| echo "Can't find python virtal env, installing" |
| virtualenv -p python3 .venv |
| if [ -z "$(./.venv/bin/pip freeze | grep jenkins-job-builder)" ]; then |
| ./.venv/bin/pip install 'jenkins-job-builder>=' |
| CFG_FILE="${HOME}/.config/sre-jenkins-job-builder.ini" |
| if [ ! -f "$CFG_FILE" ]; then |
| Can't find configuration file $CFG_FILE |
| Please create this file from this template with your user and password |
| For security reasons do not use password from LDAP and |
| use API key generated in http://sre-ci.scc.mirantis.net/user/\$USER/configure. |
| cat config/sre-jenkins-job-builder-example.ini |
| # ./.venv/bin/jenkins-jobs --conf $CFG_FILE test ./ |
| ./.venv/bin/jenkins-jobs --conf $CFG_FILE update ./ |