blob: edb2080a6c197f030147e0d800e196c530c75e35 [file] [log] [blame]
import json
import requests
import datetime
from cvp_checks import utils
def test_elasticsearch_cluster(local_salt_client):
salt_output = local_salt_client.cmd(
for node in salt_output.keys():
IP = salt_output[node]
assert requests.get('http://{}:9200/'.format(IP)).status_code == 200, \
'Cannot check elasticsearch url on {}.'.format(IP)
resp = requests.get('http://{}:9200/_cat/health'.format(IP)).content
assert resp.split()[3] == 'green', \
'elasticsearch status is not good {}'.format(
json.dumps(resp, indent=4))
assert resp.split()[4] == '3', \
'elasticsearch status is not good {}'.format(
json.dumps(resp, indent=4))
assert resp.split()[5] == '3', \
'elasticsearch status is not good {}'.format(
json.dumps(resp, indent=4))
assert resp.split()[10] == '0', \
'elasticsearch status is not good {}'.format(
json.dumps(resp, indent=4))
assert resp.split()[13] == '100.0%', \
'elasticsearch status is not good {}'.format(
json.dumps(resp, indent=4))
def test_elasticsearch_node_count(local_salt_client):
now =
today = now.strftime("%Y.%m.%d")
active_nodes = utils.get_active_nodes()
salt_output = local_salt_client.cmd(
IP = salt_output.values()[0]
resp = json.loads('http://{0}:9200/log-{1}/_search?pretty'.
format(IP, today),
data='{"size": 500, "aggs": '
'{"group_by_hostname": '
'{"terms": {"size": 500, '
'"field": "Hostname"}}}}').text)
cluster_domain = local_salt_client.cmd('salt:control',
monitored_nodes = []
for item_ in resp['aggregations']['group_by_hostname']['buckets']:
node_name = item_['key']
monitored_nodes.append(node_name + '.' + cluster_domain)
missing_nodes = []
for node in active_nodes.keys():
if node not in monitored_nodes:
assert len(missing_nodes) == 0, \
'Not all nodes are in Elasticsearch. Found {0} keys, ' \
'expected {1}. Missing nodes: \n{2}'. \
format(len(monitored_nodes), len(active_nodes), missing_nodes)
def test_stacklight_services_replicas(local_salt_client):
salt_output = local_salt_client.cmd(
['docker service ls'],
wrong_items = []
for line in salt_output[salt_output.keys()[0]].split('\n'):
if line[line.find('/') - 1] != line[line.find('/') + 1] \
and 'replicated' in line:
assert len(wrong_items) == 0, \
'''Some monitoring services doesn't have expected number of replicas:
{}'''.format(json.dumps(wrong_items, indent=4))
def test_prometheus_alert_count(local_salt_client):
IP = utils.get_monitoring_ip('cluster_public_host')
# keystone:server can return 3 nodes instead of 1
# this will be fixed later
nodes_info = local_salt_client.cmd(
['curl -s http://{}:15010/alerts | grep icon-chevron-down | '
'grep -v "0 active"'.format(IP)],
result = nodes_info[nodes_info.keys()[0]].replace('</td>', '').replace(
'<td><i class="icon-chevron-down"></i> <b>', '').replace('</b>', '')
assert result == '', 'AlertManager page has some alerts! {}'.format(
json.dumps(result), indent=4)
def test_stacklight_containers_status(local_salt_client):
salt_output = local_salt_client.cmd(
['docker service ps $(docker stack services -q monitoring)'],
result = {}
# for old reclass models, docker:swarm:role:master can return
# 2 nodes instead of one. Here is temporary fix.
if len(salt_output.keys()) > 1:
if 'CURRENT STATE' not in salt_output[salt_output.keys()[0]]:
del salt_output[salt_output.keys()[0]]
for line in salt_output[salt_output.keys()[0]].split('\n')[1:]:
shift = 0
if line.split()[1] == '\\_':
shift = 1
if line.split()[1 + shift] not in result.keys():
result[line.split()[1]] = 'NOT OK'
if line.split()[4 + shift] == 'Running' \
or line.split()[4 + shift] == 'Ready':
result[line.split()[1 + shift]] = 'OK'
assert 'NOT OK' not in result.values(), \
'''Some containers are in incorrect state:
{}'''.format(json.dumps(result, indent=4))