blob: 4e1849fc54a60cdf370125cbaf377f880fdc5019 [file] [log] [blame]
import os
import time
from discover import provides
from utils import SensorInfo, get_pid_name, get_pid_list
def pscpu_stat(disallowed_prefixes=None, allowed_prefixes=None):
results = {}
pid_stat0 = {}
sys_stat0 = {}
pid_list = get_pid_list(disallowed_prefixes, allowed_prefixes)
for pid in pid_list:
pid_stat0[pid] = pid_stat(pid)
sys_stat0[pid] = sys_stat()
except IOError:
# may be, proc has already terminated
for pid in pid_list:
dev_name = get_pid_name(pid)
pid_stat1 = pid_stat(pid)
sys_stat1 = sys_stat()
cpu = (pid_stat1 - pid_stat0[pid]) / (sys_stat1 - sys_stat0[pid])
sensor_name = "{0}.{1}".format(dev_name, pid)
results[sensor_name] = SensorInfo(cpu*100, False)
except IOError:
# may be, proc has already terminated
return results
def pid_stat(pid):
""" Return total cpu usage time from process"""
# read /proc/pid/stat
with open(os.path.join('/proc/', pid, 'stat'), 'r') as pidfile:
proctimes = pidfile.readline().split()
# get utime from /proc/<pid>/stat, 14 item
utime = proctimes[13]
# get stime from proc/<pid>/stat, 15 item
stime = proctimes[14]
# count total process used time
proctotal = int(utime) + int(stime)
return float(proctotal)
def sys_stat():
""" Return total system cpu usage time"""
with open('/proc/stat', 'r') as procfile:
cputimes = procfile.readline().split()[1:]
cputotal = 0
# count from /proc/stat sum
for i in cputimes:
cputotal = cputotal + int(i)
return float(cputotal)