| import os |
| import time |
| import signal |
| import pprint |
| import getpass |
| import logging |
| import argparse |
| import functools |
| import contextlib |
| import datetime |
| from typing import List, Tuple, Any, Callable, IO, cast, Optional, Iterator |
| from yaml import load as _yaml_load |
| |
| YLoader = Callable[[IO], Any] |
| yaml_load = None # type: YLoader |
| |
| try: |
| from yaml import CLoader |
| yaml_load = cast(YLoader, functools.partial(_yaml_load, Loader=CLoader)) |
| except ImportError: |
| yaml_load = cast(YLoader, _yaml_load) |
| |
| from cephlib.texttable import Texttable |
| from cephlib.istorage import IStorage |
| |
| try: |
| import faulthandler |
| except ImportError: |
| faulthandler = None |
| |
| from cephlib.common import setup_logging |
| from cephlib.storage import make_storage |
| from cephlib.wally_storage import WallyDB |
| from cephlib.ssh import set_ssh_key_passwd |
| from cephlib.node import log_nodes_statistic |
| from cephlib.node_impl import get_rpc_server_code |
| |
| from . import utils, report_profiles, report |
| from .config import Config |
| from .stage import Stage |
| from .test_run_class import TestRun |
| from .result_storage import WallyStorage |
| |
| # stages |
| from .ceph import DiscoverCephStage, CollectCephInfoStage |
| from .openstack import DiscoverOSStage |
| from .fuel import DiscoverFuelStage |
| from .run_test import (CollectInfoStage, ExplicitNodesStage, SaveNodesStage, |
| RunTestsStage, ConnectStage, SleepStage, PrepareNodes, |
| LoadStoredNodesStage) |
| |
| from .report import HtmlReportStage |
| from .sensors import StartSensorsStage, CollectSensorsStage |
| from .console_report import ConsoleReportStage |
| |
| |
| try: |
| assert False |
| except AssertionError: |
| pass |
| else: |
| print("Must not run this code with -o python option. Assertions are important!") |
| exit(1) |
| |
| |
| logger = logging.getLogger("wally") |
| |
| |
| @contextlib.contextmanager |
| def log_stage(stage: Stage, cleanup: bool = False) -> Iterator[None]: |
| logger.info("Start " + stage.name() + ("::cleanup" if cleanup else "")) |
| try: |
| yield |
| except utils.StopTestError: |
| raise |
| except Exception: |
| logger.exception("During %s", stage.name() + ("::cleanup" if cleanup else "")) |
| raise |
| |
| |
| def list_results(path: str, limit: int = None) -> List[Tuple[str, str, str, str, str]]: |
| dirs = [] |
| for dir_name in os.listdir(path): |
| full_path = os.path.join(path, dir_name) |
| dirs.append((os.stat(full_path).st_ctime, full_path)) |
| |
| dirs.sort() |
| results: List[Tuple[str, str, str, str, str]] = [] |
| for _, full_path in dirs[::-1]: |
| try: |
| stor = make_storage(full_path, existing=True) |
| except Exception as exc: |
| logger.warning(f"Can't load folder {full_path}. Error {exc}") |
| continue |
| |
| try: |
| try: |
| cfg = stor.load(Config, WallyDB.config) |
| except KeyError: |
| cfg = stor.load(Config, "config") |
| except Exception as exc: |
| print(f"Fail to load {os.path.basename(full_path)}. {exc}") |
| continue |
| |
| if WallyDB.run_interval in stor: |
| run_time = stor.get(WallyDB.run_interval)[0] |
| else: |
| run_time = os.stat(full_path).st_ctime |
| |
| ftime = f"{datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(run_time):%d %b %H:%M}" |
| |
| test_types = [] |
| for suite_cfg in cfg.get('tests', []): |
| for suite_name, params in suite_cfg.items(): |
| if suite_name == 'fio': |
| test_types.append("{}.{}".format(suite_name, params['load'])) |
| else: |
| test_types.append(suite_name) |
| results.append((cfg.run_uuid, |
| ",".join(test_types), |
| ftime, |
| '-' if cfg.comment is None else cfg.comment, |
| '-')) |
| |
| if limit and len(results) >= limit: |
| break |
| |
| return results |
| |
| |
| def log_nodes_statistic_stage(ctx: TestRun) -> None: |
| log_nodes_statistic(ctx.nodes) |
| |
| |
| def parse_args(argv): |
| descr = "Disk io performance test suite" |
| parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='wally', description=descr) |
| parser.add_argument("-l", '--log-level', help="print some extra log info") |
| parser.add_argument("--ssh-key-passwd", default=None, help="Pass ssh key password") |
