continue refactoring for report
diff --git a/scripts/Dockerfile b/scripts/Dockerfile
index 25ee360..e74d736 100644
--- a/scripts/Dockerfile
+++ b/scripts/Dockerfile
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 FROM ubuntu:14.04
-MAINTAINER Petr Lomakin <>
+MAINTAINER Kostiantyn Danylov <>
 RUN apt-get update
@@ -13,6 +13,6 @@
 RUN git clone \
-RUN cd /opt/disk_perf_tool; bash --full
+RUN cd /opt/disk_perf_tool; bash scripts/ --full
 RUN ["/bin/bash"]
diff --git a/ b/
index e6b2116..a85e5de 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
     * With current code impossible to do vm count scan test
 * TODO next
+    * Add settings to keep raw log files on disk (not fio output)
     * Job description should have tuple of parameters, characterized load and abbreviated/readable description
     * TS should have units, UI modules should use function to calculate coefficient for show values
     * Get done iops amount from fio?
diff --git a/wally/ b/wally/
index a4805c3..9464b57 100644
--- a/wally/
+++ b/wally/
@@ -25,12 +25,19 @@
 class Storable(IStorable):
     """Default implementation"""
+    __ignore_fields__ = []
     def raw(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
-        return {name: val for name, val in self.__dict__.items() if not name.startswith("_")}
+        return {name: val
+                for name, val in self.__dict__.items()
+                if not name.startswith("_") and name not in self.__ignore_fields__}
     def fromraw(cls, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> 'IStorable':
         obj = cls.__new__(cls)
+        if cls.__ignore_fields__:
+            data = data.copy()
+            data.update(dict.fromkeys(cls.__ignore_fields__))
         return obj
diff --git a/wally/ b/wally/
index 1a148ed..62e74f0 100644
--- a/wally/
+++ b/wally/
@@ -8,35 +8,13 @@
 from scipy.stats.mstats_basic import NormaltestResult
+from .suits.job import JobConfig
 from .node_interfaces import IRPCNode
-from .common_types import IStorable, Storable
+from .common_types import Storable, IStorable
 from .utils import round_digits, Number
-class TestJobConfig(Storable, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
-    def __init__(self, idx: int) -> None:
-        self.idx = idx
-        self.reliable_info_time_range = None  # type: Tuple[int, int]
-        self.vals = OrderedDict()  # type: Dict[str, Any]
-    @property
-    def storage_id(self) -> str:
-        return "{}_{}".format(self.summary, self.idx)
-    @abc.abstractproperty
-    def characterized_tuple(self) -> Tuple:
-        pass
-    @abc.abstractproperty
-    def summary(self, *excluded_fields) -> str:
-        pass
-    @abc.abstractproperty
-    def long_summary(self, *excluded_fields) -> str:
-        pass
-class TestSuiteConfig(IStorable):
+class SuiteConfig(Storable):
     Test suite input configuration.
@@ -46,6 +24,8 @@
     nodes - nodes to run tests on
     remote_dir - directory on nodes to be used for local files
+    __ignore_fields__ = ['nodes', 'run_uuid', 'remote_dir']
     def __init__(self,
                  test_type: str,
                  params: Dict[str, Any],
@@ -65,29 +45,12 @@
         if type(o) is not self.__class__:
             return False
-        other = cast(TestSuiteConfig, o)
+        other = cast(SuiteConfig, o)
         return (self.test_type == other.test_type and
                 self.params == other.params and
                 set(self.nodes_ids) == set(other.nodes_ids))
-    def raw(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
-        res = self.__dict__.copy()
-        del res['nodes']
-        del res['run_uuid']
-        del res['remote_dir']
-        return res
-    @classmethod
-    def fromraw(cls, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> 'IStorable':
-        obj = cls.__new__(cls)
-        data = data.copy()
-        data['nodes'] = None
-        data['run_uuid'] = None
-        data['remote_dir'] = None
-        obj.__dict__.update(data)
-        return obj
 class DataSource:
     def __init__(self,
@@ -124,12 +87,20 @@
                  raw: Optional[bytes],
                  data: numpy.array,
                  times: numpy.array,
+                 units: str,
+                 time_units: str = 'us',
                  second_axis_size: int = 1,
                  source: DataSource = None) -> None:
