blob: 23a98a323fed245a91c6df3f6fbfe69873a1da41 [file] [log] [blame]
import json
import os
import utils
def test_ntp_sync(local_salt_client):
testname = os.path.basename(__file__).split('.')[0]
active_nodes = utils.get_active_nodes(os.path.basename(__file__))
config = utils.get_configuration()
fail = {}
saltmaster_time = int(local_salt_client.cmd(
['date +%s'],
nodes_time = local_salt_client.cmd(
utils.list_to_target_string(active_nodes, 'or'),
['date +%s'],
diff = config.get(testname)["time_deviation"] or 30
for node, time in nodes_time.iteritems():
if (int(time) - saltmaster_time) > diff or \
(int(time) - saltmaster_time) < -diff:
fail[node] = time
assert not fail, 'SaltMaster time: {}\n' \
'Nodes with time mismatch:\n {}'.format(saltmaster_time,
def test_ntp_peers_state(local_salt_client):
"""Test gets ntpq peers state and check the system peer is declared"""
active_nodes = utils.get_active_nodes(os.path.basename(__file__))
state = local_salt_client.cmd(
utils.list_to_target_string(active_nodes, 'or'),
['ntpq -pn'],
final_result = {}
for node in state:
sys_peer_declared = False
ntpq_output = state[node].split('\n')
# if output has no 'remote' in the head of ntpq output
# the 'ntqp -np' command failed and cannot check peers
if 'remote' not in ntpq_output[0]:
final_result[node] = ntpq_output
# take 3rd+ line of output (the actual peers)
peers = ntpq_output[2:]
except IndexError:
final_result[node] = ntpq_output
for p in peers:
if p.split()[0].startswith("*"):
sys_peer_declared = True
if not sys_peer_declared:
final_result[node] = ntpq_output
assert not final_result,\
"NTP peers state is not expected on some nodes, could not find " \
"declared system peer:\n{}".format(json.dumps(final_result, indent=4))