blob: fc32d0dae8a8422494f6ca939b99b21efc35e0c3 [file] [log] [blame]
from typing import List
#---------------------------- FIO HIST LOG PARSE CODE -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Copy-paste from fio/tools/hist/
# Because that's impossible to understand or improve,
# you can only copy such a pearl.
def _plat_idx_to_val(idx: int , edge: float = 0.5, FIO_IO_U_PLAT_BITS: int = 6, FIO_IO_U_PLAT_VAL: int = 64) -> float:
""" Taken from fio's stat.c for calculating the latency value of a bin
from that bin's index.
idx : the value of the index into the histogram bins
edge : fractional value in the range [0,1]** indicating how far into
the bin we wish to compute the latency value of.
** edge = 0.0 and 1.0 computes the lower and upper latency bounds
respectively of the given bin index. """
# MSB <= (FIO_IO_U_PLAT_BITS-1), cannot be rounded off. Use
# all bits of the sample as index
if (idx < (FIO_IO_U_PLAT_VAL << 1)):
return idx
# Find the group and compute the minimum value of that group
error_bits = (idx >> FIO_IO_U_PLAT_BITS) - 1
base = 1 << (error_bits + FIO_IO_U_PLAT_BITS)
# Find its bucket number of the group
k = idx % FIO_IO_U_PLAT_VAL
# Return the mean (if edge=0.5) of the range of the bucket
return base + ((k + edge) * (1 << error_bits))
def plat_idx_to_val_coarse(idx: int, coarseness: int, edge: float = 0.5) -> float:
""" Converts the given *coarse* index into a non-coarse index as used by fio
in stat.h:plat_idx_to_val(), subsequently computing the appropriate
latency value for that bin.
# Multiply the index by the power of 2 coarseness to get the bin
# bin index with a max of 1536 bins (FIO_IO_U_PLAT_GROUP_NR = 24 in stat.h)
stride = 1 << coarseness
idx = idx * stride
lower = _plat_idx_to_val(idx, edge=0.0)
upper = _plat_idx_to_val(idx + stride, edge=1.0)
return lower + (upper - lower) * edge
def get_lat_vals(columns: int, coarseness: int = 0) -> List[float]:
# convert ns to ms
if columns == 1216:
coef = 1
elif columns == 1856:
coef = 1000
return [plat_idx_to_val_coarse(val, coarseness) / coef for val in range(columns)]