blob: 0f55e91214acfc702f4901e21f028e957dc2ef7c [file] [log] [blame]
import abc
import copy
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Optional, Iterator, Union, Dict, Tuple, NamedTuple, Any, cast
from ...utils import ssize2b, b2ssize
from ..job import JobConfig, JobParams
Var = NamedTuple('Var', [('name', str)])
def is_fio_opt_true(vl: Union[str, int]) -> bool:
return str(vl).lower() in ['1', 'true', 't', 'yes', 'y']
class FioJobParams(JobParams):
"""Class contains all parameters, which significantly affects fio results.
oper - operation type - read/write/randread/...
sync_mode - direct/sync/async/direct+sync
bsize - block size in KiB
qd - IO queue depth,
thcount - thread count,
write_perc - write perc for mixed(read+write) loads
Like block size or operation type, but not file name or file size.
Can be used as key in dictionary.
sync2long = {'x': "sync direct",
's': "sync",
'd': "direct",
'a': "buffered"}
def sync_mode_long(self) -> str:
return self.sync2long[self['sync_mode']]
def summary(self) -> str:
"""Test short summary, used mostly for file names and short image description"""
res = "{0[oper]}{0[sync_mode]}{0[bsize]}".format(self)
if self['qd'] is not None:
res += "_qd" + str(self['qd'])
if self['thcount'] not in (1, None):
res += "th" + str(self['thcount'])
if self['write_perc'] is not None:
res += "wr" + str(self['write_perc'])
return res
def long_summary(self) -> str:
"""Readable long summary for management and deployment engineers"""
res = "{0[sync_mode_long]} {0[oper]} {1}".format(self, b2ssize(self['bsize'] * 1024))
if self['qd'] is not None:
res += " QD = " + str(self['qd'])
if self['thcount'] not in (1, None):
res += " threads={0[thcount]}".format(self)
if self['write_perc'] is not None:
res += " write_perc={0[write_perc]}%".format(self)
return res
class FioJobConfig(JobConfig):
"""Fio job configuration"""
ds2mode = {(True, True): 'x',
(True, False): 's',
(False, True): 'd',
(False, False): 'a'}
op_type2short = {"randread": "rr",
"randwrite": "rw",
"read": "sr",
"write": "sw",
"randrw": "rx"}
def __init__(self, name: str, idx: int) -> None:
JobConfig.__init__(self, idx) = name
self._sync_mode = None # type: Optional[str]
self._params = None # type: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]
# ------------- BASIC PROPERTIES -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def write_perc(self) -> Optional[int]:
return int(self.vals["rwmixwrite"])
except (KeyError, TypeError):
return 100 - int(self.vals["rwmixread"])
except (KeyError, TypeError):
return None
def qd(self) -> int:
return int(self.vals['iodepth'])
def bsize(self) -> int:
bsize = ssize2b(self.vals['blocksize'])
assert bsize % 1024 == 0
return bsize // 1024
def oper(self) -> str:
return self.vals['rw']
def op_type_short(self) -> str:
return self.op_type2short[self.vals['rw']]
def thcount(self) -> int:
return int(self.vals.get('numjobs', 1))
def sync_mode(self) -> str:
if self._sync_mode is None:
direct = is_fio_opt_true(self.vals.get('direct', '0')) or \
not is_fio_opt_true(self.vals.get('buffered', '0'))
sync = is_fio_opt_true(self.vals.get('sync', '0'))
self._sync_mode = self.ds2mode[(sync, direct)]
return cast(str, self._sync_mode)
# ----------- COMPLEX PROPERTIES -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def params(self) -> JobParams:
if self._params is None:
self._params = dict(oper=self.oper,
return cast(JobParams, FioJobParams(**cast(Dict[str, Any], self._params)))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __eq__(self, o: object) -> bool:
if not isinstance(o, FioJobConfig):
return False
return self.vals == cast(FioJobConfig, o).vals
def copy(self) -> 'FioJobConfig':
return copy.deepcopy(self)
def required_vars(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, Var]]:
for name, val in self.vals.items():
if isinstance(val, Var):
yield name, val
def is_free(self) -> bool:
return len(list(self.required_vars())) == 0
def __str__(self) -> str:
res = "[{0}]\n".format(self.params.summary)
for name, val in self.vals.items():
if name.startswith('_') or name == name.upper():
if isinstance(val, Var):
res += "{0}={{{1}}}\n".format(name,
res += "{0}={1}\n".format(name, val)
return res
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return str(self)
def raw(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
res = super().raw()
res['vals'] = list(map(list, self.vals.items()))
return res
def fromraw(cls, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> 'FioJobConfig':
data['vals'] = OrderedDict(data['vals'])
return cast(FioJobConfig, super().fromraw(data))