blob: 9956bf4ec61b0a460eadcff1d46cf6b7f0a33f80 [file] [log] [blame]
- project:
name: sre
- heat-cicd-pike-dvr-sl:
disabled: false
trigger_time: H(5-30) 22 * * 1-7
- heat-cicd-queens-contrail41-sl:
disabled: false
trigger_time: H(5-30) 23 * * 1-7
- heat-cicd-queens-dvr-sl:
disabled: false
trigger_time: H(5-30) 21 * * 1-7
# ------- BM jobs -------
- deploy_bm:
disabled: false
trigger_time: H(40-59) 0 * * 1-5
- bm-cicd-pike-ovs-maas
- bm-cicd-queens-ovs-maas
- heat-bm-cicd-pike-contrail-sl
- heat-bm-cicd-queens-contrail-sl
- released-bm-pike-ovs
# --- Released envs ------
- deploy-released:
disabled: false
trigger_time: H(20-30) 1 * * 1-5
- released-heat-cicd-pike-dvr-sl
- released-heat-cicd-pike-contrail41-sl
- released-heat-cicd-queens-dvr-sl
- released-heat-cicd-queens-contrail41-sl
# ----- Release Artifacts jobs ---
- 2019.2.0-heat-cicd-pike-dvr-sl:
disabled: true
trigger_time: H(5-30) 22 * * 1-7
- 2019.2.0-heat-cicd-queens-contrail41-sl:
disabled: true
trigger_time: H(5-30) 23 * * 1-7
- 2019.2.0-heat-cicd-queens-dvr-sl:
disabled: true
trigger_time: H(5-30) 21 * * 1-7
# - show_networks_used_by_libvirt - can't moved to JJB, node parameter is not supported
- maintenance-heat-cicd-pike-dvr-sl
- download-config-drive
- swarm-deploy-cicd
- swarm-deploy-platform
# - generate-report - can't moved to JJB, a lot of parameters is not supported like Inject environment variables
# - mark-reports - can't moved to JJB, a lot of parameters is not supported like Inject environment variables
- cookied-cicd-queens-dvr-sl-heat
# - diff_params_reclass_system - can't moved to JJB, unsupported parameters
- environment-template-ci
- self-deploy-jobs
- tcp-qa-ci
- test_cleanup
# - testrail-reporter-ci - can't moved to JJB, unsupported parameters
# - testrail-reporter-gerrit-mcp-ci - can't moved to JJB, unsupported parameters