blob: a257d13c723fab04c164a325b938cf272dbe3291 [file] [log] [blame]
""" Analize test results for finding bottlenecks """
import sys
import os.path
import argparse
import collections
import yaml
from wally.utils import b2ssize
class SensorsData(object):
def __init__(self, source_id, hostname, ctime, values):
self.source_id = source_id
self.hostname = hostname
self.ctime = ctime
self.values = values # [((dev, sensor), value)]
def load_results(fd):
res = []
source_id2nostname = {}
for line in fd:
line = line.strip()
if line != "":
_, data = eval(line)
ctime = data.pop('time')
source_id = data.pop('source_id')
hostname = data.pop('hostname')
data = [(k.split('.'), v) for k, v in data.items()]
sd = SensorsData(source_id, hostname, ctime, data)
res.append((ctime, sd))
source_id2nostname[source_id] = hostname
res.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
return res, source_id2nostname
critical_values = dict(
class SensorInfo(object):
def __init__(self, name, native_ext, to_bytes_coef): = name
self.native_ext = native_ext
self.to_bytes_coef = to_bytes_coef
SensorInfo('recv_bytes', 'B', 1),
SensorInfo('send_bytes', 'B', 1),
SensorInfo('sectors_written', 'Sect', 512),
SensorInfo('sectors_read', 'Sect', 512),
SINFO_MAP = dict((, sinfo) for sinfo in SINFO)
class AggregatedData(object):
def __init__(self, sensor_name):
self.sensor_name = sensor_name
# (node, device): count
self.per_device = collections.defaultdict(lambda: 0)
# node: count
self.per_node = collections.defaultdict(lambda: 0)
# role: count
self.per_role = collections.defaultdict(lambda: 0)
# (role_or_node, device_or_*): count
self.all_together = collections.defaultdict(lambda: 0)
def __str__(self):
res = "<AggregatedData({0})>\n".format(self.sensor_name)
for (role_or_node, device), val in self.all_together.items():
res += " {0}:{1} = {2}\n".format(role_or_node, device, val)
return res
def total_consumption(sensors_data, roles_map):
result = {}
for _, item in sensors_data:
for (dev, sensor), val in item.values:
ad = result[sensor]
except KeyError:
ad = result[sensor] = AggregatedData(sensor)
ad.per_device[(item.hostname, dev)] += val
for ad in result.values():
for (hostname, dev), val in ad.per_device.items():
ad.per_node[hostname] += val
for role in roles_map[hostname]:
ad.per_role[role] += val
ad.all_together[(hostname, dev)] = val
for role, val in ad.per_role.items():
ad.all_together[(role, '*')] = val
for node, val in ad.per_node.items():
ad.all_together[(node, '*')] = val
return result
def avg_load(data):
load = {}
min_time = 0xFFFFFFFFFFF
max_time = 0
for tm, item in data:
min_time = min(min_time, item.ctime)
max_time = max(max_time, item.ctime)
for name, max_val in critical_values.items():
for (dev, sensor), val in item.values:
if sensor == name and val > max_val:
load[(item.hostname, dev, sensor)] += 1
return load, max_time - min_time
def print_bottlenecks(data_iter, max_bottlenecks=15):
load, duration = avg_load(data_iter)
rev_items = ((v, k) for (k, v) in load.items())
res = sorted(rev_items, reverse=True)[:max_bottlenecks]
max_name_sz = max(len(name) for _, name in res)
frmt = "{{0:>{0}}} | {{1:>4}}".format(max_name_sz)
table = [frmt.format("Component", "% times load > 100%")]
for (v, k) in res:
table.append(frmt.format(k, int(v * 100.0 / duration + 0.5)))
return "\n".join(table)
def print_consumption(agg, roles, min_transfer=0):
rev_items = []
for (node_or_role, dev), v in agg.all_together.items():
rev_items.append((int(v), node_or_role + ':' + dev))
res = sorted(rev_items, reverse=True)
sinfo = SINFO_MAP[agg.sensor_name]
if sinfo.to_bytes_coef is not None:
res = [(v, k)
for (v, k) in res
if v * sinfo.to_bytes_coef >= min_transfer]
if len(res) == 0:
return None
res = [(b2ssize(v) + sinfo.native_ext, k) for (v, k) in res]
max_name_sz = max(len(name) for _, name in res)
max_val_sz = max(len(val) for val, _ in res)
frmt = " {{0:>{0}}} | {{1:>{1}}} ".format(max_name_sz, max_val_sz)
table = [frmt.format("Component", "Usage")]
for (v, k) in res:
table.append(frmt.format(k, v))
return "\n".join(table)
def parse_args(args):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-t', '--time_period', nargs=2,
type=int, default=None,
help="Begin and end time for tests")
parser.add_argument('-m', '--max-bottlenek', type=int,
default=15, help="Max bottlenek to show")
parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug-ver', action='store_true',
help="Full report with original data")
parser.add_argument('-u', '--user-ver', action='store_true',
help="Avg load report")
return parser.parse_args(args[1:])
def make_roles_mapping(source_id_mapping, source_id2hostname):
result = {}
for ssh_url, roles in source_id_mapping.items():
if '@' in ssh_url:
source_id = ssh_url.split('@')[1]
source_id = ssh_url.split('://')[1]
if source_id.count(':') == 2:
source_id = source_id.rsplit(":", 1)[0]
if source_id.endswith(':'):
source_id += "22"
if source_id in source_id2hostname:
result[source_id] = roles
result[source_id2hostname[source_id]] = roles
for testnode_src in (set(source_id2hostname) - set(result)):
result[testnode_src] = ['testnode']
result[source_id2hostname[testnode_src]] = ['testnode']
return result
def get_testdata_size(consumption):
max_data = 0
for sensor_name, agg in consumption.items():
if sensor_name in SINFO_MAP:
tb = SINFO_MAP[sensor_name].to_bytes_coef
if tb is not None:
max_data = max(max_data, agg.per_role.get('testnode', 0) * tb)
return max_data
def main(argv):
opts = parse_args(argv)
sensors_data_fname = os.path.join(opts.results_folder,
roles_file = os.path.join(opts.results_folder,
src2roles = yaml.load(open(roles_file))
with open(sensors_data_fname) as fd:
data, source_id2hostname = load_results(fd)
roles_map = make_roles_mapping(src2roles, source_id2hostname)
# print print_bottlenecks(data, opts.max_bottlenek)
# print print_bottlenecks(data, opts.max_bottlenek)
consumption = total_consumption(data, roles_map)
testdata_sz = get_testdata_size(consumption) // 1024
for name in ('recv_bytes', 'send_bytes',
'sectors_read', 'sectors_written'):
table = print_consumption(consumption[name], roles_map, testdata_sz)
if table is None:
print "Consumption of", name, "is negligible"
ln = max(map(len, table.split('\n')))
print '-' * ln
print '-' * ln
print table
print '-' * ln
if __name__ == "__main__":