a lot of changes
diff --git a/scripts/postprocessing/bottleneck.py b/scripts/postprocessing/bottleneck.py
index 64156cf..a257d13 100644
--- a/scripts/postprocessing/bottleneck.py
+++ b/scripts/postprocessing/bottleneck.py
@@ -1,245 +1,273 @@
""" Analize test results for finding bottlenecks """
import sys
+import os.path
import argparse
-import texttable as TT
-from collections import namedtuple
+import collections
-Record = namedtuple("Record", ['name', 'max_value'])
-MetricValue = namedtuple("MetricValue", ['value', 'time'])
-Bottleneck = namedtuple("Bottleneck", ['node', 'value', 'count'])
-sortRuleByValue = lambda x: x.value
-sortRuleByMaxValue = lambda x: x.max_value
-sortRuleByCount = lambda x: x.count
-sortRuleByTime = lambda x: x.time
-critical_values = [
- Record("io_queue", 1),
- Record("procs_blocked", 1),
- Record("mem_usage_percent", 0.8)
- ]
+import yaml
-def get_name_from_sourceid(source_id):
- """ Cut port """
- pos = source_id.rfind(":")
- return source_id[:pos]
+from wally.utils import b2ssize
-def create_table(header, rows, signs=1):
- """ Return texttable view """
- tab = TT.Texttable()
- tab.set_deco(tab.VLINES)
- tab.set_precision(signs)
- tab.add_row(header)
- tab.header = header
- for row in rows:
- tab.add_row(row)
- return tab.draw()
+class SensorsData(object):
+ def __init__(self, source_id, hostname, ctime, values):
+ self.source_id = source_id
+ self.hostname = hostname
+ self.ctime = ctime
+ self.values = values # [((dev, sensor), value)]
-def load_results(period, rfile):
- """ Read raw results from dir and return
- data from provided period"""
- results = {}
- if period is not None:
- begin_time, end_time = period
- with open(rfile, "r") as f:
- for line in f:
+def load_results(fd):
+ res = []
+ source_id2nostname = {}
- if len(line) <= 1:
- continue
- if " : " in line:
- # old format
- ttime, _, raw_data = line.partition(" : ")
- raw_data = raw_data.strip('"\n\r')
- itime = float(ttime)
- else:
- # new format without time
- raw_data = line.strip('"\n\r')
+ for line in fd:
+ line = line.strip()
+ if line != "":
+ _, data = eval(line)
+ ctime = data.pop('time')
+ source_id = data.pop('source_id')
+ hostname = data.pop('hostname')
- _, data = eval(raw_data)
- sid = get_name_from_sourceid(data.pop("source_id"))
- itime = data.pop("time")
+ data = [(k.split('.'), v) for k, v in data.items()]
- if period is None or (itime >= begin_time and itime <= end_time):
- serv_data = results.setdefault(sid, {})
- for key, value in data.items():
- # select device and metric names
- dev, _, metric = key.partition(".")
- # create dict for metric
- metric_dict = serv_data.setdefault(metric, {})
- # set value for metric on dev
- cur_val = metric_dict.setdefault(dev, [])
- cur_val.append(MetricValue(value, itime))
+ sd = SensorsData(source_id, hostname, ctime, data)
+ res.append((ctime, sd))
+ source_id2nostname[source_id] = hostname
- # sort by time
- for ms in results.values():
- for dev in ms.values():
- for d in dev.keys():
- dev[d] = sorted(dev[d], key=sortRuleByTime)
- return results
+ res.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
+ return res, source_id2nostname
-def find_time_load_percent(data, params):
- """ Find avg load of components by time
- and return sorted table """
- header = ["Component", "Avg load %"]
- name_fmt = "{0}.{1}"
- value_fmt = "{0:.1f}"
- loads = []
- for node, metrics in data.items():
- for metric, max_value in params:
- if metric in metrics:
- item = metrics[metric]
- # count time it was > max_value
- # count times it was > max_value
- for dev, vals in item.items():
- num_l = 0
- times = []
- i = 0
- while i < len(vals):
- if vals[i].value >= max_value:
- num_l += 1
- b_time = vals[i].time
- while i < len(vals) and \
- vals[i].value >= max_value:
- i += 1
- times.append(vals[i-1].time - b_time)
- i += 1
- if num_l > 0:
- avg_time = sum(times) / float(num_l)
- total_time = vals[-1].time - vals[0].time
- avg_load = (avg_time / total_time) * 100
- loads.append(Record(name_fmt.format(node, dev), avg_load))
- rows = [[name, value_fmt.format(value)]
- for name, value in sorted(loads, key=sortRuleByMaxValue, reverse=True)]
- return create_table(header, rows)
+critical_values = dict(
+ io_queue=1,
