blob: 8636596d2e9a1cf274cf47e58a0c180270ccb25e [file] [log] [blame]
import abc
import time
import logging
import os.path
import datetime
from typing import Dict, Any, List, Optional, Tuple, cast
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from ..utils import Barrier, StopTestError, sec_to_str
from ..node_interfaces import IRPCNode
from import Storage
from ..result_classes import RawTestResults
import agent
logger = logging.getLogger("wally")
__doc__ = "Contains base classes for performance tests"
class TestInputConfig:
this class describe test input configuration
test_type - test type name
params - parameters from yaml file for this test
test_uuid - UUID to be used to create file names & Co
log_directory - local directory to store results
nodes - nodes to run tests on
remote_dir - directory on nodes to be used for local files
def __init__(self,
test_type: str,
params: Dict[str, Any],
run_uuid: str,
nodes: List[IRPCNode],
storage: Storage,
remote_dir: str) -> None:
self.test_type = test_type
self.params = params
self.run_uuid = run_uuid
self.nodes = nodes = storage
self.remote_dir = remote_dir
class IterationConfig:
name = None # type: str
class PerfTest:
"""Base class for all tests"""
name = None # type: str
max_retry = 3
retry_time = 30
def __init__(self, config: TestInputConfig) -> None:
self.config = config
self.stop_requested = False
self.nodes = self.config.nodes # type: List[IRPCNode]
self.sorted_nodes_ids = sorted( for node in self.nodes)
def request_stop(self) -> None:
self.stop_requested = True
def join_remote(self, path: str) -> str:
return os.path.join(self.config.remote_dir, path)
def run(self, storage: Storage) -> None:
def format_for_console(self, data: Any) -> str:
RunTestRes = Tuple[RawTestResults, Tuple[int, int]]
class ThreadedTest(PerfTest, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
"""Base class for tests, which spawn separated thread for each node"""
# max allowed time difference between starts and stops of run of the same test on different test nodes
# used_max_diff = max((min_run_time * max_rel_time_diff), max_time_diff)
max_time_diff = 5
max_rel_time_diff = 0.05
def __init__(self, config: TestInputConfig) -> None:
PerfTest.__init__(self, config)
self.iterations_configs = [None] # type: List[Optional[IterationConfig]]
def get_expected_runtime(self, iter_cfg: IterationConfig) -> Optional[int]:
def get_not_done_stages(self, storage: Storage) -> Dict[int, IterationConfig]:
start_run_id = max(int(name) for _, name in storage.list('result')) + 1
not_in_storage = {} # type: Dict[int, IterationConfig]
for run_id, iteration_config in enumerate(self.iterations_configs, start_run_id):
info_path = "result/{}/info".format(run_id)
if info_path in storage:
info = cast(Dict[str, Any], storage[info_path]) # type: Dict[str, Any]
assert isinstance(info, dict), \
"Broken storage at path {}. Expect test info dict, obtain {!r}".format(info_path, info)
info = info.copy()
del info['begin_time']
del info['end_time']
iter_name = "Unnamed" if iteration_config is None else
expected_config = {
'iteration_name': iter_name,
'iteration_config': iteration_config,
'params': self.config.params,
'nodes': self.sorted_nodes_ids
assert info == expected_config, \
("Test info at path {} is not equal to expected config." +
"Maybe configuration was changed before test was restarted. " +
"Current cfg is {!r}, expected cfg is {!r}").format(info_path, info, expected_config)"Test iteration {} found in storage and will be skipped".format(iter_name))
not_in_storage[run_id] = iteration_config
return not_in_storage
def run(self, storage: Storage) -> None:
not_in_storage = self.get_not_done_stages(storage)
if not not_in_storage:"All test iteration in storage already. Skip test")
logger.debug("Run test {} on nodes {}.".format(, ",".join(self.sorted_nodes_ids)))
