Move to new sensor selector, fix some bugs
diff --git a/wally/ b/wally/
index 6490329..381d9ff 100644
--- a/wally/
+++ b/wally/
@@ -1,52 +1,73 @@
 import logging
+from typing import cast, Iterator, List, Union
 import numpy
 from cephlib.common import float2str
-from cephlib import texttable
+from cephlib.texttable import Texttable
 from cephlib.statistic import calc_norm_stat_props, calc_histo_stat_props
 from .stage import Stage, StepOrder
 from .test_run_class import TestRun
+from .result_classes import SuiteConfig
 from import FioTest
+from import FioJobParams
 from import get_lat_vals
 from .data_selectors import get_aggregated
+from .result_storage import IWallyStorage
 logger = logging.getLogger("wally")
+console_report_headers = ["Description", "IOPS ~ Dev", "BW, MiBps", 'Skew/Kurt', 'lat med, ms', 'lat 95, ms']
+console_report_align = ['l', 'r', 'r', 'r', 'r', 'r']
+def get_console_report_table(suite: SuiteConfig, rstorage: IWallyStorage) -> List[Union[List[str], Texttable.HLINE]]:
+    table = []  # type: List[Union[List[str], Texttable.HLINE]]
+    prev_params = None
+    for job in sorted(rstorage.iter_job(suite), key=lambda job: job.params):
+        fparams = cast(FioJobParams, job.params)
+        fparams['qd'] = None
+        if prev_params is not None and fparams.char_tpl != prev_params:
+            table.append(Texttable.HLINE)
+        prev_params = fparams.char_tpl
+        bw_ts = get_aggregated(rstorage, suite.storage_id, job.storage_id, metric='bw',
+                               trange=job.reliable_info_range_s)
+        props = calc_norm_stat_props(bw_ts)
+        avg_iops = props.average // job.params.params['bsize']
+        iops_dev = props.deviation // job.params.params['bsize']
+        lat_ts = get_aggregated(rstorage, suite.storage_id, job.storage_id, metric='lat',
+                                trange=job.reliable_info_range_s)
+        bins_edges = numpy.array(get_lat_vals([1]), dtype='float32') / 1000  # convert us to ms
+        lat_props = calc_histo_stat_props(lat_ts, bins_edges)
+        table.append([job.params.summary,
+                      "{:>6s} ~ {:>6s}".format(float2str(avg_iops), float2str(iops_dev)),
+                      float2str(props.average / 1024),  # Ki -> Mi
+                      "{:>5.1f}/{:>5.1f}".format(props.skew, props.kurt),
+                      float2str(lat_props.perc_50), float2str(lat_props.perc_95)])
+    return table
 class ConsoleReportStage(Stage):
     priority = StepOrder.REPORT
     def run(self, ctx: TestRun) -> None:
         for suite in ctx.rstorage.iter_suite(
-            table = texttable.Texttable(max_width=200)
+            table = Texttable(max_width=200)
+            table.set_deco(Texttable.VLINES | Texttable.BORDER | Texttable.HEADER)
             tbl = ctx.rstorage.get_txt_report(suite)
             if tbl is None:
-                table.header(["Description", "IOPS ~ Dev", "BW, MiBps", 'Skew/Kurt', 'lat med, ms', 'lat 95, ms'])
-                table.set_cols_align(('l', 'r', 'r', 'r', 'r', 'r'))
-                for job in sorted(ctx.rstorage.iter_job(suite), key=lambda job: job.params):
-                    bw_ts = get_aggregated(ctx.rstorage, suite.storage_id, job.storage_id, metric='bw',
-                                           trange=job.reliable_info_range_s)
-                    props = calc_norm_stat_props(bw_ts)
-                    avg_iops = props.average // job.params.params['bsize']
-                    iops_dev = props.deviation // job.params.params['bsize']
-                    lat_ts = get_aggregated(ctx.rstorage, suite.storage_id, job.storage_id, metric='lat',
-                                            trange=job.reliable_info_range_s)
-                    bins_edges = numpy.array(get_lat_vals([1]), dtype='float32') / 1000  # convert us to ms
-                    lat_props = calc_histo_stat_props(lat_ts, bins_edges)
-                    table.add_row([job.params.summary,
-                                   "{} ~ {}".format(float2str(avg_iops), float2str(iops_dev)),
-                                   float2str(props.average / 1024),  # Ki -> Mi
-                                   "{}/{}".format(float2str(props.skew), float2str(props.kurt)),
-                                   float2str(lat_props.perc_50), float2str(lat_props.perc_95)])
+                table.header(console_report_headers)
+                table.set_cols_align(console_report_align)
+                for line in get_console_report_table(suite, ctx.rstorage):
+                    table.add_row(line)
                 tbl = table.draw()
                 ctx.rstorage.put_txt_report(suite, tbl)