blob: 7377958397e56569f078835ef3c300fb177a9bd7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Deploy the product cluster using Jenkins master on CICD cluster
* Expected parameters:
* PARENT_NODE_NAME Name of the jenkins slave to create the environment
* PARENT_WORKSPACE Path to the workspace of the parent job to use tcp-qa repo
* ENV_NAME Fuel-devops environment name
* STACK_INSTALL Stacks to install using Jenkins on CICD cluster: "openstack,stacklight"
* STACK_INSTALL_TIMEOUT Stacks installation timeout
* TCP_QA_REFS Reference to the tcp-qa change on Gerrit, like refs/changes/46/418546/41
* SHUTDOWN_ENV_ON_TEARDOWN optional, shutdown fuel-devops environment at the end of the job
* MAKE_SNAPSHOT_STAGES optional, use " snapshot" to snapshot stages
common = new
shared = new com.mirantis.system_qa.SharedPipeline()
make_snapshot_stages = "${env.MAKE_SNAPSHOT_STAGES}" != "false" ? true : false
if (! env.PARENT_NODE_NAME) {
error "'PARENT_NODE_NAME' must be set from the parent deployment job!"
currentBuild.description = "${PARENT_NODE_NAME}:${ENV_NAME}"
def install_timeout = env.STACK_INSTALL_TIMEOUT.toInteger()
timeout(time: install_timeout + 600, unit: 'SECONDS') {
timestamps {
node ("${PARENT_NODE_NAME}") {
if (! fileExists("${PARENT_WORKSPACE}")) {
error "'PARENT_WORKSPACE' contains path to non-existing directory ${PARENT_WORKSPACE} on the node '${PARENT_NODE_NAME}'."
if (! env.STACK_INSTALL) {
error "'STACK_INSTALL' must contain one or more comma separated stack names for [deploy_openstack] pipeline"
if (env.TCP_QA_REFS) {
stage("Update working dir to patch ${TCP_QA_REFS}") {
try {
// Install the cluster
stage("Run Jenkins job on CICD [deploy_openstack:${env.STACK_INSTALL}]") {
shared.run_job_on_cicd_nodes(env.STACK_INSTALL, install_timeout)
for (stack in "${env.STACK_INSTALL}".split(",")) {
stage("Sanity check the deployed component [${stack}]") {
// If oslo_config INI file ${ENV_NAME}_salt_deployed.ini exists,
// then make a copy for the created snapshot to allow the system
// tests to revert this snapshot along with the metadata from the INI file.
if [ -f \$(pwd)/${ENV_NAME}_salt_deployed.ini ]; then
cp \$(pwd)/${ENV_NAME}_salt_deployed.ini \$(pwd)/${ENV_NAME}_${stack}_deployed.ini
} // for
if (make_snapshot_stages) {
stage("Make environment snapshots for [${env.STACK_INSTALL}]") {
} catch (e) {
common.printMsg("Job is failed", "purple")
throw e
} finally {
// TODO(ddmitriev): analyze the "def currentResult = currentBuild.result ?: 'SUCCESS'"
// and report appropriate data to TestRail
// TODO(ddmitriev): add checks for the installed stacks
if (make_snapshot_stages) {
if ("${env.SHUTDOWN_ENV_ON_TEARDOWN}" == "true") {
shared.run_cmd("""\ destroy ${ENV_NAME}
} // dir
} // node
} //timestamps
} // timeout