| #!/bin/bash |
| |
| variables=( |
| ) |
| |
| check_variables () { |
| for i in $(seq 0 $(( ${#variables[@]} - 1 )) ); do |
| if [ -z "${!variables[$i]}" ]; then |
| echo "Variable \"${variables[$i]}\" is not defined" |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| done |
| ip=$(echo ${OS_AUTH_URL} | sed -e 's/[^/]*\/\/\([^@]*@\)\?\([^:/]*\).*/\2/') |
| export no_proxy=$ip |
| } |
| |
| rally_configuration () { |
| if [ "$PROXY" != "offline" ]; then |
| if [ -n "${PROXY}" ]; then |
| export http_proxy=$PROXY |
| export https_proxy=$PROXY |
| fi |
| pip install --force-reinstall python-glanceclient==2.11 |
| apt-get update; apt-get install -y iputils-ping curl wget |
| unset http_proxy |
| unset https_proxy |
| fi |
| sub_name=`date "+%H_%M_%S"` |
| # remove dashes from rally user passwords to fit into 32 char limit |
| sed -i 's/uuid4())/uuid4()).replace("-","")/g' /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/rally/plugins/openstack/scenarios/keystone/utils.py |
| sed -i 's/uuid4())/uuid4()).replace("-","")/g' /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/rally/plugins/openstack/context/keystone/users.py |
| rally deployment create --fromenv --name=tempest_$sub_name |
| echo "[openstack]" >> /etc/rally/rally.conf |
| echo "pre_newton_neutron=True" >> /etc/rally/rally.conf |
| } |
| |
| update_cacerts () { |
| # configuring certificates file |
| if [ -z ${OS_CACERT+x} ]; then |
| echo "# No OS_CACERT is set, update of crt file skipped" |
| else |
| echo "# Adding custom certificates" |
| ca=( $(find ${1} -name cacert.pem) ) |
| for crt in ${ca[@]}; do |
| cat ${OS_CACERT} >>${crt} |
| echo "-> ${crt}" |
| done |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| tempest_configuration () { |
| sub_name=`date "+%H_%M_%S"` |
| # default tempest version is 18.0.0 now, unless |
| # it is explicitly defined in pipelines |
| if [ "$tempest_version" == "" ]; then |
| tempest_version='master' |
| fi |
| if [ "$PROXY" == "offline" ]; then |
| rally verify create-verifier --name tempest_verifier_$sub_name --type tempest --source $TEMPEST_REPO --system-wide --version $tempest_version |
| #rally verify add-verifier-ext --source /var/lib/telemetry-tempest-plugin |
| rally verify add-verifier-ext --source /var/lib/heat-tempest-plugin |
| update_cacerts "/usr/local/lib" |
| else |
| if [ -n "${PROXY}" ]; then |
| export https_proxy=$PROXY |
| fi |
| rally verify create-verifier --name tempest_verifier_$sub_name --type tempest --source $TEMPEST_REPO --version $tempest_version |
| #rally verify add-verifier-ext --version 7a4bff728fbd8629ec211669264ab645aa921e2b --source https://github.com/openstack/telemetry-tempest-plugin |
| rally verify add-verifier-ext --version 0.2.0 --source https://github.com/openstack/heat-tempest-plugin |
| pip install --force-reinstall python-cinderclient==3.2.0 |
| /home/rally/.rally/verification/*/.venv/bin/pip install --force-reinstall 'paramiko==2.7.2' |
| unset https_proxy |
| update_cacerts "/home/rally/.rally/verification" |
| fi |
| # set password length to 32 |
| data_utils_path=`find /home/rally/.rally/verification/ -name data_utils.py` |
| sed -i 's/length=15/length=32/g' $data_utils_path |
| |
| # supress tempest.conf display in console |
| #rally verify configure-verifier --show |
| } |
| |
| glance_image() { |
| current_path=$(pwd) |
| # fetch image with exact name: testvm |
| IMAGE_NAME=cvp.cirros.51 |
| IMAGE_NAME2=cvp.cirros.52 |
| IMAGE_REF=$(glance image-list | grep "\b${IMAGE_NAME}\b" | awk '{print $2}') |
| IMAGE_REF2=$(glance image-list | grep "\b${IMAGE_NAME2}\b" | awk '{print $2}') |
| if [ "${IMAGE_REF2}" == "" ]; then |