         # Sensor name. Typically DEV_NAME.METRIC = name
+        # units for data
+        self.units = units
+        # units for time
+        self.time_units = time_units
         # Time series times and values. Time in ms from Unix epoch.
         self.times = times = data
@@ -158,8 +129,11 @@
 JobMetrics = Dict[Tuple[str, str, str], TimeSeries]
-class StatProps(IStorable):
+class StatProps(Storable):
     "Statistic properties for timeseries with unknown data distribution"
+    __ignore_fields__ = ['data']
     def __init__(self, data: numpy.array) -> None:
         self.perc_99 = None  # type: float
         self.perc_95 = None  # type: float
@@ -185,20 +159,16 @@
         return str(self)
     def raw(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
-        data = self.__dict__.copy()
-        del data['data']
-        data['bins_mids'] = list(self.bins_mids)
-        data['bins_populations'] = list(self.bins_populations)
+        data = super().raw()
+        data['bins_mids'] = list(data['bins_mids'])
+        data['bins_populations'] = list(data['bins_populations'])
         return data
     def fromraw(cls, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> 'StatProps':
         data['bins_mids'] = numpy.array(data['bins_mids'])
         data['bins_populations'] = numpy.array(data['bins_populations'])
-        data['data'] = None
-        res = cls.__new__(cls)
-        res.__dict__.update(data)
-        return res
+        return cast(StatProps, super().fromraw(data))
 class HistoStatProps(StatProps):
@@ -236,29 +206,24 @@
         return "\n".join(res)
     def raw(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
-        data = self.__dict__.copy()
+        data = super().raw()
         data['normtest'] = (data['nortest'].statistic, data['nortest'].pvalue)
-        del data['data']
-        data['bins_mids'] = list(self.bins_mids)
-        data['bins_populations'] = list(self.bins_populations)
         return data
     def fromraw(cls, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> 'NormStatProps':
         data['normtest'] = NormaltestResult(*data['normtest'])
-        obj = StatProps.fromraw(data)
-        obj.__class__ = cls
-        return cast('NormStatProps', obj)
+        return cast(NormStatProps, super().fromraw(data))
 JobStatMetrics = Dict[Tuple[str, str, str], StatProps]
-class TestJobResult:
+class JobResult:
     """Contains done test job information"""
     def __init__(self,
-                 info: TestJobConfig,
+                 info: JobConfig,
                  begin_time: int,
                  end_time: int,
                  raw: JobMetrics) -> None:
@@ -275,11 +240,11 @@
-    def put_or_check_suite(self, suite: TestSuiteConfig) -> None:
+    def put_or_check_suite(self, suite: SuiteConfig) -> None:
-    def put_job(self, suite: TestSuiteConfig, job: TestJobConfig) -> None:
+    def put_job(self, suite: SuiteConfig, job: JobConfig) -> None:
@@ -299,15 +264,15 @@
-    def iter_suite(self, suite_type: str = None) -> Iterator[TestSuiteConfig]:
+    def iter_suite(self, suite_type: str = None) -> Iterator[SuiteConfig]:
-    def iter_job(self, suite: TestSuiteConfig) -> Iterator[TestJobConfig]:
+    def iter_job(self, suite: SuiteConfig) -> Iterator[JobConfig]:
-    def iter_ts(self, suite: TestSuiteConfig, job: TestJobConfig) -> Iterator[TimeSeries]:
+    def iter_ts(self, suite: SuiteConfig, job: JobConfig) -> Iterator[TimeSeries]:
     # return path to file to be inserted into report
diff --git a/wally/suits/io/ b/wally/suits/io/
index 33e8343..bf2e6b3 100644
--- a/wally/suits/io/
+++ b/wally/suits/io/
@@ -9,7 +9,8 @@
 from ...node_interfaces import IRPCNode
 from ...node_utils import get_os
 from ..itest import ThreadedTest
-from ...result_classes import TimeSeries, DataSource, TestJobConfig
+from ...result_classes import TimeSeries, DataSource
+from ..job import JobConfig
 from .fio_task_parser import execution_time, fio_cfg_compile, FioJobConfig, FioParams, get_log_files
 from . import rpc_plugin
 from .fio_hist import expected_lat_bins
@@ -140,14 +141,14 @@
             node.copy_file(fio_path, bz_dest, compress=False)
   "bzip2 --decompress {} ; chmod a+x {}".format(bz_dest, self.join_remote("fio")))
-    def get_expected_runtime(self, job_config: TestJobConfig) -> int:
+    def get_expected_runtime(self, job_config: JobConfig) -> int:
         return execution_time(cast(FioJobConfig, job_config))
-    def prepare_iteration(self, node: IRPCNode, job: TestJobConfig) -> None:
+    def prepare_iteration(self, node: IRPCNode, job: JobConfig) -> None:
         node.put_to_file(self.remote_task_file, str(job).encode("utf8"))
     # TODO: get a link to substorage as a parameter
-    def run_iteration(self, node: IRPCNode, job: TestJobConfig) -> List[TimeSeries]:
+    def run_iteration(self, node: IRPCNode, job: JobConfig) -> List[TimeSeries]:
         exec_time = execution_time(cast(FioJobConfig, job))
diff --git a/wally/suits/io/ b/wally/suits/io/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f55e91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wally/suits/io/
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+import abc
+import copy
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from typing import Optional, Iterator, Union, Dict, Tuple, NamedTuple, Any, cast
+from ...utils import ssize2b, b2ssize
+from ..job import JobConfig, JobParams
+Var = NamedTuple('Var', [('name', str)])
+def is_fio_opt_true(vl: Union[str, int]) -> bool:
+    return str(vl).lower() in ['1', 'true', 't', 'yes', 'y']
+class FioJobParams(JobParams):
+    """Class contains all parameters, which significantly affects fio results.
+        oper - operation type - read/write/randread/...
+        sync_mode - direct/sync/async/direct+sync
+        bsize - block size in KiB
+        qd - IO queue depth,
+        thcount - thread count,
+        write_perc - write perc for mixed(read+write) loads
+    Like block size or operation type, but not file name or file size.
+    Can be used as key in dictionary.
+    """
+    sync2long = {'x': "sync direct",
+                 's': "sync",
+                 'd': "direct",
+                 'a': "buffered"}
+    @property
+    def sync_mode_long(self) -> str:
+        return self.sync2long[self['sync_mode']]
+    @property
+    def summary(self) -> str:
+        """Test short summary, used mostly for file names and short image description"""
+        res = "{0[oper]}{0[sync_mode]}{0[bsize]}".format(self)
+        if self['qd'] is not None:
+            res += "_qd" + str(self['qd'])
+        if self['thcount'] not in (1, None):
+            res += "th" + str(self['thcount'])
+        if self['write_perc'] is not None:
+            res += "wr" + str(self['write_perc'])
+        return res
+    @property
+    def long_summary(self) -> str:
+        """Readable long summary for management and deployment engineers"""
+        res = "{0[sync_mode_long]} {0[oper]} {1}".format(self, b2ssize(self['bsize'] * 1024))
+        if self['qd'] is not None:
+            res += " QD = " + str(self['qd'])
+        if self['thcount'] not in (1, None):
+            res += " threads={0[thcount]}".format(self)
+        if self['write_perc'] is not None:
+            res += " write_perc={0[write_perc]}%".format(self)
+        return res
+class FioJobConfig(JobConfig):
+    """Fio job configuration"""
+    ds2mode = {(True, True): 'x',
+               (True, False): 's',
+               (False, True): 'd',
+               (False, False): 'a'}
+    op_type2short = {"randread": "rr",
+                     "randwrite": "rw",
+                     "read": "sr",
+                     "write": "sw",
+                     "randrw": "rx"}
+    def __init__(self, name: str, idx: int) -> None:
+        JobConfig.__init__(self, idx)
+ = name
+        self._sync_mode = None  # type: Optional[str]
+        self._params = None  # type: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]
+    # ------------- BASIC PROPERTIES -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    @property
+    def write_perc(self) -> Optional[int]:
+        try:
+            return int(self.vals["rwmixwrite"])
+        except (KeyError, TypeError):
+            try:
+                return 100 - int(self.vals["rwmixread"])
+            except (KeyError, TypeError):
+                return None
+    @property
+    def qd(self) -> int:
+        return int(self.vals['iodepth'])
+    @property
+    def bsize(self) -> int:
+        bsize = ssize2b(self.vals['blocksize'])
+        assert bsize % 1024 == 0
+        return bsize // 1024
+    @property
+    def oper(self) -> str:
+        return self.vals['rw']
+    @property
+    def op_type_short(self) -> str:
+        return self.op_type2short[self.vals['rw']]
+    @property
+    def thcount(self) -> int:
+        return int(self.vals.get('numjobs', 1))
+    @property
+    def sync_mode(self) -> str:
+        if self._sync_mode is None:
+            direct = is_fio_opt_true(self.vals.get('direct', '0')) or \
+                     not is_fio_opt_true(self.vals.get('buffered', '0'))
+            sync = is_fio_opt_true(self.vals.get('sync', '0'))
+            self._sync_mode = self.ds2mode[(sync, direct)]
+        return cast(str, self._sync_mode)
+    # ----------- COMPLEX PROPERTIES -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    @property
+    def params(self) -> JobParams:
+        if self._params is None:
+            self._params = dict(oper=self.oper,
+                                sync_mode=self.sync_mode,
+                                bsize=self.bsize,
+                                qd=self.qd,
+                                thcount=self.thcount,
+                                write_perc=self.write_perc)
+        return cast(JobParams, FioJobParams(**cast(Dict[str, Any], self._params)))
+    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    def __eq__(self, o: object) -> bool:
+        if not isinstance(o, FioJobConfig):
+            return False
+        return self.vals == cast(FioJobConfig, o).vals
+    def copy(self) -> 'FioJobConfig':
+        return copy.deepcopy(self)
+    def required_vars(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, Var]]:
+        for name, val in self.vals.items():
+            if isinstance(val, Var):
+                yield name, val
+    def is_free(self) -> bool:
+        return len(list(self.required_vars())) == 0
+    def __str__(self) -> str:
+        res = "[{0}]\n".format(self.params.summary)
+        for name, val in self.vals.items():
+            if name.startswith('_') or name == name.upper():
+                continue
+            if isinstance(val, Var):
+                res += "{0}={{{1}}}\n".format(name,
+            else:
+                res += "{0}={1}\n".format(name, val)
+        return res
+    def __repr__(self) -> str:
+        return str(self)
+    def raw(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+        res = super().raw()
+        res['vals'] = list(map(list, self.vals.items()))
+        return res
+    @classmethod
+    def fromraw(cls, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> 'FioJobConfig':
+        data['vals'] = OrderedDict(data['vals'])
+        return cast(FioJobConfig, super().fromraw(data))
diff --git a/wally/suits/io/ b/wally/suits/io/
index 03702ae..c1b4bc3 100644
--- a/wally/suits/io/
+++ b/wally/suits/io/
@@ -3,24 +3,21 @@
 import re
 import os
 import sys
-import copy
 import os.path
 import argparse
 import itertools
-from typing import Optional, Iterator, Union, Dict, Iterable, List, TypeVar, Callable, Tuple, NamedTuple, Any, cast
+from typing import Optional, Iterator, Union, Dict, Iterable, List, Tuple, NamedTuple, Any
 from collections import OrderedDict
-from ...result_classes import TestJobConfig
-from ...utils import sec_to_str, ssize2b, b2ssize, flatmap
+from ...utils import sec_to_str, ssize2b, flatmap
+from .fio_job import Var, FioJobConfig
-Var = NamedTuple('Var', [('name', str)])
 CfgLine = NamedTuple('CfgLine',
                      [('fname', str),
                       ('lineno', int),
@@ -28,203 +25,6 @@
                       ('tp', int),
                       ('name', str),
                       ('val', Any)])
-FioTestSumm = NamedTuple("FioTestSumm",
-                         [("oper", str),
-                          ("sync_mode", str),
-                          ("bsize", int),
-                          ("qd", int),
-                          ("thcount", int),
-                          ("write_perc", Optional[int])])
-def is_fio_opt_true(vl: Union[str, int]) -> bool:
-    return str(vl).lower() in ['1', 'true', 't', 'yes', 'y']
-class FioJobConfig(TestJobConfig):
-    ds2mode = {(True, True): 'x',
-               (True, False): 's',
-               (False, True): 'd',
-               (False, False): 'a'}
-    sync2long = {'x': "sync direct",
-                 's': "sync",
-                 'd': "direct",
-                 'a': "buffered"}
-    op_type2short = {"randread": "rr",
-                     "randwrite": "rw",
-                     "read": "sr",
-                     "write": "sw",
-                     "randrw": "rx"}
-    def __init__(self, name: str, idx: int) -> None:
-        TestJobConfig.__init__(self, idx)
- = name
-        self._sync_mode = None  # type: Optional[str]
-        self._ctuple = None  # type: Optional[FioTestSumm]
-        self._ctuple_no_qd = None  # type: Optional[FioTestSumm]
-    # ------------- BASIC PROPERTIES -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    @property
-    def write_perc(self) -> Optional[int]:
-        try:
-            return int(self.vals["rwmixwrite"])
-        except (KeyError, TypeError):
-            try:
-                return 100 - int(self.vals["rwmixread"])
-            except (KeyError, TypeError):
-                return None
-    @property
-    def qd(self) -> int:
-        return int(self.vals['iodepth'])
-    @property
-    def bsize(self) -> int:
-        return ssize2b(self.vals['blocksize']) // 1024
-    @property
-    def oper(self) -> str:
-        return self.vals['rw']
-    @property
-    def op_type_short(self) -> str:
-        return self.op_type2short[self.vals['rw']]
-    @property
-    def thcount(self) -> int:
-        return int(self.vals.get('numjobs', 1))
-    @property
-    def sync_mode(self) -> str:
-        if self._sync_mode is None:
-            direct = is_fio_opt_true(self.vals.get('direct', '0')) or \
-                     not is_fio_opt_true(self.vals.get('buffered', '0'))
-            sync = is_fio_opt_true(self.vals.get('sync', '0'))