| parser.add_argument("--ssh-key-passwd-kbd", action="store_true", help="Enter ssh key password interactively") |
| parser.add_argument("--profile", action="store_true", help="Profile execution") |
| parser.add_argument("-s", '--settings-dir', default=None, |
| help="Folder to store key/settings/history files") |
| |
| subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='subparser_name') |
| |
| # --------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| report_parser = subparsers.add_parser('ls', help='list all results') |
| report_parser.add_argument("-l", "--limit", metavar='LIMIT', help="Show only LIMIT last results", |
| default=None, type=int) |
| report_parser.add_argument("result_storage", help="Folder with test results") |
| |
| # --------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| compare_help = 'compare two results' |
| report_parser = subparsers.add_parser('compare', help=compare_help) |
| report_parser.add_argument("data_path1", help="First folder with test results") |
| report_parser.add_argument("data_path2", help="Second folder with test results") |
| |
| # --------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| report_help = 'run report on previously obtained results' |
| report_parser = subparsers.add_parser('report', help=report_help) |
| report_parser.add_argument('-R', '--reporters', help="Comma-separated list of reportes - html,txt", |
| default='html,txt') |
| report_parser.add_argument('-f', '--format', help="Images format, default is " + report_profiles.default_format, |
| choices=('svg', 'png'), default=report_profiles.default_format) |
| report_parser.add_argument("data_dir", help="folder with rest results") |
| |
| # --------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| ipython_help = 'run ipython in prepared environment' |
| ipython_parser = subparsers.add_parser('ipython', help=ipython_help) |
| ipython_parser.add_argument("storage_dir", help="Storage path") |
| # --------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| # jupyter_help = 'run jupyter in prepared environment' |
| # jupyter_parser = subparsers.add_parser('jupyter', help=jupyter_help) |
| # jupyter_parser.add_argument("storage_dir", help="Storage path") |
| |
| # --------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| test_parser = subparsers.add_parser('test', help='run tests') |
| test_parser.add_argument("-d", '--dont-discover-nodes', action='store_true', help="Don't discover nodes") |
| test_parser.add_argument('-D', '--dont-collect', action='store_true', help="Don't collect cluster info") |
| test_parser.add_argument("-k", '--keep-vm', action='store_true', help="Don't remove test vm's") |
| test_parser.add_argument('-L', '--load-report', action='store_true', help="Create cluster load report") |
| test_parser.add_argument('-n', '--no-tests', action='store_true', help="Don't run tests") |
| test_parser.add_argument('-N', '--no-report', action='store_true', help="Skip report stages") |
| test_parser.add_argument('-r', '--result-dir', default=None, help="Save results to DIR", metavar="DIR") |
| test_parser.add_argument('-R', '--reporters', help="Comma-separated list of reportes - html,txt", |
| default='html,txt') |
| test_parser.add_argument('--build-description', type=str, default="Build info") |
| test_parser.add_argument('--build-id', type=str, default="id") |
| test_parser.add_argument('--build-type', type=str, default="GA") |
| test_parser.add_argument("comment", help="Test information") |
| test_parser.add_argument("config_file", help="Yaml config file") |
| |
| # --------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| test_parser = subparsers.add_parser('resume', help='resume tests') |
| test_parser.add_argument("storage_dir", help="Path to test directory") |
| |
| # --------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| test_parser = subparsers.add_parser('db', help='Exec command on DB') |
| test_parser.add_argument("cmd", choices=("show",), help="Command to execute") |
| test_parser.add_argument("params", nargs='*', help="Command params") |
| test_parser.add_argument("storage_dir", help="Storage path") |
| |
| return parser.parse_args(argv[1:]) |
| |
| |
| def get_config_path(config: Config, opts_value: Optional[str]) -> str: |