| imagefile51=cirros-0.5.1-x86_64-disk.img |
| imagefile52=cirros-0.5.2-x86_64-disk.img |
| imageurl51=https://download.cirros-cloud.net/0.5.1/${imagefile51} |
| imageurl52=https://download.cirros-cloud.net/0.5.2/${imagefile52} |
| imagepath51=$current_path/cvp-configuration/${imagefile51} |
| imagepath52=$current_path/cvp-configuration/${imagefile52} |
| if [ "$PROXY" != "offline" ]; then |
| if [ -n "${PROXY}" ]; then |
| export http_proxy=$PROXY |
| export https_proxy=$PROXY |
| fi |
| ls ${imagepath51} || wget ${imageurl51} -O ${imagepath51} |
| ls ${imagepath52} || wget ${imageurl52} -O ${imagepath52} |
| unset http_proxy |
| unset https_proxy |
| fi |
| # v5.1 |
| if [ -e $current_path/cvp-configuration/${imagefile51} ]; then |
| echo "MD5 for the file is:" |
| md5sum ${imagepath51} |
| glance image-create --name=${IMAGE_NAME} --visibility=public --container-format=bare --disk-format=qcow2 < ${imagepath51} |
| IMAGE_REF=$(glance image-list | grep "\b${IMAGE_NAME}\b" | awk '{print $2}') |
| else |
| echo "Cirros image v5.1 was not downloaded! Some tests may fail" |
| IMAGE_REF="" |
| fi |
| # v5.2 |
| if [ -e $current_path/cvp-configuration/${imagefile52} ]; then |
| echo "MD5 for the file is:" |
| md5sum ${imagepath52} |
| glance image-create --name=${IMAGE_NAME2} --visibility=public --container-format=bare --disk-format=qcow2 < ${imagepath52} |
| IMAGE_REF2=$(glance image-list | grep "\b${IMAGE_NAME2}\b" | awk '{print $2}') |
| else |
| echo "Cirros image v5.2 was not downloaded! Some tests may fail" |
| IMAGE_REF2="" |
| fi |
| |
| fi |
| |
| sed -i 's/${IMAGE_REF}/'$IMAGE_REF'/g' $current_path/cvp-configuration/tempest/tempest_ext.conf |
| sed -i 's/${IMAGE_REF2}/'$IMAGE_REF2'/g' $current_path/cvp-configuration/tempest/tempest_ext.conf |
| sed -i 's/${IMAGE_NAME}/'$IMAGE_NAME'/g' $current_path/cvp-configuration/tempest/tempest_ext.conf |
| sed -i 's/${IMAGE_NAME2}/'$IMAGE_NAME2'/g' $current_path/cvp-configuration/tempest/tempest_ext.conf |
| } |
| |
| quick_configuration () { |
| current_path=$(pwd) |
| #image |
| glance_image |
| |
| #flavors for rally |
| nova flavor-list | grep cvp.tiny 2>&1 >/dev/null || { |
| echo "Let's create cvp.tiny flavor" |
| #nova flavor-create --is-public true m1.tiny auto 128 1 1 |
| openstack flavor create --id 1 --ram 64 --disk 1 --vcpus 1 cvp.tiny |
| } |
| nova flavor-list | grep cvp.small 2>&1 >/dev/null || { |
| echo "Let's create cvp.small flavor" |
| openstack flavor create --id 2 --ram 256 --disk 2 --vcpus 1 cvp.small |
| } |
| |
| |
| #shared fixed network |
| shared_count=`neutron net-list -c name -c shared | grep True | grep "fixed-net" | wc -l` |
| if [ $shared_count -eq 0 ]; then |
| echo "Let's create shared fixed net" |
| neutron net-create --shared fixed-net |
| FIXED_NET_ID=$(neutron net-list -c id -c name -c shared | grep "fixed-net" | grep True | awk '{print $2}' | tail -n 1) |
| neutron subnet-create --name fixed-subnet --gateway --allocation-pool start=,end= --ip-version 4 $FIXED_NET_ID |
| fi |
| fixed_count=`neutron net-list | grep "fixed-net" | wc -l` |
| if [ $fixed_count -gt 1 ]; then |
| echo "TOO MANY NETWORKS WITH fixed-net NAME! This may affect tests. Please review your network list." |
| fi |
| # public/floating net |
| PUBLIC_NET=$(neutron net-list -c name -c router:external | grep True | awk '{print $2}' | tail -n 1) |
| FIXED_NET=$(neutron net-list -c name -c shared | grep "fixed-net" | grep True | awk '{print $2}' | tail -n 1) |
| FIXED_NET_ID=$(neutron net-list -c id -c name -c shared | grep "fixed-net" | grep True | awk '{print $2}' | tail -n 1) |
