blob: 504b04dd592cdd25e8837831cb2d0ad841d2bcd7 [file] [log] [blame]
# texttable - module for creating simple ASCII tables
# Copyright (C) 2003-2015 Gerome Fournier <jef(at)>
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
"""module for creating simple ASCII tables
table = Texttable()
table.set_cols_align(["l", "r", "c"])
table.set_cols_valign(["t", "m", "b"])
table.add_rows([["Name", "Age", "Nickname"],
["Mr\\nXavier\\nHuon", 32, "Xav'"],
["Mr\\nBaptiste\\nClement", 1, "Baby"],
["Mme\\nLouise\\nBourgeau", 28, "Lou\\n\\nLoue"]])
print table.draw() + "\\n"
table = Texttable()
table.set_cols_dtype(['t', # text
'f', # float (decimal)
'e', # float (exponent)
'i', # integer
'a']) # automatic
table.set_cols_align(["l", "r", "r", "r", "l"])
table.add_rows([["text", "float", "exp", "int", "auto"],
["abcd", "67", 654, 89, 128.001],
["efghijk", 67.5434, .654, 89.6, 12800000000000000000000.00023],
["lmn", 5e-78, 5e-78, 89.4, .000000000000128],
["opqrstu", .023, 5e+78, 92., 12800000000000000000000]])
print table.draw()
| Name | Age | Nickname |
| Mr | | |
| Xavier | 32 | |
| Huon | | Xav' |
| Mr | | |
| Baptiste | 1 | |
| Clement | | Baby |
| Mme | | Lou |
| Louise | 28 | |
| Bourgeau | | Loue |
text float exp int auto
abcd 67.000 6.540e+02 89 128.001
efgh 67.543 6.540e-01 90 1.280e+22
ijkl 0.000 5.000e-78 89 0.000
mnop 0.023 5.000e+78 92 1.280e+22
from __future__ import division
__all__ = ["Texttable", "ArraySizeError"]
__author__ = 'Gerome Fournier <jef(at)>'
__license__ = 'LGPL'
__version__ = '0.8.8'
__credits__ = """\
Jeff Kowalczyk:
- textwrap improved import
- comment concerning header output
- add_rows method, for adding rows in one go
Sergey Simonenko:
- redefined len() function to deal with non-ASCII characters
Roger Lew:
- columns datatype specifications
Brian Peterson:
- better handling of unicode errors
Frank Sachsenheim:
- add Python 2/3-compatibility
Maximilian Hils:
- fix minor bug for Python 3 compatibility
- preserve empty lines
import sys
import string
import unicodedata
if sys.version >= '2.3':
import textwrap
elif sys.version >= '2.2':
from optparse import textwrap
from optik import textwrap
except ImportError:
sys.stderr.write("Can't import textwrap module!\n")
if sys.version >= '2.7':
from functools import reduce
if sys.version >= '3.0':
unicode_type = str
bytes_type = bytes
unicode_type = unicode
bytes_type = str
def obj2unicode(obj):
"""Return a unicode representation of a python object
if isinstance(obj, unicode_type):
return obj
elif isinstance(obj, bytes_type):
return unicode_type(obj, 'utf-8')
except UnicodeDecodeError as strerror:
sys.stderr.write("UnicodeDecodeError exception for string '%s': %s\n" % (obj, strerror))
return unicode_type(obj, 'utf-8', 'replace')
return unicode_type(obj)
def len(iterable):
"""Redefining len here so it will be able to work with non-ASCII characters
if isinstance(iterable, bytes_type) or isinstance(iterable, unicode_type):
unicode_data = obj2unicode(iterable)
if hasattr(unicodedata, 'east_asian_width'):
w = unicodedata.east_asian_width
return sum([w(c) in 'WF' and 2 or 1 for c in unicode_data])
return unicode_data.__len__()
return iterable.__len__()
class ArraySizeError(Exception):
"""Exception raised when specified rows don't fit the required size
def __init__(self, msg):
self.msg = msg
Exception.__init__(self, msg, '')
def __str__(self):
return self.msg
class Texttable:
HEADER = 1 << 1
HLINES = 1 << 2
VLINES = 1 << 3
def __init__(self, max_width=80):
- max_width is an integer, specifying the maximum width of the table
- if set to 0, size is unlimited, therefore cells won't be wrapped
if max_width <= 0:
max_width = False
self._max_width = max_width
self._precision = 3
self._deco = Texttable.VLINES | Texttable.HLINES | Texttable.BORDER | Texttable.HEADER
## left, horiz, cross, right
self._chars_top = (chr(0x250c), chr(0x2500), chr(0x252c), chr(0x2510))
# self.chars_header = (chr(0x255e), chr(0x2550), chr(0x256a), chr(0x2561))
self._chars_header = (chr(0x251d), chr(0x2501), chr(0x253f), chr(0x2525))
self._chars_middle = (chr(0x251c), chr(0x2500), chr(0x253c), chr(0x2524))
self._chars_bottom = (chr(0x2514), chr(0x2500), chr(0x2534), chr(0x2518))
self._char_vert = chr(0x2502)
self._align = None
def _reset(self):
"""Reset the instance
- reset rows and header
self._row_size = None
self._header = []
self._rows = []
def set_cols_align(self, array):
"""Set the desired columns alignment
- the elements of the array should be either "l", "c" or "r":
* "l": column flushed left
* "c": column centered
* "r": column flushed right
self._align = array
def set_cols_valign(self, array):
"""Set the desired columns vertical alignment
- the elements of the array should be either "t", "m" or "b":
* "t": column aligned on the top of the cell
* "m": column aligned on the middle of the cell
* "b": column aligned on the bottom of the cell
self._valign = array
def set_cols_dtype(self, array):
"""Set the desired columns datatype for the cols.