-            self._sync_mode = self.ds2mode[(sync, direct)]
-        return cast(str, self._sync_mode)
-    @property
-    def sync_mode_long(self) -> str:
-        return self.sync2long[self.sync_mode]
-    # ----------- COMPLEX PROPERTIES -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    @property
-    def characterized_tuple(self) -> Tuple:
-        if self._ctuple is None:
-            self._ctuple = FioTestSumm(oper=self.oper,
-                                       sync_mode=self.sync_mode,
-                                       bsize=self.bsize,
-                                       qd=self.qd,
-                                       thcount=self.thcount,
-                                       write_perc=self.write_perc)
-        return cast(Tuple, self._ctuple)
-    @property
-    def characterized_tuple_no_qd(self) -> FioTestSumm:
-        if self._ctuple_no_qd is None:
-            self._ctuple_no_qd = FioTestSumm(oper=self.oper,
-                                             sync_mode=self.sync_mode,
-                                             bsize=self.bsize,
-                                             qd=None,
-                                             thcount=self.thcount,
-                                             write_perc=self.write_perc)
-        return cast(FioTestSumm, self._ctuple_no_qd)
-    @property
-    def long_summary(self) -> str:
-        res = "{0.sync_mode_long} {0.oper} {1} QD={0.qd}".format(self, b2ssize(self.bsize * 1024))
-        if self.thcount != 1:
-            res += " threads={}".format(self.thcount)
-        if self.write_perc is not None:
-            res += " write_perc={}%".format(self.write_perc)
-        return res
-    @property
-    def long_summary_no_qd(self) -> str:
-        res = "{0.sync_mode_long} {0.oper} {1}".format(self, b2ssize(self.bsize * 1024))
-        if self.thcount != 1:
-            res += " threads={}".format(self.thcount)
-        if self.write_perc is not None:
-            res += " write_perc={}%".format(self.write_perc)
-        return res
-    @property
-    def summary(self) -> str:
-        tpl = cast(FioTestSumm, self.characterized_tuple)
-        res = "{0.oper}{0.sync_mode}{0.bsize}_qd{0.qd}".format(tpl)
-        if tpl.thcount != 1:
-            res += "th" + str(tpl.thcount)
-        if tpl.write_perc != 1:
-            res += "wr" + str(tpl.write_perc)
-        return res
-    @property
-    def summary_no_qd(self) -> str:
-        tpl = cast(FioTestSumm, self.characterized_tuple)
-        res = "{0.oper}{0.sync_mode}{0.bsize}".format(tpl)
-        if tpl.thcount != 1:
-            res += "th" + str(tpl.thcount)
-        if tpl.write_perc != 1:
-            res += "wr" + str(tpl.write_perc)
-        return res
-    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def __eq__(self, o: object) -> bool:
-        if not isinstance(o, FioJobConfig):
-            return False
-        return self.vals == cast(FioJobConfig, o).vals
-    def copy(self) -> 'FioJobConfig':
-        return copy.deepcopy(self)
-    def required_vars(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, Var]]:
-        for name, val in self.vals.items():
-            if isinstance(val, Var):
-                yield name, val
-    def is_free(self) -> bool:
-        return len(list(self.required_vars())) == 0
-    def __str__(self) -> str:
-        res = "[{0}]\n".format(self.summary)
-        for name, val in self.vals.items():
-            if name.startswith('_') or name == name.upper():
-                continue
-            if isinstance(val, Var):
-                res += "{0}={{{1}}}\n".format(name,
-            else:
-                res += "{0}={1}\n".format(name, val)
-        return res
-    def __repr__(self) -> str:
-        return str(self)
-    def raw(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
-        res = self.__dict__.copy()
-        del res['_sync_mode']
-        res['vals'] = [[key, val] for key, val in self.vals.items()]
-        return res
-    @classmethod
-    def fromraw(cls, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> 'FioJobConfig':
-        obj = cls.__new__(cls)
-        data['vals'] = OrderedDict(data['vals'])
-        data['_sync_mode'] = None
-        obj.__dict__.update(data)
-        return obj
 class ParseError(ValueError):
diff --git a/wally/suits/ b/wally/suits/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce32e0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wally/suits/
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+import abc
+from typing import Dict, Any, Tuple
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from ..common_types import Storable
+class JobParams(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
+    """Class contains all job parameters, which significantly affects job results.
