| {% from 'physical-mcp-ocata-offline-ovs/underlay.yaml' import HOSTNAME_CFG01 with context %} |
| # {% from 'physical-mcp-ocata-offline-ovs/underlay.yaml' import LAB_CONFIG_NAME with context %} |
| # {% from 'physical-mcp-ocata-offline-ovs/underlay.yaml' import DOMAIN_NAME with context %} |
| # Environment model name stored in https://github.com/Mirantis/tcp-qa/tree/master/tcp_tests/environments |
| # {% set ENVIRONMENT_MODEL_NAME = os_env('ENVIRONMENT_MODEL_NAME','physical-mcp-ocata-offline-ovs') %} |
| # {% import 'shared-salt.yaml' as SHARED with context %} |
| - description: Wait while a salt-minion is started |
| cmd: timeout 90s bash -c 'while ! systemctl is-active salt-minion; do sleep 10; echo salt-minion isnt run; done' |
| node_name: {{ HOSTNAME_CFG01 }} |
| retry: {count: 1, delay: 5} |
| - description: Refresh pillars on master node |
| cmd: sleep 90; salt-call --hard-crash --state-output=mixed --state-verbose=False saltutil.refresh_pillar |
| node_name: {{ HOSTNAME_CFG01 }} |
| retry: {count: 1, delay: 5} |
| - description: Sync all salt resources on master node |
| cmd: salt-call --hard-crash --state-output=mixed --state-verbose=False saltutil.sync_all && sleep 5 |
| node_name: {{ HOSTNAME_CFG01 }} |
| retry: {count: 1, delay: 5} |