blob: 60830a10a5db111de821a08d553191661a4722fb [file] [log] [blame]
import bz2
import array
import logging
from typing import List, Dict, Tuple
import numpy
from cephlib import sensors_rpc_plugin
from . import utils
from .test_run_class import TestRun
from .result_classes import DataSource
from .stage import Stage, StepOrder
from .hlstorage import ResultStorage
plugin_fname = sensors_rpc_plugin.__file__.rsplit(".", 1)[0] + ".py"
SENSORS_PLUGIN_CODE = open(plugin_fname, "rb").read() # type: bytes
logger = logging.getLogger("wally")
sensor_units = {
"system-cpu.idle": "",
"system-cpu.nice": "",
"system-cpu.user": "",
"system-cpu.sys": "",
"system-cpu.iowait": "",
"system-cpu.irq": "",
"system-cpu.sirq": "",
"system-cpu.steal": "",
"system-cpu.guest": "",
"system-cpu.procs_blocked": "",
"system-cpu.procs_queue_x10": "",
"net-io.recv_bytes": "B",
"net-io.recv_packets": "",
"net-io.send_bytes": "B",
"net-io.send_packets": "",
"block-io.io_queue": "",
"block-io.io_time": "ms",
"block-io.reads_completed": "",
"block-io.rtime": "ms",
"block-io.sectors_read": "B",
"block-io.sectors_written": "B",
"block-io.writes_completed": "",
"block-io.wtime": "ms",
"block-io.weighted_io_time": "ms"
# TODO(koder): in case if node has more than one role sensor settings might be incorrect
class StartSensorsStage(Stage):
priority = StepOrder.START_SENSORS
config_block = 'sensors'
def run(self, ctx: TestRun) -> None:
if array.array('L').itemsize != 8:
message = "Python array.array('L') items should be 8 bytes in size, not {}." + \
" Can't provide sensors on this platform. Disable sensors in config and retry"
raise utils.StopTestError()
# TODO: need carefully fix this
# sensors config is:
# role:
# sensor: [str]
# or
# role:
# sensor:
# allowed: [str]
# dissallowed: [str]
# params: Any
per_role_config = {} # type: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]
for name, val in ctx.config.sensors.roles_mapping.raw().items():
if isinstance(val, str):
val = {vl.strip(): (".*" if vl.strip() != 'ceph' else {}) for vl in val.split(",")}
elif isinstance(val, list):
val = {vl: (".*" if vl != 'ceph' else {}) for vl in val}
per_role_config[name] = val
if 'all' in per_role_config:
all_vl = per_role_config.pop('all')
all_roles = set(per_role_config)
for node in ctx.nodes:
all_roles.update( # type: ignore
for name, vals in list(per_role_config.items()):
new_vals = all_vl.copy()
per_role_config[name] = new_vals
for node in ctx.nodes:
node_cfg = {} # type: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]
for role in
node_cfg.update(per_role_config.get(role, {})) # type: ignore
nid = node.node_id
if node_cfg:
# ceph requires additional settings
if 'ceph' in node_cfg:
node_cfg['ceph']['osds'] = [osd['id'] for osd in['ceph-osds']] # type: ignore
logger.debug("Setting up sensors RPC plugin for node %s", nid)
node.upload_plugin("sensors", SENSORS_PLUGIN_CODE)
logger.debug("Start monitoring node %s", nid)
logger.debug("Skip monitoring node %s, as no sensors selected", nid)
def collect_sensors_data(ctx: TestRun, stop: bool = False):
rstorage = ResultStorage(
for node in ctx.nodes:
node_id = node.node_id
if node_id in ctx.sensors_run_on:
if stop:
func = node.conn.sensors.stop
func = node.conn.sensors.get_updates
# TODO: units should came along with data
# TODO: process raw sensors data
for path, value, is_array in sensors_rpc_plugin.unpack_rpc_updates(func()):
if path == 'collected_at':
ds = DataSource(node_id=node_id, metric='collected_at', tag='csv')
rstorage.append_sensor(numpy.array(value), ds, 'us')
sensor, dev, metric = path.split(".")
ds = DataSource(node_id=node_id, metric=metric, dev=dev, sensor=sensor, tag='csv')
if is_array:
units = sensor_units["{}.{}".format(sensor, metric)]
rstorage.append_sensor(numpy.array(value), ds, units)
if metric == 'historic':
rstorage.put_sensor_raw(bz2.compress(value), ds(tag='bin'))
assert metric in ('perf_dump', 'historic_js')
rstorage.put_sensor_raw(value, ds(tag='js'))
class CollectSensorsStage(Stage):
priority = StepOrder.COLLECT_SENSORS
config_block = 'sensors'
def run(self, ctx: TestRun) -> None:
collect_sensors_data(ctx, True)
# def delta(func, only_upd=True):
# prev = {}
# while True:
# for dev_name, vals in func():
# if dev_name not in prev:
# prev[dev_name] = {}
# for name, (val, _) in vals.items():
# prev[dev_name][name] = val
# else:
# dev_prev = prev[dev_name]
# res = {}
# for stat_name, (val, accum_val) in vals.items():
# if accum_val:
# if stat_name in dev_prev:
# delta = int(val) - int(dev_prev[stat_name])
# if not only_upd or 0 != delta:
# res[stat_name] = str(delta)
# dev_prev[stat_name] = val
# elif not only_upd or '0' != val:
# res[stat_name] = val
# if only_upd and len(res) == 0:
# continue
# yield dev_name, res
# yield None, None