blob: 7d2ce538eb636cfb3481b3310519c6881308f7df [file] [log] [blame]
* Deploy the product cluster using Jenkins master on CICD cluster
* Expected parameters:
* ENV_NAME Fuel-devops environment name
* MCP_VERSION MCP version, like 2018.4 or proposed
* PASSED_STEPS Steps passed to install components using Jenkins on CICD cluster: "salt,core,cicd,openstack:3200,stacklight:2400",
where 3200 and 2400 might be timeouts (not used in the testing pipeline)
* PARENT_NODE_NAME Name of the jenkins slave to create the environment
* PARENT_WORKSPACE Path to the workspace of the parent job to use tcp-qa repo
* TCP_QA_REFS Reference to the tcp-qa change on, like refs/changes/46/418546/41
def common = new
def shared = new com.mirantis.system_qa.SharedPipeline()
def stacks = shared.get_steps_list(PASSED_STEPS)
if (! env.PARENT_NODE_NAME) {
error "'PARENT_NODE_NAME' must be set from the parent deployment job!"
currentBuild.description = "${PARENT_NODE_NAME}:${ENV_NAME}"
node ("${PARENT_NODE_NAME}") {
if (! fileExists("${PARENT_WORKSPACE}")) {
error "'PARENT_WORKSPACE' contains path to non-existing directory ${PARENT_WORKSPACE} on the node '${PARENT_NODE_NAME}'."
try {
def report_name = ''
def testSuiteName = ''
def methodname = ''
def testrail_name_template = ''
def reporter_extra_options = []
//stage("Archive all xml reports") {
// archiveArtifacts artifacts: "${PARENT_WORKSPACE}/*.xml"
stage("Deployment report") {
report_name = "deployment_${ENV_NAME}.xml"
testSuiteName = "[MCP] Integration automation"
methodname = '{methodname}'
testrail_name_template = '{title}'
reporter_extra_options = [
"--testrail-case-custom-fields {\\\"custom_qa_team\\\":\\\"9\\\"}",
"--testrail-case-section-name \'All\'",
shared.upload_results_to_testrail(report_name, testSuiteName, methodname, testrail_name_template, reporter_extra_options)
stage("tcp-qa cases report") {
report_name = "nosetests.xml"
testSuiteName = "[MCP_X] integration cases"
methodname = "{methodname}"
testrail_name_template = "{title}"
shared.upload_results_to_testrail(report_name, testSuiteName, methodname, testrail_name_template)
if ('openstack' in stacks) {
stage("Tempest report") {
report_name = "report_*.xml"
testSuiteName = "[MCP1.1_PIKE]Tempest"
methodname = "{classname}.{methodname}"
testrail_name_template = "{title}"
shared.upload_results_to_testrail(report_name, testSuiteName, methodname, testrail_name_template)
if ('k8s' in stacks) {
stage("Tempest report") {
println "TBD"
// K8s conformance report
if ('stacklight' in stacks) {
stage("stacklight-pytest report") {
report_name = "report.xml"
testSuiteName = "LMA2.0_Automated"
methodname = "{methodname}"
testrail_name_template = "{title}"
shared.upload_results_to_testrail(report_name, testSuiteName, methodname, testrail_name_template)
} catch (e) {
common.printMsg("Job is failed: " + e.message, "red")
throw e
} finally {
// reporting is failed for some reason