- the elements of the array should be either "a", "t", "f", "e" or "i":
* "a": automatic (try to use the most appropriate datatype)
* "t": treat as text
* "f": treat as float in decimal format
* "e": treat as float in exponential format
* "i": treat as int
- by default, automatic datatyping is used for each column
self._dtype = array
def set_cols_width(self, array):
"""Set the desired columns width
- the elements of the array should be integers, specifying the
width of each column. For example:
[10, 20, 5]
array = list(map(int, array))
if reduce(min, array) <= 0:
raise ValueError
except ValueError:
sys.stderr.write("Wrong argument in column width specification\n")
self._width = array
def set_precision(self, width):
"""Set the desired precision for float/exponential formats
- width must be an integer >= 0
- default value is set to 3
if not type(width) is int or width < 0:
raise ValueError('width must be an integer greater then 0')
self._precision = width
def header(self, array):
"""Specify the header of the table
self._header = list(map(obj2unicode, array))
def add_row(self, array):
"""Add a row in the rows stack
- cells can contain newlines and tabs
if not hasattr(self, "_dtype"):
self._dtype = ["a"] * self._row_size
cells = []
for i, x in enumerate(array):
cells.append(self._str(i, x))
def add_rows(self, rows, header=True):
"""Add several rows in the rows stack
- The 'rows' argument can be either an iterator returning arrays,
or a by-dimensional array
- 'header' specifies if the first row should be used as the header
of the table
# nb: don't use 'iter' on by-dimensional arrays, to get a
# usable code for python 2.1
if header:
if hasattr(rows, '__iter__') and hasattr(rows, 'next'):
rows = rows[1:]
for row in rows:
def draw(self):
"""Draw the table
- the table is returned as a whole string
if not self._header and not self._rows:
out = ""
if self._has_border():
out += self._hline(*self._chars_top)
if self._header:
out += self._draw_line(self._header, isheader=True)
if self._has_header():
out += self._hline(*self._chars_header)
length = 0
for row in self._rows:
length += 1
out += self._draw_line(row)
if self._has_hlines() and length < len(self._rows):
out += self._hline(*self._chars_middle)
if self._has_border():
out += self._hline(*self._chars_bottom)
return out[:-1]
def _str(self, i, x):
"""Handles string formatting of cell data
i - index of the cell datatype in self._dtype
x - cell data to format
if isinstance(x, str):
return x
f = float(x)
return obj2unicode(x)
n = self._precision
dtype = self._dtype[i]
if dtype == 'i':
return str(int(round(f)))
elif dtype == 'f':
return '%.*f' % (n, f)
elif dtype == 'e':
return '%.*e' % (n, f)
elif dtype == 't':
return obj2unicode(x)
if f - round(f) == 0:
if abs(f) > 1e8:
return '%.*e' % (n, f)
return str(int(round(f)))
if abs(f) > 1e8:
return '%.*e' % (n, f)
return '%.*f' % (n, f)
def _check_row_size(self, array):
"""Check that the specified array fits the previous rows size
if not self._row_size:
self._row_size = len(array)
elif self._row_size != len(array):
raise ArraySizeError("array should contain %d elements" \
% self._row_size)
def _has_vlines(self):
"""Return a boolean, if vlines are required or not
return self._deco & Texttable.VLINES > 0
def _has_hlines(self):
"""Return a boolean, if hlines are required or not
return self._deco & Texttable.HLINES > 0
def _has_border(self):
"""Return a boolean, if border is required or not
return self._deco & Texttable.BORDER > 0
def _has_header(self):
"""Return a boolean, if header line is required or not
return self._deco & Texttable.HEADER > 0
def _hline(self, left, horiz, cross, right):
"""Return a string used to separated rows or separate header from rows"""
# compute cell separator
sep = horiz + (cross if self._has_vlines() else horiz) + horiz
# build the line
line = sep.join([horiz * n for n in self._width])
# add border if needed
if self._has_border():
line = left + horiz + line + horiz + right
return line + "\n"
def _len_cell(self, cell):
"""Return the width of the cell
Special characters are taken into account to return the width of the
cell, such like newlines and tabs
cell_lines = cell.split('\n')
maxi = 0
for line in cell_lines:
length = 0
parts = line.split('\t')
for part, i in zip(parts, list(range(1, len(parts) + 1))):
length = length + len(part)
if i < len(parts):
length = (length//8 + 1) * 8
maxi = max(maxi, length)
return maxi
def _compute_cols_width(self):
"""Return an array with the width of each column
If a specific width has been specified, exit. If the total of the
columns width exceed the table desired width, another width will be
computed to fit, and cells will be wrapped.