| if opts_value is None and 'settings_dir' not in config: |
| val = "~/.wally" |
| elif opts_value is not None: |
| val = opts_value |
| else: |
| val = config.settings_dir |
| |
| return os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(val)) |
| |
| |
| def find_cfg_file(name: str, included_from: str = None) -> str: |
| paths = [".", os.path.expanduser('~/.wally')] |
| if included_from is not None: |
| paths.append(os.path.dirname(included_from)) |
| |
| search_paths = set(os.path.abspath(path) for path in paths if os.path.isdir(path)) |
| |
| for folder in search_paths: |
| path = os.path.join(folder, name) |
| if os.path.exists(path): |
| return path |
| |
| raise FileNotFoundError(name) |
| |
| |
| def load_config(path: str) -> Config: |
| path = os.path.abspath(path) |
| cfg_dict = yaml_load(open(path)) |
| |
| while 'include' in cfg_dict: |
| inc = cfg_dict.pop('include') |
| if isinstance(inc, str): |
| inc = [inc] |
| |
| for fname in inc: |
| inc_path = find_cfg_file(fname, path) |
| inc_dict = yaml_load(open(inc_path)) |
| inc_dict.update(cfg_dict) |
| cfg_dict = inc_dict |
| |
| return Config(cfg_dict) |
| |
| |
| def get_run_stages() -> List[Stage]: |
| return [DiscoverCephStage(), |
| CollectCephInfoStage(), |
| DiscoverOSStage(), |
| DiscoverFuelStage(), |
| ExplicitNodesStage(), |
| StartSensorsStage(), |
| RunTestsStage(), |
| CollectSensorsStage(), |
| ConnectStage(), |
| SleepStage(), |
| PrepareNodes()] |
| |
| |
| def main(argv: List[str]) -> int: |
| if faulthandler is not None: |
| faulthandler.register(signal.SIGUSR1, all_threads=True) |
| |
| opts = parse_args(argv) |
| stages = [] # type: List[Stage] |
| |
| # stop mypy from telling that config & storage might be undeclared |
| config = None # type: Config |
| storage = None # type: IStorage |
| |
| if opts.profile: |
| import cProfile |
| pr = cProfile.Profile() |
| pr.enable() |
| else: |
| pr = None |
| |
| if opts.subparser_name == 'test': |
| config = load_config(opts.config_file) |
| config.storage_url, config.run_uuid = utils.get_uniq_path_uuid(config.results_storage) |
| config.comment = opts.comment |
| config.keep_vm = opts.keep_vm |
| config.no_tests = opts.no_tests |
| config.dont_discover_nodes = opts.dont_discover_nodes |
| config.build_id = opts.build_id |
| config.build_description = opts.build_description |
| config.build_type = opts.build_type |
| config.settings_dir = get_config_path(config, opts.settings_dir) |
| config.discover = set(name for name in config.get('discover', '').split(",") if name) |
| |
| storage = make_storage(config.storage_url) |
| storage.put(config, WallyDB.config) |
| |
| stages.extend(get_run_stages()) |
| stages.append(SaveNodesStage()) |
| |
| if not opts.dont_collect: |
| stages.append(CollectInfoStage()) |
| |
| argv2 = argv[:] |
| if '--ssh-key-passwd' in argv2: |
| # don't save ssh key password to storage |
| argv2[argv2.index("--ssh-key-passwd") + 1] = "<removed from output>" |
| storage.put(argv2, 'cli') |
| |
| elif opts.subparser_name == 'resume': |
| opts.resumed = True |
| storage = make_storage(opts.storage_dir, existing=True) |
| config = storage.load(Config, WallyDB.config) |
| stages.extend(get_run_stages()) |
| stages.append(LoadStoredNodesStage()) |
| prev_opts = storage.get('cli') # type: List[str] |
| |
| if '--ssh-key-passwd' in prev_opts and opts.ssh_key_passwd: |
| prev_opts[prev_opts.index("--ssh-key-passwd") + 1] = opts.ssh_key_passwd |
| |
| restored_opts = parse_args(prev_opts) |
| opts.__dict__.update(restored_opts.__dict__) |
| opts.subparser_name = 'resume' |
| |
| elif opts.subparser_name == 'ls': |
| tab = Texttable(max_width=200) |
| tab.set_cols_align(["l", "l", "l", "l", 'c']) |
| tab.set_deco(Texttable.VLINES | Texttable.BORDER | Texttable.HEADER) |
| tab.header(["Name", "Tests", "Started at", "Comment", "Result"]) |
| tab.add_rows(list_results(opts.result_storage, opts.limit), header=False) |
| print(tab.draw()) |
| return 0 |
| |
| elif opts.subparser_name == 'report': |
| if getattr(opts, "no_report", False): |
| print(" --no-report option can't be used with 'report' cmd") |
| return 1 |
| storage = make_storage(opts.data_dir, existing=True) |
| config = storage.load(Config, WallyDB.config) |
