blob: 8d4f630afb8e2d3e332d2a01ede3c06df8569b41 [file] [log] [blame]
import logging
from typing import Tuple, Iterator, List, Iterable, Dict, Union, Callable, Set
import numpy
from cephlib.numeric_types import DataSource, TimeSeries
from cephlib.storage_selectors import c_interpolate_ts_on_seconds_border
from cephlib.node import NodeInfo
from .result_classes import IWallyStorage
logger = logging.getLogger("wally")
# Separately for each test heatmaps & agg acroos whole time histos:
# * fio latency heatmap for all instances
# * data dev iops across all osd
# * data dev bw across all osd
# * date dev qd across all osd
# * journal dev iops across all osd
# * journal dev bw across all osd
# * journal dev qd across all osd
# * net dev pps across all hosts
# * net dev bps across all hosts
# Main API's
# get sensors by pattern
# allign values to seconds
# cut ranges for particular test
# transform into 2d histos (either make histos or rebin them) and clip outliers same time
def find_all_series(rstorage: IWallyStorage, suite_id: str, job_id: str, metric: str) -> Iterator[TimeSeries]:
"Iterated over selected metric for all nodes for given Suite/job"
return (rstorage.get_ts(ds) for ds in rstorage.iter_ts(suite_id=suite_id, job_id=job_id, metric=metric))
def get_aggregated(rstorage: IWallyStorage, suite_id: str, job_id: str, metric: str,
trange: Tuple[int, int]) -> TimeSeries:
"Sum selected fio metric for all nodes for given Suite/job"
key = (id(rstorage), suite_id, job_id, metric, trange)
aggregated_cache =['aggregated']
if key in aggregated_cache:
return aggregated_cache[key].copy()
tss = list(find_all_series(rstorage, suite_id, job_id, metric))
if len(tss) == 0:
raise NameError(f"Can't found any TS for {suite_id},{job_id},{metric}")
c_intp = c_interpolate_ts_on_seconds_border
tss_inp = [c_intp(, tp='fio', allow_broken_step=(metric == 'lat')) for ts in tss]
res = None
res_times = None
for ts, ts_orig in zip(tss_inp, tss):
if ts.time_units != 's':
msg = "time_units must be 's' for fio sensor"
raise ValueError(msg)
# if metric == 'lat' and (len( != 2 or[1] != expected_lat_bins):
# msg = f"Sensor {}.{ts.source.sensor} on node {ts.source.node_id} " + \
# f"has shape={}. Can only process sensors with shape=[X, {expected_lat_bins}]."
# logger.error(msg)
# raise ValueError(msg)
if metric != 'lat' and len( != 1:
msg = f"Sensor {}.{ts.source.sensor} on node {ts.source.node_id} " + \
f"has shape={}. Can only process 1D sensors."
raise ValueError(msg)
assert trange[0] >= ts.times[0] and trange[1] <= ts.times[-1], \
f"[{ts.times[0]}, {ts.times[-1]}] not in [{trange[0]}, {trange[-1]}]"
idx1, idx2 = numpy.searchsorted(ts.times, trange)
idx2 += 1
assert (idx2 - idx1) == (trange[1] - trange[0] + 1), \
"Broken time array at {} for {}".format(trange, ts.source)
dt =[idx1: idx2]
if res is None:
res = dt.copy()
res_times = ts.times[idx1: idx2].copy()
assert res.shape == dt.shape, f"res.shape(={res.shape}) != dt.shape(={dt.shape})"
res += dt
ds = DataSource(suite_id=suite_id, job_id=job_id, node_id=AGG_TAG, sensor='fio',
dev=AGG_TAG, metric=metric, tag='csv')
agg_ts = TimeSeries(res, source=ds,
aggregated_cache[key] = agg_ts
return agg_ts.copy()
def get_nodes(storage: IWallyStorage, roles: Iterable[str]) -> List[NodeInfo]:
return [node for node in storage.load_nodes() if node.roles.intersection(roles)]