blob: d919483b0150dbbef67a2bfa22d700ae7c727a70 [file] [log] [blame]
import pytest
import json
import utils
import logging
import itertools
from functools import lru_cache
def targeted_minions(target):
Returns nodes associated with salt target
:param target: str, salt target in COMPOUND notation like I@nova:server
More here
:return: list of nodes or []
salt_client = pytest.local_salt_client
return list(salt_client.test_ping(
def is_deb_in_exception(inconsistency_rule, package_name, node_hostname):
for salt_target, excluded_packages in inconsistency_rule.items():
if package_name in excluded_packages \
and node_hostname in targeted_minions(salt_target):
return True
return False
def test_check_package_versions(local_salt_client, nodes_in_group):
"""Validate package has same versions on all the nodes.
1) Collect packages for nodes_in_group
"salt -C '<group_of_nodes>' 'lowpkg.list_pkgs'"
2) Exclude nodes without packages and exceptions
3) Go through each package and save it with version from each node to the
list. Mark 'No version' if package is not found.
If package name in the exception list or in inconsistency_rule,
ignore it.
4) Compare items in that list - they should be equal and match the
amount of nodes
salt = local_salt_client
# defines packages specific to the nodes
inconsistency_rule = {
"I@backupninja:server": [
"rsync", "sysstat", "xz-utils"],
"I@elasticsearch:server": [
# PROD-30833, PROD-36718
"I@octavia:manager:controller_worker:loadbalancer_topology:SINGLE": [
exclude_packages = utils.get_configuration().get("skipped_packages", [])
group_name, nodes = nodes_in_group
packages_versions_by_nodes = salt.cmd(tgt="L@"+','.join(nodes),
# Let's exclude cid01 and dbs01 nodes from this check
exclude_nodes = targeted_minions("I@galera:master or I@gerrit:client")
total_nodes = [i
for i in nodes
if i not in exclude_nodes]
if len(total_nodes) < 2:
pytest.skip("Nothing to compare - only 1 node")
packages_with_different_versions = dict()
packages_names = set(itertools.chain.from_iterable(
for node in total_nodes])
for deb in packages_names:
if deb in exclude_packages:
node_and_version = [
(node, packages_versions_by_nodes[node].get(deb, "No package"))
for node in total_nodes
if not is_deb_in_exception(inconsistency_rule, deb, node)
if set([version for node, version in node_and_version]).__len__() > 1:
packages_with_different_versions[deb] = [
"{}: {}".format(node, version)
for node, version in node_and_version]
assert len(packages_with_different_versions) == 0, (
"Non-uniform package versions are installed on '{}' group of nodes:\n"
group_name, json.dumps(packages_with_different_versions, indent=4))
def test_packages_are_latest(local_salt_client, nodes_in_group):
config = utils.get_configuration()
skip = config.get("test_packages")["skip_test"]
if skip.lower() == 'true':
pytest.skip("Test for the latest packages is disabled")
skipped_pkg = config.get("test_packages")["skipped_packages"]
group, nodes = nodes_in_group
info_salt = local_salt_client.cmd(
tgt='L@' + ','.join(nodes),
param='apt list --upgradable 2>/dev/null | grep -v Listing',
for node in nodes:
result = []
if info_salt[node]:
upg_list = info_salt[node].split('\n')
for i in upg_list:
if i.split('/')[0] not in skipped_pkg:
assert not result, (
"Packages are not of latest version on '{}' node:\n{}".format(
node, "\n".join(result))
def test_check_module_versions(local_salt_client, nodes_in_group):
# defines modules specific to the nodes
inconsistency_rule = {
"I@elasticsearch:server": ["elasticsearch"],
# PROD-30833, PROD-36718
"I@octavia:manager:controller_worker:loadbalancer_topology:SINGLE": [
exclude_modules = utils.get_configuration().get("skipped_modules", [])
group, nodes = nodes_in_group
pre_check = local_salt_client.cmd(
param='dpkg -l | grep "python-pip "',
exclude_nodes = targeted_minions("I@galera:master or I@gerrit:client")
if list(pre_check.values()).count('') > 0:
pytest.skip("pip is not installed on one or more nodes")
total_nodes = [node
for node in nodes
if node not in exclude_nodes]
if len(total_nodes) < 2:
pytest.skip("Nothing to compare - only 1 node")
list_of_pip_packages = local_salt_client.cmd(
fun='pip.list', expr_form='compound')
modules_with_different_versions = dict()
packages_names = set(itertools.chain.from_iterable(
for package in packages_names:
if package in exclude_modules:
node_and_version = [
(node, list_of_pip_packages[node].get(package, "No module"))
for node in total_nodes
if not is_deb_in_exception(inconsistency_rule, package, node)
if set([version for node, version in node_and_version]).__len__() > 1:
modules_with_different_versions[package] = [
f"{node}: {version}"
for node, version in node_and_version
assert len(modules_with_different_versions) == 0, (
"Non-uniform pip modules are installed on '{}' group of nodes:\n"
group, json.dumps(modules_with_different_versions, indent=4))
def test_restricted_updates_repo(local_salt_client):
restricted_repo_enabled = local_salt_client.pillar_get(
if not restricted_repo_enabled:
pytest.skip("This env doesn't require the restricted ubuntu repo")
param="apt-cache policy |grep"
assert all(list(repos_by_nodes.values())), \
"Next nodes don't have in sources.list: {}".\
format({node for node, repo
in repos_by_nodes.items()
if not repo})