barrier = Barrier(len(self.nodes))
logger.debug("Run preparation")
with ThreadPoolExecutor(len(self.nodes)) as pool:
list(, self.nodes))
# +5% - is a rough estimation for additional operations
run_times = [self.get_expected_runtime(iteration_config) for iteration_config in not_in_storage.values()]
if None not in run_times:
expected_run_time = int(sum(run_times) * 1.05)
exec_time_s = sec_to_str(expected_run_time)
now_dt =
end_dt = now_dt + datetime.timedelta(0, expected_run_time)"Entire test should takes aroud: {} and finished at {:%H:%M:%S}"
.format(exec_time_s, end_dt))
for run_id, iteration_config in sorted(not_in_storage.items()):
iter_name = "Unnamed" if iteration_config is None else"Run test iteration {} ".format(iter_name))
results = [] # type: List[RunTestRes]
for idx in range(self.max_retry):
futures = [pool.submit(self.do_test, node, iteration_config) for node in self.nodes]
results = [fut.result() for fut in futures]
except EnvironmentError as exc:
if self.max_retry - 1 == idx:
raise StopTestError("Fio failed") from exc
logger.exception("During fio run")
if all(results):
break"Sleeping %ss and retrying", self.retry_time)
start_times = [] # type: List[int]
stop_times = [] # type: List[int]
mstorage = storage.sub_storage("result", str(run_id), "measurement")
for (result, (t_start, t_stop)), node in zip(results, self.config.nodes):
for metrics_name, data in result.items():
mstorage[, metrics_name] = data # type: ignore
min_start_time = min(start_times)
max_start_time = max(start_times)
min_stop_time = min(stop_times)
max_stop_time = max(stop_times)
max_allowed_time_diff = int((min_stop_time - max_start_time) * self.max_rel_time_diff)
max_allowed_time_diff = max(max_allowed_time_diff, self.max_time_diff)
if min_start_time + self.max_time_diff < max_allowed_time_diff:
logger.warning("Too large difference in {}:{} start time - {}. Max recommended difference is {}"
.format(, iter_name, max_start_time - min_start_time, self.max_time_diff))
if min_stop_time + self.max_time_diff < max_allowed_time_diff:
logger.warning("Too large difference in {}:{} stop time - {}. Max recommended difference is {}"
.format(, iter_name, max_start_time - min_start_time, self.max_time_diff))
test_config = {
'iteration_name': iter_name,
'iteration_config': iteration_config,
'params': self.config.params,
'nodes': self.sorted_nodes_ids,
'begin_time': min_start_time,
'end_time': max_stop_time
storage["result", str(run_id), "info"] = test_config # type: ignore
def config_node(self, node: IRPCNode) -> None:
def do_test(self, node: IRPCNode, iter_config: IterationConfig) -> RunTestRes:
class TwoScriptTest(ThreadedTest, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
def __init__(self, *dt, **mp) -> None:
ThreadedTest.__init__(self, *dt, **mp)
self.prerun_script = self.config.params['prerun_script']
self.run_script = self.config.params['run_script']
self.prerun_tout = self.config.params.get('prerun_tout', 3600)
self.run_tout = self.config.params.get('run_tout', 3600)
self.iterations_configs = [None]
def get_expected_runtime(self, iter_cfg: IterationConfig) -> Optional[int]:
return None
def config_node(self, node: IRPCNode) -> None:
node.copy_file(self.run_script, self.join_remote(self.run_script))
node.copy_file(self.prerun_script, self.join_remote(self.prerun_script))
cmd = self.join_remote(self.prerun_script)
cmd += ' ' + self.config.params.get('prerun_opts', ''), timeout=self.prerun_tout)
def do_test(self, node: IRPCNode, iter_config: IterationConfig) -> RunTestRes:
cmd = self.join_remote(self.run_script)
cmd += ' ' + self.config.params.get('run_opts', '')
t1 = time.time()
res = self.parse_results(, timeout=self.run_tout))
t2 = time.time()
return res, (int(t1), int(t2))
def parse_results(self, data: str) -> RawTestResults: