrade-strategy=only-if-needed -r tcp_tests/requirements.txt |
| """, false, true) |
| } |
| |
| def swarm_bootstrap_salt_cluster_devops() { |
| def common = new com.mirantis.mk.Common() |
| def parameters = [ |
| string(name: 'PARENT_NODE_NAME', value: "${NODE_NAME}"), |
| string(name: 'PARENT_WORKSPACE', value: pwd()), |
| string(name: 'LAB_CONFIG_NAME', value: "${LAB_CONFIG_NAME}"), |
| string(name: 'ENV_NAME', value: "${ENV_NAME}"), |
| string(name: 'MCP_VERSION', value: "${MCP_VERSION}"), |
| string(name: 'MCP_IMAGE_PATH1604', value: "${MCP_IMAGE_PATH1604}"), |
| string(name: 'IMAGE_PATH_CFG01_DAY01', value: "${IMAGE_PATH_CFG01_DAY01}"), |
| string(name: 'CFG01_CONFIG_IMAGE_NAME', value: "${CFG01_CONFIG_IMAGE_NAME}"), |
| string(name: 'TCP_QA_REFS', value: "${TCP_QA_REFS}"), |
| string(name: 'PIPELINE_LIBRARY_REF', value: "${PIPELINE_LIBRARY_REF}"), |
| string(name: 'MK_PIPELINES_REF', value: "${MK_PIPELINES_REF}"), |
| booleanParam(name: 'SHUTDOWN_ENV_ON_TEARDOWN', value: false), |
| ] |
| |
| build_pipeline_job('swarm-bootstrap-salt-cluster-devops', parameters) |
| } |
| |
| def swarm_deploy_cicd(String stack_to_install='core,cicd') { |
| // Run openstack_deploy job on cfg01 Jenkins for specified stacks |
| def common = new com.mirantis.mk.Common() |
| def parameters = [ |
| string(name: 'PARENT_NODE_NAME', value: "${NODE_NAME}"), |
| string(name: 'PARENT_WORKSPACE', value: pwd()), |
| string(name: 'ENV_NAME', value: "${ENV_NAME}"), |
| string(name: 'STACK_INSTALL', value: stack_to_install), |
| string(name: 'TCP_QA_REFS', value: "${TCP_QA_REFS}"), |
| booleanParam(name: 'SHUTDOWN_ENV_ON_TEARDOWN', value: false), |
| ] |
| build_pipeline_job('swarm-deploy-cicd', parameters) |
| } |
| |
| def swarm_deploy_platform(String stack_to_install) { |
| // Run openstack_deploy job on CICD Jenkins for specified stacks |
| def common = new com.mirantis.mk.Common() |
| def parameters = [ |
| string(name: 'PARENT_NODE_NAME', value: "${NODE_NAME}"), |
| string(name: 'PARENT_WORKSPACE', value: pwd()), |
| string(name: 'ENV_NAME', value: "${ENV_NAME}"), |
| string(name: 'STACK_INSTALL', value: stack_to_install), |
| string(name: 'TCP_QA_REFS', value: "${TCP_QA_REFS}"), |
| booleanParam(name: 'SHUTDOWN_ENV_ON_TEARDOWN', value: false), |
| ] |
| build_pipeline_job('swarm-deploy-platform', parameters) |
| } |
| |
| def swarm_run_pytest(String passed_steps) { |
| // Run pytest tests |
| def common = new com.mirantis.mk.Common() |
| def parameters = [ |
| string(name: 'ENV_NAME', value: "${ENV_NAME}"), |
| string(name: 'PASSED_STEPS', value: passed_steps), |
| string(name: 'RUN_TEST_OPTS', value: "${RUN_TEST_OPTS}"), |
| string(name: 'PARENT_NODE_NAME', value: "${NODE_NAME}"), |
| string(name: 'PARENT_WORKSPACE', value: pwd()), |
| string(name: 'TCP_QA_REFS', value: "${TCP_QA_REFS}"), |
| booleanParam(name: 'SHUTDOWN_ENV_ON_TEARDOWN', value: false), |
| string(name: 'LAB_CONFIG_NAME', value: "${LAB_CONFIG_NAME}"), |
| string(name: 'REPOSITORY_SUITE', value: "${MCP_VERSION}"), |
| string(name: 'MCP_IMAGE_PATH1604', value: "${MCP_IMAGE_PATH1604}"), |
| string(name: 'IMAGE_PATH_CFG01_DAY01', value: "${IMAGE_PATH_CFG01_DAY01}"), |
| ] |
| common.printMsg("Start building job 'swarm-run-pytest' with parameters:", "purple") |
| common.prettyPrint(parameters) |
| build job: 'swarm-run-pytest', |
| parameters: parameters |
| } |
| |
| def generate_cookied_model() { |
| def common = new com.mirantis.mk.Common() |
| // do not fail if environment doesn't exists |
| def IPV4_NET_ADMIN=run_cmd_stdout("dos.py net-list ${ENV_NAME} | grep admin-pool01").trim().split().last() |
| def IPV4_NET_CONTROL=run_cmd_stdout("dos.py net-list ${ENV_NAME} | grep private-pool01").trim().split().last() |
| def IPV4_NET_TENANT=run_cmd_stdout("dos.py net-list ${ENV_NAME} | grep tenant-pool01").trim().split().last() |
| def IPV4_NET_EXTERNAL=run_cmd_stdout("dos.py net-list ${ENV_NAME} | grep external-pool01").trim().split().last() |
| println("IPV4_NET_ADMIN=" + IPV4_NET_ADMIN) |
| println("IPV4_NET_TENANT=" + IPV4_NET_TENANT) |
| |
| def cookiecuttertemplate_commit = env.COOKIECUTTER_TEMPLATE_COMMIT ?: env.MCP_VERSION |
| def saltmodels_system_commit = env.SALT_MODELS_SYSTEM_COMMIT ?: env.MCP_VERSION |
| |
| def parameters = [ |
| string(name: 'LAB_CONTEXT_NAME', value: "${LAB_CONFIG_NAME}"), |
| string(name: 'CLUSTER_NAME', value: "${LAB_CONFIG_NAME}"), |
| string(name: 'DOMAIN_NAME', value: "${LAB_CONFIG_NAME}.local"), |
| string(name: 'REPOSITORY_SUITE', value: "${env.MCP_VERSION}"), |
| string(name: 'SALT_MODELS_SYSTEM_COMMIT', value: "${saltmodels_system_commit}"), |
| string(name: 'COOKIECUTTER_TEMPLATE_COMMIT', value: "${cookiecuttertemplate_commit}"), |
| string(name: 'TCP_QA_REVIEW', value: "${TCP_QA_REFS}"), |
| string(name: 'IPV4_NET_ADMIN', value: IPV4_NET_ADMIN), |
| string(name: 'IPV4_NET_CONTROL', value: IPV4_NET_CONTROL), |
| string(name: 'IPV4_NET_TENANT', value: IPV4_NET_TENANT), |
| string(name: 'IPV4_NET_EXTERNAL', value: IPV4_NET_EXTERNAL), |
| ] |
| |
| build_shell_job('swarm-cookied-model-generator', parameters, "deploy_generate_model.xml") |
| } |
| |
| def generate_configdrive_iso() { |
| def common = new com.mirantis.mk.Common() |
| def SALT_MASTER_IP=run_cmd_stdout("""\ |
| export ENV_NAME=${ENV_NAME} |
| . ./tcp_tests/utils/env_salt |
| echo \$SALT_MASTER_IP |
| """).trim().split().last() |
| def parameters = [ |
| string(name: 'CLUSTER_NAME', value: "${LAB_CONFIG_NAME}"), |
| string(name: 'MODEL_URL', value: "http://cz8133.bud.mirantis.net:8098/${LAB_CONFIG_NAME}.git"), |
| string(name: 'MODEL_URL_OBJECT_TYPE', value: "git"), |
| booleanParam(name: 'DOWNLOAD_CONFIG_DRIVE', value: true), |
| string(name: 'MCP_VERSION', value: "${MCP_VERSION}"), |
| string(name: 'COMMON_SCRIPTS_COMMIT', value: "${MCP_VERSION}"), |
| string(name: 'NODE_NAME', value: "${NODE_NAME}"), |
| string(name: 'CONFIG_DRIVE_ISO_NAME', value: "${CFG01_CONFIG_IMAGE_NAME}"), |
| string(name: 'SALT_MASTER_DEPLOY_IP', value: SALT_MASTER_IP), |
| string(name: 'PIPELINE_REPO_URL', value: "https://github.com/Mirantis"), |
| booleanParam(name: 'PIPELINES_FROM_ISO', value: true), |
| string(name: 'MCP_SALT_REPO_URL', value: "http://apt.mirantis.com/xenial"), |
| string(name: 'MCP_SALT_REPO_KEY', value: "http://apt.mirantis.com/public.gpg"), |
| string(name: 'PIPELINE_LIBRARY_REF', value: "${PIPELINE_LIBRARY_REF}"), |
| string(name: 'MK_PIPELINES_REF', value: "${MK_PIPELINES_REF}"), |
| ] |
| build_pipeline_job('create-cfg-config-drive', parameters) |
| } |
| |
| def run_job_on_day01_node(stack_to_install, timeout=1800) { |
| // stack_to_install="core,cicd" |
| def stack = "${stack_to_install}" |
| try { |
| run_cmd("""\ |
| export ENV_NAME=${ENV_NAME} |
| . ./tcp_tests/utils/env_salt |
| . ./tcp_tests/utils/env_jenkins_day01 |
| export JENKINS_BUILD_TIMEOUT=${timeout} |
| \\\"SALT_MASTER_URL\\\": \\\"\${SALTAPI_URL}\\\", |
| \\\"STACK_INSTALL\\\": \\\"${stack}\\\" |
| }\" |
| JOB_PREFIX="[ ${ENV_NAME}/{build_number}:${stack} {time} ] " |
