blob: 927a2321ab7adbb37c2518e9f136ae9a16abf2ee [file] [log] [blame]
# MANDATORY: Credentials for Salt Master
# SALT_URL should consist of url and port.
# For example:
# 6969 - default Salt Master port to listen
# Can be found on cfg* node using
# "salt-call pillar.get _param:salt_master_host"
# and "salt-call pillar.get _param:salt_master_port"
# SALT_USERNAME by default: salt
# It can be verified with "salt-call salt"
# SALT_PASSWORD you can find on cfg* node using
# "grep -r salt_api_password /srv/salt/reclass/classes"
SALT_URL: <salt_url>
SALT_USERNAME: <salt_usr>
SALT_PASSWORD: <salt_pwd>
# List of nodes (full fqdn) to skip in all tests
# TEMPORARY: please do not comment this setting.
skipped_nodes: [""]
# List of groups (short name, e.g. dbs) to skip in group tests
# TEMPORARY: please do not comment this setting.
skipped_groups: [""]
# mtu test setting
# this test may skip groups (see example)
{ #"skipped_groups": ["dbs"]
"skipped_ifaces": ["bonding_masters", "lo", "veth", "tap", "cali"]}
# mask for interfaces to skip
# ntp test setting
# this test may skip specific node (use fqdn)
{ #"skipped_nodes": [""],
"time_deviation": 1}