+ mem_usage_percent=0.8)
+class SensorInfo(object):
+ def __init__(self, name, native_ext, to_bytes_coef):
+ self.name = name
+ self.native_ext = native_ext
+ self.to_bytes_coef = to_bytes_coef
-def print_bottlenecks(data, params, max_bottlenecks=3):
- """ Print bottlenecks in table format,
- search in data by fields in params"""
- # all bottlenecks
- rows = []
- val_format = "{0}: {1}, {2} times it was >= {3}"
- # max_bottlenecks most slowests places
- # Record metric : [Bottleneck nodes (max 3)]
- max_values = {}
- for node, metrics in data.items():
- node_rows = []
- for metric, max_value in params:
- if metric in metrics:
- item = metrics[metric]
- # find max val for dev
- # count times it was > max_value
- for dev, vals in item.items():
- num_l = 0
- max_v = -1
- for val in vals:
- if val >= max_value:
- num_l += 1
- if max_v < val:
- max_v = val
- if num_l > 0:
- key = Record(metric, max_value)
- # add to most slowest
- btnk = max_values.setdefault(key, [])
- # just add all data at first
- btnk.append(Bottleneck(node, max_v, num_l))
- #add to common table
- c_val = val_format.format(metric, max_v,
- num_l, max_value)
- node_rows.append([dev, c_val])
- if len(node_rows) > 0:
- rows.append([node, ""])
- rows.extend(node_rows)
- tab = TT.Texttable()
- #tab.set_deco(tab.VLINES)
- header = ["Server, device", "Critical value"]
- tab.add_row(header)
- tab.header = header
- for row in rows:
- tab.add_row(row)
- most_slowest_header = [metric for metric, max_value in max_values.keys()]
- most_slowest = []
- # select most slowest
- for metric, btnks in max_values.items():
- m_data = []
- worst = sorted(btnks, key=sortRuleByValue, reverse=True)[:max_bottlenecks]
- longest = sorted(btnks, key=sortRuleByCount, reverse=True)[:max_bottlenecks]
- m_data.append("{0} worst by value: ".format(max_bottlenecks))
- for btnk in worst:
- m_data.append(val_format.format(btnk.node, btnk.value,
- btnk.count,
- metric.max_value))
- m_data.append("{0} worst by times it was bad: ".format(max_bottlenecks))
- for btnk in longest:
- m_data.append(val_format.format(btnk.node, btnk.value,
- btnk.count,
- metric.max_value))
- most_slowest.append(m_data)
+SINFO = [
+ SensorInfo('recv_bytes', 'B', 1),
+ SensorInfo('send_bytes', 'B', 1),
+ SensorInfo('sectors_written', 'Sect', 512),
+ SensorInfo('sectors_read', 'Sect', 512),
- rows2 = zip(*most_slowest)
- tab2 = TT.Texttable()
- #tab2.set_deco(tab.VLINES)
+SINFO_MAP = dict((sinfo.name, sinfo) for sinfo in SINFO)
- tab2.add_row(most_slowest_header)
- tab2.header = most_slowest_header
- for row in rows2:
- tab2.add_row(row)
- return tab.draw(), tab2.draw()
+class AggregatedData(object):
+ def __init__(self, sensor_name):
+ self.sensor_name = sensor_name
+ # (node, device): count
+ self.per_device = collections.defaultdict(lambda: 0)
+ # node: count
+ self.per_node = collections.defaultdict(lambda: 0)
+ # role: count
+ self.per_role = collections.defaultdict(lambda: 0)
+ # (role_or_node, device_or_*): count
+ self.all_together = collections.defaultdict(lambda: 0)
+ def __str__(self):
+ res = "<AggregatedData({0})>\n".format(self.sensor_name)
+ for (role_or_node, device), val in self.all_together.items():
+ res += " {0}:{1} = {2}\n".format(role_or_node, device, val)
+ return res
+def total_consumption(sensors_data, roles_map):
+ result = {}
+ for _, item in sensors_data:
+ for (dev, sensor), val in item.values:
+ try:
+ ad = result[sensor]
+ except KeyError:
+ ad = result[sensor] = AggregatedData(sensor)
+ ad.per_device[(item.hostname, dev)] += val
+ for ad in result.values():
+ for (hostname, dev), val in ad.per_device.items():
+ ad.per_node[hostname] += val
+ for role in roles_map[hostname]:
+ ad.per_role[role] += val
+ ad.all_together[(hostname, dev)] = val
+ for role, val in ad.per_role.items():
+ ad.all_together[(role, '*')] = val
+ for node, val in ad.per_node.items():
+ ad.all_together[(node, '*')] = val
+ return result
+def avg_load(data):
+ load = {}
+ min_time = 0xFFFFFFFFFFF
+ max_time = 0
+ for tm, item in data:
+ min_time = min(min_time, item.ctime)
+ max_time = max(max_time, item.ctime)
+ for name, max_val in critical_values.items():
+ for (dev, sensor), val in item.values:
+ if sensor == name and val > max_val:
