blob: 02ef0a39f2aecfd99fda568bf3d9ed0ee5a2bf65 [file] [log] [blame]
{% from 'virtual-offline-ssl/underlay.yaml' import HOSTNAME_CFG01 with context %}
{% from 'virtual-offline-ssl/underlay.yaml' import HOSTNAME_CTL01 with context %}
{% from 'virtual-offline-ssl/underlay.yaml' import HOSTNAME_CTL02 with context %}
{% from 'virtual-offline-ssl/underlay.yaml' import HOSTNAME_CTL03 with context %}
{% from 'virtual-offline-ssl/underlay.yaml' import HOSTNAME_GTW01 with context %}
{% from 'shared-salt.yaml' import IPV4_NET_EXTERNAL_PREFIX with context %}
{% from 'shared-salt.yaml' import IPV4_NET_TENANT_PREFIX with context %}
{% from 'virtual-offline-ssl/underlay.yaml' import LAB_CONFIG_NAME with context %}
{% from 'virtual-offline-ssl/underlay.yaml' import DOMAIN_NAME with context %}
{% set REPOSITORY_SUITE = os_env('REPOSITORY_SUITE', 'proposed') %}
{% set DOMAIN_NAME = os_env('DOMAIN_NAME', 'virtual-offline-ssl') %}
{% import 'shared-backup-restore.yaml' as BACKUP with context %}
{% import 'shared-salt.yaml' as SHARED with context %}
{% import 'shared-openstack.yaml' as SHARED_OPENSTACK with context %}
{% set DOCKER_LOCAL_REPO = os_env('DOCKER_LOCAL_REPO', 'deb [arch=amd64] http://mirror.mcp.mirantis.local.test/' + REPOSITORY_SUITE + '/docker/xenial xenial stable') %}
# Install OpenStack control services
- description: Nginx
cmd: salt --hard-crash --state-output=mixed --state-verbose=False
-C 'I@nginx:server' state.sls salt.minion
node_name: {{ HOSTNAME_CFG01 }}
retry: {count: 1, delay: 5}
skip_fail: true
- description: Deploy nginx proxy
cmd: salt --hard-crash --state-output=mixed --state-verbose=False
-C 'I@nginx:server' state.sls nginx
node_name: {{ HOSTNAME_CFG01 }}
retry: {count: 1, delay: 5}
skip_fail: true
## isntall designate
#- description: Install bind
# cmd: salt --hard-crash --state-output=mixed --state-verbose=False
# -C 'I@bind:server' state.sls bind
# node_name: {{ HOSTNAME_CFG01 }}
# retry: {count: 1, delay: 5}
# skip_fail: false
#- description: Install designate
# cmd: salt --hard-crash --state-output=mixed --state-verbose=False
# -C 'I@designate:server' state.sls designate -b 1
# node_name: {{ HOSTNAME_CFG01 }}
# retry: {count: 5, delay: 10}
# skip_fail: false
# Install Telemetry services (mdb nodes)
- description: Install redis service
cmd: salt --hard-crash --state-output=mixed --state-verbose=False -C 'I@redis:cluster:role:master' state.sls redis &&
salt --hard-crash --state-output=mixed --state-verbose=False -C 'I@redis:server' state.sls redis
node_name: {{ HOSTNAME_CFG01 }}
retry: {count: 1, delay: 5}
skip_fail: false
- description: Install gnocchi server
cmd: salt --hard-crash --state-output=mixed --state-verbose=False -C 'I@gnocchi:server and *01*' state.sls gnocchi.server &&
salt --hard-crash --state-output=mixed --state-verbose=False -C 'I@gnocchi:server' state.sls gnocchi.server
node_name: {{ HOSTNAME_CFG01 }}
retry: {count: 1, delay: 5}
skip_fail: false
- description: Setup gnocchi client
cmd: salt --hard-crash --state-output=mixed --state-verbose=False -C 'I@gnocchi:client and *01*' state.sls gnocchi.client &&
salt --hard-crash --state-output=mixed --state-verbose=False -C 'I@gnocchi:client' state.sls gnocchi.client
node_name: {{ HOSTNAME_CFG01 }}
retry: {count: 1, delay: 5}
skip_fail: false
#- description: Install gnocchi statsd (optional)
# cmd: salt --hard-crash --state-output=mixed --state-verbose=False -C 'I@gnocchi:statsd and *01*' state.sls gnocchi.statsd &&
# salt --hard-crash --state-output=mixed --state-verbose=False -C 'I@gnocchi:statsd' state.sls gnocchi.statsd
# node_name: {{ HOSTNAME_CFG01 }}
# retry: {count: 1, delay: 5}
# skip_fail: false
- description: Install panko server
cmd: salt --hard-crash --state-output=mixed --state-verbose=False -C 'I@panko:server and *01*' state.sls panko &&
salt --hard-crash --state-output=mixed --state-verbose=False -C 'I@panko:server' state.sls panko
node_name: {{ HOSTNAME_CFG01 }}
retry: {count: 1, delay: 5}
skip_fail: false
- description: Install ceilometer server on first node
cmd: salt --hard-crash --state-output=mixed --state-verbose=False -C 'I@ceilometer:server and *01*' state.sls ceilometer
node_name: {{ HOSTNAME_CFG01 }}
retry: {count: 2, delay: 5}
skip_fail: false
- description: Install ceilometer server on other nodes
cmd: salt --hard-crash --state-output=mixed --state-verbose=False -C 'I@ceilometer:server' state.sls ceilometer
node_name: {{ HOSTNAME_CFG01 }}