if hasattr(self, "_width"):
maxi = []
if self._header:
maxi = [ self._len_cell(x) for x in self._header ]
for row in self._rows:
for cell,i in zip(row, list(range(len(row)))):
maxi[i] = max(maxi[i], self._len_cell(cell))
except (TypeError, IndexError):
items = len(maxi)
length = sum(maxi)
if self._max_width and length + items * 3 + 1 > self._max_width:
maxi = [
int(round(self._max_width / (length + items * 3 + 1) * n))
for n in maxi
self._width = maxi
def _check_align(self):
"""Check if alignment has been specified, set default one if not
if not hasattr(self, "_align"):
self._align = ["l"] * self._row_size
if not hasattr(self, "_valign"):
self._valign = ["t"] * self._row_size
def _draw_line(self, line, isheader=False):
"""Draw a line
Loop over a single cell length, over all the cells
line = self._splitit(line, isheader)
space = " "
out = ""
for i in range(len(line[0])):
if self._has_border():
out += "%s " % self._char_vert
length = 0
for cell, width, align in zip(line, self._width, self._align):
length += 1
cell_line = cell[i]
fill = width - len(cell_line)
if isheader:
align = "c"
if align == "r":
out += "%s " % (fill * space + cell_line)
elif align == "c":
out += "%s " % (int(fill/2) * space + cell_line + int(fill/2 + fill%2) * space)
out += "%s " % (cell_line + fill * space)
if length < len(line):
out += "%s " % [space, self._char_vert][self._has_vlines()]
out += "%s\n" % ['', self._char_vert][self._has_border()]
return out
def _splitit(self, line, isheader):
"""Split each element of line to fit the column width
Each element is turned into a list, result of the wrapping of the
string to the desired width
line_wrapped = []
for cell, width in zip(line, self._width):
array = []
for c in cell.split('\n'):
if c.strip() == "":
array.extend(textwrap.wrap(c, width))
max_cell_lines = reduce(max, list(map(len, line_wrapped)))
for cell, valign in zip(line_wrapped, self._valign):
if isheader:
valign = "t"
if valign == "m":
missing = max_cell_lines - len(cell)
cell[:0] = [""] * int(missing / 2)
cell.extend([""] * int(missing / 2 + missing % 2))
elif valign == "b":
cell[:0] = [""] * (max_cell_lines - len(cell))
cell.extend([""] * (max_cell_lines - len(cell)))
return line_wrapped
if __name__ == '__main__':
table = Texttable()
table.set_cols_align(["l", "r", "c"])
table.set_cols_valign(["t", "m", "b"])
table.add_rows([["Name", "Age", "Nickname"],
["Mr\nXavier\nHuon", 32, "Xav'"],
["Mr\nBaptiste\nClement", 1, "Baby"],
["Mme\nLouise\nBourgeau", 28, "Lou\n \nLoue"]])
print(table.draw() + "\n")
table = Texttable()
table.set_cols_dtype(['t', # text
'f', # float (decimal)
'e', # float (exponent)
'i', # integer
'a']) # automatic
table.set_cols_align(["l", "r", "r", "r", "l"])
table.add_rows([["text", "float", "exp", "int", "auto"],
["abcd", "67", 654, 89, 128.001],
["efghijk", 67.5434, .654, 89.6, 12800000000000000000000.00023],
["lmn", 5e-78, 5e-78, 89.4, .000000000000128],
["opqrstu", .023, 5e+78, 92., 12800000000000000000000]])