| config: Config - full configuration |
| nodes: List[NodeInfo] - all nodes |
| fuel_openstack_creds: OSCreds - openstack creds, discovered from fuel (or None) |
| openstack_openrc: OSCreds - openrc used for openstack cluster |
| discovered_nodes: List[NodeInfo] - list of discovered nodes |
| reused_nodes: List[NodeInfo] - list of reused nodes from cluster |
| spawned_vm_ids: List[int] - list of openstack VM id's, spawned for test |
| info/comment : str - run comment |
| info/run_uuid : str - run uuid |
| info/run_time : float - run unix time |
| |
| # test results |
| result/{id}/info : TestInfo - test information: name, cluster config, test parameters, etc. |
| result/{id}/measurement/{node}/{name} : List[float] - measurements data. E.g.: |
| result/{id}/measurement/node-12/iops - for BW uses iops * block_sz |
| result/{id}/measurement/node-12/lat_histo |
| |
| metric/{node_name}/{dev}/{metric_name} : List[float] - node metrics data. E.g.: |
| metric/node-22/cpu/load |
| metric/node-22/sda/read_io |
| metric/node-22/eth0/data_recv |