retry: {count: 2, delay: 5}
skip_fail: false
- description: Install aodh server
cmd: salt --hard-crash --state-output=mixed --state-verbose=False -C 'I@aodh:server and *01*' state.sls aodh &&
salt --hard-crash --state-output=mixed --state-verbose=False -C 'I@aodh:server' state.sls aodh
node_name: {{ HOSTNAME_CFG01 }}
retry: {count: 1, delay: 5}
skip_fail: false
# Install OpenStack dashboard and proxy services
- description: Deploy horizon dashboard
cmd: salt --hard-crash --state-output=mixed --state-verbose=False
-C 'I@horizon:server' state.sls horizon
node_name: {{ HOSTNAME_CFG01 }}
retry: {count: 1, delay: 5}
skip_fail: true
- description: Deploy nginx proxy
cmd: salt --hard-crash --state-output=mixed --state-verbose=False
-C 'I@nginx:server' state.sls nginx
node_name: {{ HOSTNAME_CFG01 }}
retry: {count: 1, delay: 5}
skip_fail: true
- description: Install manila-api on first node
cmd: |
salt -C 'I@manila:api and *01*' state.sls manila.api;
node_name: {{ HOSTNAME_CFG01 }}
retry: {count: 1, delay: 5}
skip_fail: false
- description: Install manila-api on other nodes
cmd: |
salt -C 'I@manila:api and not *01*' state.sls manila.api;
node_name: {{ HOSTNAME_CFG01 }}
retry: {count: 1, delay: 5}
skip_fail: false
- description: Install manila-scheduler
cmd: |
salt -C 'I@manila:scheduler' state.sls manila.scheduler;
node_name: {{ HOSTNAME_CFG01 }}
retry: {count: 1, delay: 5}
skip_fail: false
- description: Install manila-share
cmd: |
salt -C 'I@manila:share' state.sls manila.share;
node_name: {{ HOSTNAME_CFG01 }}
retry: {count: 1, delay: 5}
skip_fail: false
- description: Check manila-services
cmd: |
salt 'ctl01*' '. /root/keystonercv3; manila service-list'
node_name: {{ HOSTNAME_CFG01 }}
retry: {count: 3, delay: 5}
skip_fail: false
- description: Create manila type
cmd: |
salt 'cfg01*' state.sls manila.client
node_name: {{ HOSTNAME_CFG01 }}
retry: {count: 1, delay: 5}
skip_fail: false
- description: Create CIFS and NFS share and check it status
cmd: |
salt 'ctl01*' '. /root/keystonercv3; manila create CIFS 1 --share-type=default';
salt 'ctl01*' '. /root/keystonercv3; manila create NFS 1 --share-type=default';
sleep 5;
salt 'ctl01*' '. /root/keystonercv3; manila list';
node_name: {{ HOSTNAME_CFG01 }}
retry: {count: 1, delay: 5}
skip_fail: false
# Install DogTag server service
- description: Install DogTag server service
cmd: salt --hard-crash --state-output=mixed --state-verbose=False
-C 'I@dogtag:server and *01*' state.sls dogtag.server
node_name: {{ HOSTNAME_CFG01 }}
retry: {count: 1, delay: 5}
skip_fail: false
- description: Install DogTag server service
cmd: salt --hard-crash --state-output=mixed --state-verbose=False
-C 'I@dogtag:server' state.sls dogtag.server
node_name: {{ HOSTNAME_CFG01 }}
retry: {count: 1, delay: 5}
skip_fail: false
# Install Barbican server service
- description: Install Barbican server service
cmd: salt --hard-crash --state-output=mixed --state-verbose=False
-C 'I@barbican:server and *01*' state.sls barbican.server
node_name: {{ HOSTNAME_CFG01 }}
retry: {count: 1, delay: 5}
skip_fail: false
- description: Install Barbican server service
cmd: salt --hard-crash --state-output=mixed --state-verbose=False
-C 'I@barbican:server' state.sls barbican.server
node_name: {{ HOSTNAME_CFG01 }}
retry: {count: 1, delay: 5}
skip_fail: false
- description: Install Barbican client
cmd: salt --hard-crash --state-output=mixed --state-verbose=False
-C 'I@barbican:client' state.sls barbican.client
node_name: {{ HOSTNAME_CFG01 }}
retry: {count: 1, delay: 5}
skip_fail: True
# Install compute node
- description: Apply formulas for compute node
cmd: salt --hard-crash --state-output=mixed --state-verbose=False 'cmp*' state.apply
node_name: {{ HOSTNAME_CFG01 }}
retry: {count: 1, delay: 5}
skip_fail: true
- description: Re-apply(as in doc) formulas for compute node
cmd: salt --hard-crash --state-output=mixed --state-verbose=False 'cmp*' state.apply
node_name: {{ HOSTNAME_CFG01 }}
retry: {count: 1, delay: 5}
skip_fail: false
- description: Check IP on computes
cmd: salt --hard-crash --state-output=mixed --state-verbose=False 'cmp*'
'ip a'
node_name: {{ HOSTNAME_CFG01 }}
retry: {count: 10, delay: 30}
skip_fail: false
- description: sync time
cmd: salt --hard-crash --state-output=mixed --state-verbose=False '*'
'service ntp stop; ntpd -gq; service ntp start'
node_name: {{ HOSTNAME_CFG01 }}
retry: {count: 1, delay: 30}
skip_fail: false