+ load[(item.hostname, dev, sensor)] += 1
+ return load, max_time - min_time
+def print_bottlenecks(data_iter, max_bottlenecks=15):
+ load, duration = avg_load(data_iter)
+ rev_items = ((v, k) for (k, v) in load.items())
+ res = sorted(rev_items, reverse=True)[:max_bottlenecks]
+ max_name_sz = max(len(name) for _, name in res)
+ frmt = "{{0:>{0}}} | {{1:>4}}".format(max_name_sz)
+ table = [frmt.format("Component", "% times load > 100%")]
+ for (v, k) in res:
+ table.append(frmt.format(k, int(v * 100.0 / duration + 0.5)))
+ return "\n".join(table)
+def print_consumption(agg, roles, min_transfer=0):
+ rev_items = []
+ for (node_or_role, dev), v in agg.all_together.items():
+ rev_items.append((int(v), node_or_role + ':' + dev))
+ res = sorted(rev_items, reverse=True)
+ sinfo = SINFO_MAP[agg.sensor_name]
+ if sinfo.to_bytes_coef is not None:
+ res = [(v, k)
+ for (v, k) in res
+ if v * sinfo.to_bytes_coef >= min_transfer]
+ if len(res) == 0:
+ return None
+ res = [(b2ssize(v) + sinfo.native_ext, k) for (v, k) in res]
+ max_name_sz = max(len(name) for _, name in res)
+ max_val_sz = max(len(val) for val, _ in res)
+ frmt = " {{0:>{0}}} | {{1:>{1}}} ".format(max_name_sz, max_val_sz)
+ table = [frmt.format("Component", "Usage")]
+ for (v, k) in res:
+ table.append(frmt.format(k, v))
+ return "\n".join(table)
def parse_args(args):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-t', '--time_period', nargs=2,
- type=float, default=None,
+ type=int, default=None,
help="Begin and end time for tests")
+ parser.add_argument('-m', '--max-bottlenek', type=int,
+ default=15, help="Max bottlenek to show")
parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug-ver', action='store_true',
help="Full report with original data")
parser.add_argument('-u', '--user-ver', action='store_true',
help="Avg load report")
- parser.add_argument('sensors_result', type=str,
- default=None, nargs='?')
+ parser.add_argument('results_folder')
return parser.parse_args(args[1:])
+def make_roles_mapping(source_id_mapping, source_id2hostname):
+ result = {}
+ for ssh_url, roles in source_id_mapping.items():
+ if '@' in ssh_url:
+ source_id = ssh_url.split('@')[1]
+ else:
+ source_id = ssh_url.split('://')[1]
+ if source_id.count(':') == 2:
+ source_id = source_id.rsplit(":", 1)[0]
+ if source_id.endswith(':'):
+ source_id += "22"
+ if source_id in source_id2hostname:
+ result[source_id] = roles
+ result[source_id2hostname[source_id]] = roles
+ for testnode_src in (set(source_id2hostname) - set(result)):
+ result[testnode_src] = ['testnode']
+ result[source_id2hostname[testnode_src]] = ['testnode']
+ return result
+def get_testdata_size(consumption):
+ max_data = 0
+ for sensor_name, agg in consumption.items():
+ if sensor_name in SINFO_MAP:
+ tb = SINFO_MAP[sensor_name].to_bytes_coef
+ if tb is not None:
+ max_data = max(max_data, agg.per_role.get('testnode', 0) * tb)
+ return max_data
def main(argv):
opts = parse_args(argv)
- results = load_results(opts.time_period, opts.sensors_result)
+ sensors_data_fname = os.path.join(opts.results_folder,
+ 'sensor_storage.txt')
- if opts.debug_ver:
- tab_all, tab_max = print_bottlenecks(results, critical_values)
- print "Maximum values on provided metrics"
- print tab_max
- print "All loaded values"
- print tab_all
+ roles_file = os.path.join(opts.results_folder,
+ 'nodes.yaml')
- else:
- print find_time_load_percent(results, critical_values)
+ src2roles = yaml.load(open(roles_file))
+ with open(sensors_data_fname) as fd:
+ data, source_id2hostname = load_results(fd)
+ roles_map = make_roles_mapping(src2roles, source_id2hostname)
+ # print print_bottlenecks(data, opts.max_bottlenek)
+ # print print_bottlenecks(data, opts.max_bottlenek)
+ consumption = total_consumption(data, roles_map)
+ testdata_sz = get_testdata_size(consumption) // 1024
+ for name in ('recv_bytes', 'send_bytes',
+ 'sectors_read', 'sectors_written'):
+ table = print_consumption(consumption[name], roles_map, testdata_sz)
+ if table is None:
+ print "Consumption of", name, "is negligible"
+ else:
+ ln = max(map(len, table.split('\n')))
+ print '-' * ln
+ print name.center(ln)
+ print '-' * ln
+ print table
+ print '-' * ln
+ print
if __name__ == "__main__":