| report_profiles.default_format = opts.format |
| report.default_format = opts.format |
| stages.append(LoadStoredNodesStage()) |
| stages.append(SaveNodesStage()) |
| elif opts.subparser_name == 'compare': |
| # x = run_test.load_data_from_path(opts.data_path1) |
| # y = run_test.load_data_from_path(opts.data_path2) |
| # print(run_test.IOPerfTest.format_diff_for_console( |
| # [x['io'][0], y['io'][0]])) |
| return 0 |
| |
| elif opts.subparser_name == 'db': |
| storage = make_storage(opts.storage_dir, existing=True) |
| if opts.cmd == 'show': |
| if len(opts.params) != 1: |
| print("'show' command requires parameter - key to show") |
| return 1 |
| pprint.pprint(storage.get(opts.params[0])) |
| else: |
| print("Unknown/not_implemented command {!r}".format(opts.cmd)) |
| return 1 |
| return 0 |
| elif opts.subparser_name == 'ipython': |
| storage = make_storage(opts.storage_dir, existing=True) |
| rstorage = WallyStorage(storage=storage) |
| |
| import IPython |
| IPython.embed() |
| |
| return 0 |
| else: |
| print("Subparser {!r} is not supported".format(opts.subparser_name)) |
| return 1 |
| |
| start_time = int(time.time()) |
| |
| report_stages: List[Stage] = [] |
| if not getattr(opts, "no_report", False): |
| reporters = opts.reporters.split(",") |
| assert len(set(reporters)) == len(reporters) |
| assert set(reporters).issubset({'txt', 'html'}) |
| if 'txt' in reporters: |
| report_stages.append(ConsoleReportStage()) |
| if 'html' in reporters: |
| report_stages.append(HtmlReportStage()) |
| |
| log_config_obj = config.raw().get('logging') |
| assert isinstance(log_config_obj, dict) or log_config_obj is None, "Broken 'logging' option in config" |
| setup_logging(log_config_obj=log_config_obj, log_level=opts.log_level, log_file=storage.get_fname('log')) |
| |
| logger.info("All info would be stored into %r", config.storage_url) |
| |
| ctx = TestRun(config, storage, WallyStorage(storage)) |
| ctx.rpc_code, ctx.default_rpc_plugins = get_rpc_server_code() |
| |
| if 'dev_roles' in ctx.config: |
| ctx.devs_locator = ctx.config.dev_roles |
| |
| if opts.ssh_key_passwd is not None: |
| set_ssh_key_passwd(opts.ssh_key_passwd) |
| elif opts.ssh_key_passwd_kbd: |
| set_ssh_key_passwd(getpass.getpass("Ssh key password: ").strip()) |
| |
| stages.sort(key=lambda x: x.priority) |
| |
| # TODO: run only stages, which have config |
| failed = False |
| cleanup_stages = [] |
| |
| for stage in stages: |
| if stage.config_block is not None: |
| if stage.config_block not in ctx.config: |
| logger.debug("Skip stage %r, as config has no required block %r", stage.name(), stage.config_block) |
| continue |
| |
| cleanup_stages.append(stage) |
| try: |
| with log_stage(stage): |
| stage.run(ctx) |
| except (Exception, KeyboardInterrupt): |
| failed = True |
| break |
| ctx.storage.sync() |
| ctx.storage.sync() |
| |
| logger.debug("Start cleanup") |
| cleanup_failed = False |
| for stage in cleanup_stages[::-1]: |
| try: |
| with log_stage(stage, cleanup=True): |
| stage.cleanup(ctx) |
| except: |
| cleanup_failed = True |
| ctx.storage.sync() |
| |
| if not failed: |
| for report_stage in report_stages: |
| with log_stage(report_stage): |
| try: |
| report_stage.run(ctx) |
| except utils.StopTestError: |
| logger.error("Report stage %s requested stop execution", report_stage.name()) |
| failed = True |
| break |
| |
| ctx.storage.sync() |
| |
| logger.info("All info is stored into %r", config.storage_url) |
| end_time = int(time.time()) |
| storage.put([start_time, end_time], WallyDB.run_interval) |
| |
| if failed or cleanup_failed: |
| if opts.subparser_name == 'report': |
| logger.error("Report generation failed. See error details in log above") |
| else: |
| logger.error("Tests are failed. See error details in log above") |
| code = 1 |
| else: |
| if opts.subparser_name == 'report': |
| logger.info("Report successfully generated") |
| else: |
| logger.info("Tests finished successfully") |
| code = 0 |
| |
| if opts.profile: |
| assert pr is not None |
| pr.disable() |
| import pstats |
| pstats.Stats(pr).sort_stats('tottime').print_stats(30) |
| |
| if opts.subparser_name == 'test': |
| storage.put(code, WallyDB.res_code) |
| |
| storage.sync() |
| return code |