| python ./tcp_tests/utils/run_jenkins_job.py --verbose --job-name=deploy_openstack --job-parameters="\$JOB_PARAMETERS" --job-output-prefix="\$JOB_PREFIX" |
| """) |
| } catch (e) { |
| common.printMsg("Product job 'deploy_openstack' failed, getting details", "red") |
| def workflow_details=run_cmd_stdout("""\ |
| . ./tcp_tests/utils/env_salt |
| . ./tcp_tests/utils/env_jenkins_day01 |
| export JOB_NAME=deploy_openstack |
| export BUILD_NUMBER=lastBuild |
| python ./tcp_tests/utils/get_jenkins_job_stages.py |
| """) |
| throw new Exception(workflow_details) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def run_job_on_cicd_nodes(stack_to_install, timeout=1800) { |
| // stack_to_install="k8s,calico,stacklight" |
| def stack = "${stack_to_install}" |
| try { |
| run_cmd("""\ |
| export ENV_NAME=${ENV_NAME} |
| . ./tcp_tests/utils/env_salt |
| . ./tcp_tests/utils/env_jenkins_cicd |
| export JENKINS_BUILD_TIMEOUT=${timeout} |
| \\\"SALT_MASTER_URL\\\": \\\"\${SALTAPI_URL}\\\", |
| \\\"STACK_INSTALL\\\": \\\"${stack}\\\" |
| }\" |
| JOB_PREFIX="[ ${ENV_NAME}/{build_number}:${stack} {time} ] " |
| python ./tcp_tests/utils/run_jenkins_job.py --verbose --job-name=deploy_openstack --job-parameters="\$JOB_PARAMETERS" --job-output-prefix="\$JOB_PREFIX" |
| sleep 60 # Wait for IO calm down on cluster nodes |
| """) |
| } catch (e) { |
| common.printMsg("Product job 'deploy_openstack' failed, getting details", "red") |
| def workflow_details=run_cmd_stdout("""\ |
| . ./tcp_tests/utils/env_salt |
| . ./tcp_tests/utils/env_jenkins_cicd |
| export JOB_NAME=deploy_openstack |
| export BUILD_NUMBER=lastBuild |
| python ./tcp_tests/utils/get_jenkins_job_stages.py |
| """) |
| throw new Exception(workflow_details) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def sanity_check_component(stack) { |
| // Run sanity check for the component ${stack}. |
| // Result will be stored in JUnit XML file deploy_${stack}.xml |
| try { |
| run_cmd("""\ |
| py.test --junit-xml=deploy_${stack}.xml -m check_${stack} |
| """) |
| } catch (e) { |
| def String junit_report_xml = readFile("deploy_${stack}.xml") |
| def String junit_report_xml_pretty = new XmlUtil().serialize(junit_report_xml) |
| def String msg = "Sanity check for '${stack}' failed, JUnit report:\n" |
| throw new Exception(msg + junit_report_xml_pretty) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def devops_snapshot(stack) { |
| // Make the snapshot with name "${stack}_deployed" |
| // for all VMs in the environment. |
| // If oslo_config INI file ${ENV_NAME}_salt_deployed.ini exists, |
| // then make a copy for the created snapshot to allow the system |
| // tests to revert this snapshot along with the metadata from the INI file. |
| run_cmd("""\ |
| dos.py suspend ${ENV_NAME} |
| dos.py snapshot ${ENV_NAME} ${stack}_deployed |
| dos.py resume ${ENV_NAME} |
| sleep 20 # Wait for I/O on the host calms down |
| dos.py time-sync ${ENV_NAME} || dos.py time-sync ${ENV_NAME} # sometimes, timesync may fail. Need to update it in fuel-devops. |
| if [ -f \$(pwd)/${ENV_NAME}_salt_deployed.ini ]; then |
| cp \$(pwd)/${ENV_NAME}_salt_deployed.ini \$(pwd)/${ENV_NAME}_${stack}_deployed.ini |
| fi |
| """, exeption_with_logs: true) |
| } |
| |
| def get_steps_list(steps) { |
| // Make a list from comma separated string |
| return steps.split(',').collect { it.split(':')[0] } |
| } |
| |
| def report_deploy_result(deploy_expected_stacks) { |
| } |
| |
| def report_test_result() { |
| } |