blob: 92ab0c06ef045b3767e16e1418e3892a9395c633 [file] [log] [blame]
import csv
import datetime
import logging
import os
import time
from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader
import pandas as pd
import utils
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def get_tests_configuration_data():
Gets the values from the config file and generates the dictionary with the
human-readable configuration.
config = utils.get_configuration()
glance_test_file_size = config.get("IMAGE_SIZE_MB", 9000)
image = config.get('image_name', 'cvp.ubuntu.2004')
ext_net = config.get('external_network') or ''
utility_single_thread = "iperf3" # not configurable, just for info
utility_multiple_threads = str(
config.get('multiple_threads_iperf_utility', 10))
iperf_time = int(config.get('iperf_time', 60))
tests_data = {
"File size in the Glance test": "{} MB".format(glance_test_file_size),
"Image used in the vm2vm tests": image,
"Floating network used": ext_net,
"Network performance tool used for "
"single thread tests": utility_single_thread,
"Network performance tool used for "
"multiple threads tests": utility_multiple_threads,
"iperf time in seconds "
"to transmit for each test (iperf -t)": iperf_time
return tests_data
def create_test_result_table_csv_file(text_table_rows, test_name):
Gets the text-table and saves to the separate CSV file.
dir_path = 'reports'
if not os.path.exists(dir_path):
csv_name = "{}.csv".format(test_name)
csv_report_path = "{}/{}".format(dir_path, csv_name)
with open(csv_report_path, 'w', newline='') as csvfile:
writer = csv.writer(csvfile)
def read_csv_files_to_dataframes(csv_files_list):
The pandas module reads the list of the CSV files and saves them to the
dataframe objects. Returns the dictionary with DFs, title and time for
each result table.
df_tables = []
for csv_file in csv_files_list:
# Read the CSVs to the DataFrames
df = pd.read_csv(csv_file)
# Get the file age (to prevent the cases when there are some old CSV
# files, the tests are executed later, got the error, but the test
# report is generated from the old files).
# Also, if the tests are executed one by one in different time, all
# results are collected with the proper age of each file.
executed_at = os.path.getctime(csv_file)
'df': df, # the results table of a test case
'title': csv_file[8:-4], # remove "reports/", ".csv" to get names
'executed_at': time.ctime(executed_at) # time of test execution
return df_tables
def convert_csvs_to_single_html_report():
Generates the single HTML report from the CSV files at reports/ dir.
Uses the template and CSS styles from the templates/.
dir_path = 'reports/'
if not os.path.exists(dir_path):
logger.warning("Could not generate the HTML report since there is no "
"{} folder.".format(dir_path))
datetime_now =
timestamp = datetime_now.strftime("%d%m%Y_%H%M%S")
report_file = "spt_report_{}.html".format(timestamp)
csv_files = ["{}{}".format(dir_path, f)
for f in sorted(os.listdir(path=dir_path))
if f.endswith('.csv')]
if not csv_files:
logger.warning("Could not generate the HTML report since the CSV files"
" are absent in the {} folder.".format(dir_path))
env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader('.'))
template = env.get_template('templates/template.j2')
tests_config_data = get_tests_configuration_data()
human_timestamp = datetime_now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
df_tables = read_csv_files_to_dataframes(csv_files)
html = template.render(
with open(report_file, 'w') as f:
f.write(html)"The HTML report {} is created.".format(report_file))