blob: 39ed5cc21752eb3ba0b5850d378344dae43e93e1 [file] [log] [blame]
import os
import time
import stat
import random
import logging
import subprocess
mod_name = "fio"
__version__ = (0, 1)
logger = logging.getLogger("agent.fio")
# TODO: fix this in case if file is block device
def check_file_prefilled(path, used_size_mb, blocks_to_check=16):
used_size = used_size_mb * 1024 ** 2
fstats = os.stat(path)
if stat.S_ISREG(fstats.st_mode) and fstats.st_size < used_size:
return False
except EnvironmentError:
return False
offsets = [0, used_size - 1024] + [random.randrange(used_size - 1024) for _ in range(blocks_to_check)]
with open(path, 'rb') as fd:
for offset in offsets:
if b"\x00" * 1024 ==
return False
return True
def rpc_fill_file(fname, size, force=False, fio_path='fio'):
if not force:
if check_file_prefilled(fname, size):
return False, None
assert size % 4 == 0, "File size must be proportional to 4M"
cmd_templ = "{} --name=xxx --filename={} --direct=1 --bs=4m --size={}m --rw=write"
run_time = time.time()
subprocess.check_output(cmd_templ.format(fio_path, fname, size), shell=True)
run_time = time.time() - run_time
prefill_bw = None if run_time < 1.0 else int(size / run_time)
return True, prefill_bw
def rpc_install(name, binary):
subprocess.check_output("which {}".format(binary), shell=True)
subprocess.check_output("apt-get install -y {}".format(name), shell=True)