blob: 61c412437a213b64d0596dbabb8e6aebece0c50f [file] [log] [blame]
import re
import abc
import json
import os.path
import logging
from StringIO import StringIO
from ConfigParser import RawConfigParser
from tests import disk_test_agent
from ssh_utils import copy_paths
from utils import run_over_ssh, ssize_to_b
logger = logging.getLogger("io-perf-tool")
class IPerfTest(object):
def __init__(self, on_result_cb):
self.on_result_cb = on_result_cb
def pre_run(self, conn):
def run(self, conn, barrier):
class TwoScriptTest(IPerfTest):
def __init__(self, opts, on_result_cb):
super(TwoScriptTest, self).__init__(on_result_cb)
self.opts = opts
self.pre_run_script = None
self.run_script = None
self.tmp_dir = "/tmp/"
def set_run_script(self):
self.pre_run_script = self.opts.pre_run_script
def set_pre_run_script(self):
self.run_script = self.opts.run_script
def get_remote_for_script(self, script):
return os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, script.rpartition('/')[2])
def copy_script(self, conn, src):
remote_path = self.get_remote_for_script(src)
copy_paths(conn, {src: remote_path})
return remote_path
def pre_run(self, conn):
remote_script = self.copy_script(conn, self.pre_run_script)
cmd = remote_script
code, out_err = run_over_ssh(conn, cmd)
if code != 0:
raise Exception("Pre run failed. %s" % out_err)
def run(self, conn, barrier):
remote_script = self.copy_script(conn, self.run_script)
cmd_opts = ' '.join(["%s %s" % (key, val) for key, val
in self.opts.items()])
cmd = remote_script + ' ' + cmd_opts
code, out_err = run_over_ssh(conn, cmd)
self.on_result(code, out_err, cmd)
def parse_results(self, out):
for line in out.split("\n"):
key, separator, value = line.partition(":")
if key and value:
self.on_result_cb((key, float(value)))
def on_result(self, code, out_err, cmd):
if 0 == code:
except Exception as exc:
msg_templ = "Error during postprocessing results: {0!r}"
raise RuntimeError(msg_templ.format(exc.message))
templ = "Command {0!r} failed with code {1}. Error output is:\n{2}"
logger.error(templ.format(cmd, code, out_err))
class PgBenchTest(TwoScriptTest):
def set_run_script(self):
self.pre_run_script = "tests/postgres/"
def set_pre_run_script(self):
self.run_script = "tests/postgres/"
class IOPerfTest(IPerfTest):
io_py_remote = "/tmp/"
def __init__(self,
IPerfTest.__init__(self, on_result_cb)
self.options = test_options
self.config_fname = test_options['cfg']
self.config_params = test_options.get('params', {})
self.tool = test_options.get('tool', 'fio')
self.raw_cfg = open(self.config_fname).read()
parse_func = disk_test_agent.parse_fio_config_full
self.configs = parse_func(self.raw_cfg, self.config_params)
def pre_run(self, conn):
# TODO: install fio, if not installed
run_over_ssh(conn, "apt-get -y install fio")
local_fname = disk_test_agent.__file__.rsplit('.')[0] + ".py"
self.files_to_copy = {local_fname: self.io_py_remote}
copy_paths(conn, self.files_to_copy)
cmd_templ = "dd if=/dev/zero of={0} bs={1} count={2}"
for secname, params in self.configs:
sz = ssize_to_b(params['size'])
msz = msz = sz / (1024 ** 2)
if sz % (1024 ** 2) != 0:
msz += 1
cmd = cmd_templ.format(params['filename'], 1024 ** 2, msz)
code, out_err = run_over_ssh(conn, cmd)
if code != 0:
raise RuntimeError("Preparation failed " + out_err)
def run(self, conn, barrier):
cmd_templ = "env python2 {0} --type {1} --json -"
cmd = cmd_templ.format(self.io_py_remote, self.tool)
logger.debug("Run {0}".format(cmd))
code, out_err = run_over_ssh(conn, cmd, stdin_data=self.raw_cfg)
self.on_result(code, out_err, cmd)
def on_result(self, code, out_err, cmd):
if 0 == code:
start_patt = r"(?ims)=+\s+RESULTS\(format=json\)\s+=+"
end_patt = r"(?ims)=+\s+END OF RESULTS\s+=+"
for block in re.split(start_patt, out_err)[1:]:
data, garbage = re.split(end_patt, block)
except Exception as exc:
msg_templ = "Error during postprocessing results: {0!r}"
raise RuntimeError(msg_templ.format(exc.message))
templ = "Command {0!r} failed with code {1}. Output is:\n{2}"
logger.error(templ.format(cmd, code, out_err))