blob: 288027283b16e9ad68d0d693cf98af872521f208 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import random
from devops.helpers import helpers
from devops.helpers import ssh_client
from paramiko import rsakey
from tcp_tests import logger
from tcp_tests.helpers import utils
LOG = logger.logger
class UnderlaySSHManager(object):
"""Keep the list of SSH access credentials to Underlay nodes.
This object is initialized using config.underlay.ssh.
:param config_ssh: JSONList of SSH access credentials for nodes:
node_name: node1,
address_pool: 'public-pool01',
host: ,
port: ,
keys: [],
keys_source_host: None,
login: ,
password: ,
node_name: node1,
address_pool: 'private-pool01',
keys: []
keys_source_host: None,
node_name: node2,
address_pool: 'public-pool01',
keys_source_host: node1
self.node_names(): list of node names registered in underlay.
self.remote(): SSHClient object by a node name (w/wo address pool)
or by a hostname.
config_ssh = None
config_lvm = None
def __init__(self, config_ssh):
"""Read config.underlay.ssh object
:param config_ssh: dict
if self.config_ssh is None:
self.config_ssh = []
if self.config_lvm is None:
self.config_lvm = {}
def add_config_ssh(self, config_ssh):
if config_ssh is None:
config_ssh = []
for ssh in config_ssh:
ssh_data = {
# Required keys:
'node_name': ssh['node_name'],
'host': ssh['host'],
'login': ssh['login'],
'password': ssh['password'],
# Optional keys:
'address_pool': ssh.get('address_pool', None),
'port': ssh.get('port', None),
'keys': ssh.get('keys', []),
if 'keys_source_host' in ssh:
node_name = ssh['keys_source_host']
remote = self.remote(node_name)
keys = self.__get_keys(remote)
def remove_config_ssh(self, config_ssh):
if config_ssh is None:
config_ssh = []
for ssh in config_ssh:
ssh_data = {
# Required keys:
'node_name': ssh['node_name'],
'host': ssh['host'],
'login': ssh['login'],
'password': ssh['password'],
# Optional keys:
'address_pool': ssh.get('address_pool', None),
'port': ssh.get('port', None),
'keys': ssh.get('keys', []),
def __get_keys(self, remote):
keys = []
remote.execute('cd ~')
key_string = './.ssh/id_rsa'
if remote.exists(key_string):
with as f:
return keys
def __ssh_data(self, node_name=None, host=None, address_pool=None):
ssh_data = None
if host is not None:
for ssh in self.config_ssh:
if host == ssh['host']:
ssh_data = ssh
elif node_name is not None:
for ssh in self.config_ssh:
if node_name == ssh['node_name']:
if address_pool is not None:
if address_pool == ssh['address_pool']:
ssh_data = ssh
ssh_data = ssh
if ssh_data is None:
raise Exception('Auth data for node was not found using '
'node_name="{}" , host="{}" , address_pool="{}"'
.format(node_name, host, address_pool))
return ssh_data
def node_names(self):
"""Get list of node names registered in config.underlay.ssh"""
names = [] # List is used to keep the original order of names
for ssh in self.config_ssh:
if ssh['node_name'] not in names:
return names
def enable_lvm(self, lvmconfig):
"""Method for enabling lvm oh hosts in environment
:param lvmconfig: dict with ids or device' names of lvm storage
:raises: devops.error.DevopsCalledProcessError,
devops.error.TimeoutError, AssertionError, ValueError
def get_actions(lvm_id):
return [
"systemctl enable lvm2-lvmetad.service",
"systemctl enable lvm2-lvmetad.socket",
"systemctl start lvm2-lvmetad.service",
"systemctl start lvm2-lvmetad.socket",
"pvcreate {} && pvs".format(lvm_id),
"vgcreate default {} && vgs".format(lvm_id),
"lvcreate -L 1G -T default/pool && lvs",
lvmpackages = ["lvm2", "liblvm2-dev", "thin-provisioning-tools"]
for node_name in self.node_names():
lvm = lvmconfig.get(node_name, None)
if not lvm:
if 'id' in lvm:
lvmdevice = '/dev/disk/by-id/{}'.format(lvm['id'])
elif 'device' in lvm:
lvmdevice = '/dev/{}'.format(lvm['device'])
raise ValueError("Unknown LVM device type")
if lvmdevice:
packages=lvmpackages, node_name=node_name, verbose=True)
for command in get_actions(lvmdevice):
self.sudo_check_call(command, node_name=node_name,
self.config_lvm = dict(lvmconfig)
def host_by_node_name(self, node_name, address_pool=None):
ssh_data = self.__ssh_data(node_name=node_name,
return ssh_data['host']
def remote(self, node_name=None, host=None, address_pool=None):
"""Get SSHClient by a node name or hostname.
