| #!/bin/bash |
| |
| . "$(dirname "$0")/functions.sh" |
| tenv=mos |
| . /opt/si-tests/.sivenv/bin/activate |
| cd $MY_PROJFOLDER/tmp |
| . $MY_PROJFOLDER/env.sh |
| . $MY_PROJFOLDER/envs/${tenv}rc |
| |
| if grep -q "public_subnet_uuid" "$MY_PROJFOLDER/yamls/tempest_custom.yaml"; then |
| echo "The ${MY_PROJFOLDER}/yamls/tempest_custom.yaml file is not updated, it has the placeholders. Please run '. $MY_PROJFOLDER/env.sh && . $MY_PROJFOLDER/envs/mosrc && bash $MY_PROJFOLDER/scripts/update-openstack-resources.sh' before running tempest." |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| |
| # Just in case |
| # Cleaning up |
| echo "# Cleaning up '/artifacts/tmp/artifacts/'" |
| [ -d "/artifacts/tmp/artifacts/" ] && rm -rf "/artifacts/tmp/artifacts/" |
| [ -f "/artifacts/tmp/nosetests.xml" ] && rm "/artifacts/tmp/nosetests.xml" |
| mkdir "/artifacts/tmp/artifacts/" |
| |
| # |
| echo "# Creating schema" |
| [ -f "/artifacts/tmp/artifacts/test_scheme.yaml" ] && rm -v $MY_PROJFOLDER/tmp/artifacts/test_scheme.yaml |
| cat <<'EOF' >artifacts/test_scheme.yaml |
| --- |
| smoke: false |
| concurrency: 8 |
| blacklist-file: /etc/tempest/test-blacklist |
| enabled: true |
| fail_on_test: true |
| type: tempest |
| # regex: test |
| EOF |
| cat artifacts/test_scheme.yaml |
| echo " " |
| env | grep TEMPEST_ |
| echo " " |
| # |
| echo "# Checking auto-allocation" |
| cmd="openstack network auto allocated topology create --check-resources" |
| kubectl -n qa-space exec toolset --stdin -- $cmd |
| if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then |
| cmd="openstack network set --default --external ${TEMPEST_CUSTOM_PUBLIC_NET}" |
| echo "# Trying to set network: '${cmd}'" |
| kubectl -n qa-space exec toolset --stdin -- $cmd |
| echo "# Checking again" |
| cmd="openstack network auto allocated topology create --check-resources" |
| kubectl -n qa-space exec toolset --stdin -- $cmd |
| [ $? -ne 0 ] && printf "\n\n# WARNING: Check functional tests pod for errors on test init\n\n" |
| fi |
| |
| # run tests |
| pytest -vv /opt/si-tests/si_tests/tests/lcm/test_run_tempest.py |
| deactivate |
| |
| # report |
| if [ -d $MY_PROJFOLDER/reports/${tenv}-func ]; then |
| echo "# Generating repors" |
| yes | rm $MY_PROJFOLDER/reports/${tenv}-func/* |
| else |
| mkdir $MY_PROJFOLDER/reports/${tenv}-func |
| fi |
| cp ./artifacts/*.xml $MY_PROJFOLDER/reports/${tenv}-func/ |
| cd $MY_PROJFOLDER/reports/ |
| fname="$MY_CLIENTSHORTNAME-${tenv}-openstack-func-full-$(get_timestamp).html" |
| tparser -f r_xml -d -r "${fname}" $MY_PROJFOLDER/reports/${tenv}-func/ |
| update_latest_report_to "${fname}" |