- job-template: | |
project-type: pipeline | |
description: '{job-description}' | |
sandbox: true | |
concurrent: true | |
disabled: false | |
dsl: |2- | |
def image_sha = null | |
def image_md5 = null | |
def image_name = null | |
def image_size = null | |
def storage_path = '/home/jenkins/images' | |
def node_name = "${{NODE_NAME}}" | |
def DOWNLOAD_FLAG = true | |
node(node_name) {{ | |
stage("Clean Workspace") {{ | |
step([$class: 'WsCleanup']) | |
}} | |
stage("Check already exist file") {{ | |
try {{ | |
def file_name = "${{IMAGE_URL}}".split('/').last() | |
sh "[ -f ${{storage_path}}/${{file_name}} ]" | |
echo "We have already downloaded the image ${{IMAGE_URL}} in ${{storage_path}}" | |
DOWNLOAD_FLAG = false | |
currentBuild.result = 'NOT_BUILT' | |
}} catch (e) {{ | |
echo "We don't have an image, need to download" | |
DOWNLOAD_FLAG = true | |
}} | |
}} | |
stage("Download image") {{ | |
if (DOWNLOAD_FLAG) {{ | |
sh "wget --progress=dot:giga ${{IMAGE_URL}}" | |
image_name = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "basename ${{IMAGE_URL}}").trim() | |
image_size = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "stat --printf='%s' ${{image_name}}").trim() | |
}} else {{ | |
echo "Skip due to DOWNLOAD_FLAG ins't true" | |
}} | |
}} | |
stage("Calculate sha") {{ | |
if (DOWNLOAD_FLAG) {{ | |
image_sha = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "sha256sum ${{image_name}} | cut -d ' ' -f 1").trim() | |
image_md5 = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "md5sum ${{image_name}} | cut -d ' ' -f 1").trim() | |
}} else {{ | |
echo "Skip due to DOWNLOAD_FLAG ins't true" | |
}} | |
}} | |
stage("Save in home") {{ | |
if (DOWNLOAD_FLAG) {{ | |
// sh "mv ${{image_name}} ${{image_name}}-${{image_md5}}" | |
// sh "mv ${{image_name}}-${{image_md5}} ${{storage_path}}/" | |
sh "mv ${{image_name}} ${{storage_path}}/" | |
}} else {{ | |
echo "Skip due to DOWNLOAD_FLAG ins't true" | |
}} | |
}} | |
stage("Create source file") {{ | |
if (DOWNLOAD_FLAG) {{ | |
sh """ | |
touch image_data.txt | |
echo IMAGE_URL=${{IMAGE_URL}} >> image_data.txt | |
echo IMAGE_SHA256=${{image_sha}} >> image_data.txt | |
echo IMAGE_MD5=${{image_md5}} >> image_data.txt | |
echo IMAGE_NAME=\$(basename ${{IMAGE_URL}}) >> image_data.txt | |
echo IMAGE_PATH=${{storage_path}}/${{image_name}} >> image_data.txt | |
echo IMAGE_DOWNLOADED=\$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S) >> image_data.txt | |
""" | |
sh """ | |
touch image_data.json | |
cat << EOM > image_data.json | |
{{ | |
"IMAGE_URL": "${{IMAGE_URL}}", | |
"IMAGE_SHA256": "${{image_sha}}", | |
"IMAGE_MD5": "${{image_md5}}", | |
"IMAGE_NAME": "\$(basename ${{IMAGE_URL}})", | |
"IMAGE_PATH": "${{storage_path}}/${{image_name}}", | |
"IMAGE_DOWNLOADED": "\$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S)" | |
}} | |
EOM | |
""" | |
}} else {{ | |
echo "Skip due to DOWNLOAD_FLAG ins't true" | |
}} | |
}} | |
stage("Save artifacts") {{ | |
if (DOWNLOAD_FLAG) {{ | |
archiveArtifacts allowEmptyArchive: false, | |
artifacts: "image_data.*" | |
}} else {{ | |
echo "Skip due to DOWNLOAD_FLAG ins't true" | |
}} | |
}} | |
}} | |
name: download-config-drive | |
build-discarder: | |
days-to-keep: 365 | |
artifact-days-to-keep: 60 | |
parameters: | |
- string: | |
default: '' | |
description: '' | |
name: IMAGE_URL | |
- string: | |
default: offline-deploy | |
description: '' | |
name: NODE_NAME | |