| # nodes to be started/detected |
| cluster: |
| - start_vm_OS: |
| # запустить по одной vm на каждую компьюту в опенстеке |
| creds: openrc-perf1 |
| count: x1 |
| image: ubuntu-test |
| flavor: ceph-test-io |
| |
| - find_ceph_nodes |
| - find_openstack_nodes |
| - add: |
| - ssh://, iscsi |
| |
| # sensors to be installed, accordingli to role |
| sensors: |
| ceph-osd: ceph-io, ceph-cpu, ceph-ram, ceph-net |
| ceph-mon: ceph-io, ceph-cpu, ceph-ram, ceph-net |
| os-compute: io, net |
| test-vm: io, net |
| |
| # tests to run |
| tests: |
| - io: |
| tool: iozone |
| opts_file: io_opts_file.txt |
| - pgbench |
| - rados-bench: |
| sizes: 4k, 16k, 1m |
| |
| # where to store results |
| results: |
| - mos-linux- |
| |
| paths: |
| basedir: "/home/gstepanov/rally-results-processor" |
| TEST_PATH: "/home/gstepanov/rally-results-processor/test_results" |
| CHARTS_IMG_PATH: "static/images" |
| SQLALCHEMY_MIGRATE_REPO: "/home/gstepanov/rally-results-processor/db_repository" |
| DATABASE_URI: 'sqlite:////home/gstepanov/rally-results-processor/app.db?check_same_thread=False' |