| parameters: |
| reclass: |
| storage: |
| node: |
| {%- for inventory_node_name, node in cookiecutter.nodes.items() %} |
| {{ node['reclass_storage_name'] }}: |
| params: |
| {%- if 'vcp' in node['roles'] %} |
| linux_network_interfaces: |
| ens3: ${_param:linux_single_interface} |
| {%- else %} |
| # Use interfaces configuration from the context file, |
| # or generate your own 'linux.network.interface' object using |
| # additional inventory. |
| # For example, you can take the 'inventory_node_name' and find it's config |
| # in an additional dict inventory[inventory_node_name] loaded from custom_inventory.yaml, |
| # or skip the original context from 'cookiecutter' object and iterate only custom inventory. |
| linux_network_interfaces: {{ node['parameters']['linux']['network']['interface'] }} |
| {%- endif %} |
| classes: |
| - environment.{{ cookiecutter.cluster_name }}.networking |
| {%- endfor %} |