blob: c86aeb4b5feeaaace4418942ea2be1ec31ed1623 [file] [log] [blame]
from typing import List, Dict, Tuple, Any
from .test_run_class import TestRun
from . import sensors_rpc_plugin
from .stage import Stage, StepOrder
plugin_fname = sensors_rpc_plugin.__file__.rsplit(".", 1)[0] + ".py"
SENSORS_PLUGIN_CODE = open(plugin_fname).read()
# TODO(koder): in case if node has more than one role sensor settigns might be incorrect
class StartSensorsStage(Stage):
priority = StepOrder.START_SENSORS
config_block = 'sensors'
def run(self, ctx: TestRun) -> None:
if 'sensors' not in ctx.config:
per_role_config = {} # type: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]
for name, val in ctx.config['sensors'].copy():
if isinstance(val, str):
val = {vl.strip(): ".*" for vl in val.split(",")}
elif isinstance(val, list):
val = {vl: ".*" for vl in val}
per_role_config[name] = val
if 'all' in per_role_config:
all_vl = per_role_config.pop('all')
all_roles = set(per_role_config)
for node in ctx.nodes:
for name, vals in list(per_role_config.items()):
new_vals = all_vl.copy()
per_role_config[name] = new_vals
for node in ctx.nodes:
node_cfg = {} # type: Dict[str, str]
for role in
node_cfg.update(per_role_config.get(role, {}))
if node_cfg:
class CollectSensorsStage(Stage):
priority = StepOrder.COLLECT_SENSORS
config_block = 'sensors'
def run(self, ctx: TestRun) -> None:
for node in ctx.nodes:
node_id =
if node_id in ctx.sensors_run_on:
data, collected_at = node.conn.sensors.stop() # type: Dict[Tuple[str, str], List[int]], List[float]
mstore ="metric", node_id)
for (source_name, sensor_name), values in data.items():
mstore[source_name, sensor_name] = values
mstore["collected_at"] = collected_at
# def delta(func, only_upd=True):
# prev = {}
# while True:
# for dev_name, vals in func():
# if dev_name not in prev:
# prev[dev_name] = {}
# for name, (val, _) in vals.items():
# prev[dev_name][name] = val
# else:
# dev_prev = prev[dev_name]
# res = {}
# for stat_name, (val, accum_val) in vals.items():
# if accum_val:
# if stat_name in dev_prev:
# delta = int(val) - int(dev_prev[stat_name])
# if not only_upd or 0 != delta:
# res[stat_name] = str(delta)
# dev_prev[stat_name] = val
# elif not only_upd or '0' != val:
# res[stat_name] = val
# if only_upd and len(res) == 0:
# continue
# yield dev_name, res
# yield None, None