One of the following arguments should be specified:
- host (str): IP address or hostname. If specified, 'node_name' is
- node_name (str): Name of the node stored to config.underlay.ssh
- address_pool (str): optional for node_name.
If None, use the first matched node_name.
ssh_data = self.__ssh_data(node_name=node_name, host=host,
return ssh_client.SSHClient(
port=ssh_data['port'] or 22,
def check_call(
self, cmd,
node_name=None, host=None, address_pool=None,
verbose=False, timeout=None,
expected=None, raise_on_err=True):
"""Execute command on the node_name/host and check for exit code
:type cmd: str
:type node_name: str
:type host: str
:type verbose: bool
:type timeout: int
:type error_info: str
:type expected: list
:type raise_on_err: bool
:rtype: list stdout
:raises: devops.error.DevopsCalledProcessError
remote = self.remote(node_name=node_name, host=host,
return remote.check_call(
command=cmd, verbose=verbose, timeout=timeout,
error_info=error_info, expected=expected,
def apt_install_package(self, packages=None, node_name=None, host=None,
"""Method to install packages on ubuntu nodes
:type packages: list
:type node_name: str
:type host: str
:raises: devops.error.DevopsCalledProcessError,
devops.error.TimeoutError, AssertionError, ValueError
Other params of check_call and sudo_check_call are allowed
expected = kwargs.pop('expected', None)
if not packages or not isinstance(packages, list):
raise ValueError("packages list should be provided!")
install = "apt-get install -y {}".format(" ".join(packages))
# Should wait until other 'apt' jobs are finished
pgrep_expected = [0, 1]
pgrep_command = "pgrep -a -f apt"
lambda: (self.check_call(
pgrep_command, expected=pgrep_expected, host=host,
node_name=node_name, **kwargs).exit_code == 1
), interval=30, timeout=1200,
timeout_msg="Timeout reached while waiting for apt lock"
# Install packages
self.sudo_check_call("apt-get update", node_name=node_name, host=host,
self.sudo_check_call(install, expected=expected, node_name=node_name,
host=host, **kwargs)
def sudo_check_call(
self, cmd,
node_name=None, host=None, address_pool=None,
verbose=False, timeout=None,
expected=None, raise_on_err=True):
"""Execute command with sudo on node_name/host and check for exit code
:type cmd: str
:type node_name: str
:type host: str
:type verbose: bool
:type timeout: int
:type error_info: str
:type expected: list
:type raise_on_err: bool
:rtype: list stdout
:raises: devops.error.DevopsCalledProcessError
remote = self.remote(node_name=node_name, host=host,
with remote.get_sudo(remote):
return remote.check_call(
command=cmd, verbose=verbose, timeout=timeout,
error_info=error_info, expected=expected,
def dir_upload(self, host, source, destination):
"""Upload local directory content to remote host
:param host: str, remote node name
:param source: str, local directory path
:param destination: str, local directory path
with self.remote(node_name=host) as remote:
remote.upload(source, destination)
def get_random_node(self):
"""Get random node name
:return: str, name of node
return random.choice(self.node_names())
def yaml_editor(self, file_path, node_name=None, host=None,
"""Returns an initialized YamlEditor instance for context manager
Usage (with 'underlay' fixture):
# Local YAML file
with underlay.yaml_editor('/path/to/file') as editor:
editor.content[key] = "value"
# Remote YAML file on TCP host
with underlay.yaml_editor('/path/to/file',
host=config.tcp.tcp_host) as editor:
editor.content[key] = "value"
# Local YAML file
if node_name is None and host is None:
return utils.YamlEditor(file_path=file_path)
# Remote YAML file
ssh_data = self.__ssh_data(node_name=node_name, host=host,
return utils.YamlEditor(
port=ssh_data['port'] or 22,