+    Like block size or operation type, but not file name or file size.
+    Can be used as key in dictionary
+    """
+    def __init__(self, **params: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
+        self.params = params
+    @abc.abstractproperty
+    def summary(self) -> str:
+        """Test short summary, used mostly for file names and short image description"""
+        pass
+    @abc.abstractproperty
+    def long_summary(self) -> str:
+        """Readable long summary for management and deployment engineers"""
+        pass
+    def __getitem__(self, name: str) -> Any:
+        return self.params[name]
+    def __setitem__(self, name: str, val: Any) -> None:
+        self.params[name] = val
+    def __hash__(self) -> int:
+        return hash(tuple(sorted(self.params.items())))
+    def __eq__(self, o: 'JobParams') -> bool:
+        return sorted(self.params.items()) == sorted(o.params.items())
+class JobConfig(Storable, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
+    """Job config class"""
+    def __init__(self, idx: int) -> None:
+        # job id, used in storage to distinct jobs with same summary
+        self.idx = idx
+        # time interval, in seconds, when test was running on all nodes
+        self.reliable_info_time_range = None  # type: Tuple[int, int]
+        # all job parameters, both from suite file and config file
+        self.vals = OrderedDict()  # type: Dict[str, Any]
+    @property
+    def storage_id(self) -> str:
+        """unique string, used as key in storage"""
+        return "{}_{}".format(self.params.summary, self.idx)
+    @abc.abstractproperty
+    def params(self) -> JobParams:
+        """Should return a copy"""
+        pass
diff --git a/wally/ b/wally/
index 78235a8..4551952 100644
--- a/wally/
+++ b/wally/
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
 import threading
 import contextlib
 import subprocess
+from fractions import Fraction
 from typing import Any, Tuple, Union, List, Iterator, Iterable, Optional, IO, cast, TypeVar, Callable
@@ -404,3 +406,35 @@
             yield res
+_coefs = {
+    'n': Fraction(1, 1000**3),
+    'u': Fraction(1, 1000**2),
+    'm': Fraction(1, 1000),
+    'K': 1000,
+    'M': 1000 ** 2,
+    'G': 1000 ** 3,
+    'Ki': 1024,
+    'Mi': 1024 ** 2,
+    'Gi': 1024 ** 3,
+def split_unit(units: str) -> Tuple[Union[Fraction, int], str]:
+    if len(units) > 2 and units[:2] in _coefs:
+        return _coefs[units[:2]], units[2:]
+    if len(units) > 1 and units[0] in _coefs:
+        return _coefs[units[0]], units[1:]
+    else:
+        return Fraction(1), units
+def unit_conversion_coef(from_unit: str, to_unit: str) -> Union[Fraction, int]:
+    f1, u1 = split_unit(from_unit)
+    f2, u2 = split_unit(to_unit)
+    assert u1 == u2, "Can't convert {!r} to {!r}".format(from_unit, to_unit)
+    if isinstance(int, f1) and isinstance(int, f2) and f1 % f2 != 0:
+        return Fraction(f1, f2)
+    return f1 // f2