blob: 5a8747094449954fa283d060becb076a3f500810 [file] [log] [blame]
# Check vars
if [ -z ${MY_CLIENTNAME+x} ]; then
echo "# Source ${MY_PROJFOLDER}/ prior to running this script"
exit 1
# Prepare qa namespace and resources
echo "# Sourcing mosrc"
. ${MY_PROJFOLDER}/envs/mosrc
# check that kubeconfig present
if [ -z ${KUBECONFIG} ]; then
exit 1
# ns and storages
echo "# Creating resources"
kubectl apply -f ${MY_PROJFOLDER}/yamls/qa-res.yaml
# keystone
if [ -z $(kubectl -n qa-space get secret keystone-keystone-admin --no-headers | cut -d' ' -f1) ]; then
echo "# Copy keystone vars"
kubectl get secret keystone-keystone-admin -n openstack -o yaml | sed 's/namespace: openstack/namespace: qa-space/g' | kubectl apply -n qa-space -f -
if [ -z $(kubectl -n qa-space get secret keystone-ca-bundle --no-headers | cut -d' ' -f1) ]; then
echo "# Copy keystone vars"
kubectl get secret keystone-ca-bundle -n openstack -o yaml | sed 's/namespace: openstack/namespace: qa-space/g' | kubectl apply -n qa-space -f -
# start toolset
echo "# Starting toolset pod"
kubectl apply -f ${MY_PROJFOLDER}/yamls/qa-toolset.yaml
echo "# Starting rally pod"
kubectl apply -f ${MY_PROJFOLDER}/yamls/qa-rally.yaml