| FIXED_SUBNET_ID=$(neutron net-show $FIXED_NET_ID -c subnets | grep subnets | awk '{print $4}') |
| FIXED_SUBNET_NAME=$(neutron subnet-show -c name $FIXED_SUBNET_ID | grep name | awk '{print $4}') |
| echo "Public net name is $PUBLIC_NET" |
| echo "Fixed net name is $FIXED_NET, id is $FIXED_NET_ID" |
| echo "Fixed subnet is: $FIXED_SUBNET_ID, name: $FIXED_SUBNET_NAME" |
| sed -i 's/${FIXED_NET}/'$FIXED_NET_ID'/g' $current_path/cvp-configuration/rally/rally_scenarios.json |
| sed -i 's/${FIXED_NET}/'$FIXED_NET_ID'/g' $current_path/cvp-configuration/rally/rally_scenarios_100.json |
| sed -i 's/${FIXED_NET}/'$FIXED_NET_ID'/g' $current_path/cvp-configuration/rally/rally_scenarios_fip_and_ubuntu.json |
| sed -i 's/${FIXED_NET}/'$FIXED_NET_ID'/g' $current_path/cvp-configuration/rally/rally_scenarios_fip_and_ubuntu_100.json |
| sed -i 's/${FIXED_NET}/'$FIXED_NET'/g' $current_path/cvp-configuration/tempest/tempest_ext.conf |
| sed -i 's/${FIXED_SUBNET_NAME}/'$FIXED_SUBNET_NAME'/g' $current_path/cvp-configuration/tempest/tempest_ext.conf |
| sed -i 's/${OS_USERNAME}/'$OS_USERNAME'/g' $current_path/cvp-configuration/tempest/tempest_ext.conf |
| sed -i 's/${OS_TENANT_NAME}/'$OS_TENANT_NAME'/g' $current_path/cvp-configuration/tempest/tempest_ext.conf |
| sed -i 's/${OS_REGION_NAME}/'$OS_REGION_NAME'/g' $current_path/cvp-configuration/tempest/tempest_ext.conf |
| sed -i 's|${OS_AUTH_URL}|'"${OS_AUTH_URL}"'|g' $current_path/cvp-configuration/tempest/tempest_ext.conf |
| sed -i 's|${OS_PASSWORD}|'"${OS_PASSWORD}"'|g' $current_path/cvp-configuration/tempest/tempest_ext.conf |
| sed -i 's|${PUBLIC_NET}|'"${PUBLIC_NET}"'|g' $current_path/cvp-configuration/tempest/tempest_ext.conf |
| sed -i 's/publicURL/'$TEMPEST_ENDPOINT_TYPE'/g' $current_path/cvp-configuration/tempest/tempest_ext.conf |
| #supress tempest.conf display in console |
| #cat $current_path/cvp-configuration/tempest/tempest_ext.conf |
| cp $current_path/cvp-configuration/tempest/boot_config_none_env.yaml /home/rally/boot_config_none_env.yaml |
| cp $current_path/cvp-configuration/rally/default.yaml.template /home/rally/default.yaml.template |
| cp $current_path/cvp-configuration/rally/instance_test.sh /home/rally/instance_test.sh |
| cp $current_path/cvp-configuration/cleanup.sh /home/rally/cleanup.sh |
| chmod 755 /home/rally/cleanup.sh |
| } |
| |
| if [ "$1" == "reconfigure" ]; then |
| echo "This is reconfiguration" |
| rally verify configure-verifier --reconfigure |
| rally verify configure-verifier --extend $current_path/cvp-configuration/tempest/tempest_ext.conf |
| rally verify configure-verifier |
| exit 0 |
| fi |
| |
| check_variables |
| rally_configuration |
| quick_configuration |
| if [ -n "${TEMPEST_REPO}" ]; then |
| tempest_configuration |
| # If you do not have fip network, use this command |
| #cat $current_path/cvp-configuration/tempest/skip-list-fip-only.yaml >> $current_path/cvp-configuration/tempest/skip-list-queens.yaml |
| # If Opencontrail is deployed, use this command |
| #cat $current_path/cvp-configuration/tempest/skip-list-oc4.yaml >> $current_path/cvp-configuration/tempest/skip-list-queens.yaml |
| #cat $current_path/cvp-configuration/tempest/skip-list-heat.yaml >> $current_path/cvp-configuration/tempest/skip-list-queens.yaml |
| rally verify configure-verifier --extend $current_path/cvp-configuration/tempest/tempest_ext.conf |
| rally verify configure-verifier |
| # If Barbican tempest plugin is installed, use this |
| #mkdir /etc/tempest |
| #rally verify configure-verifier --show | grep -v "rally.api" > /etc/tempest/tempest.conf |
| # Add 2 additional tempest tests (live migration to all nodes + ssh to all nodes) |
| # TBD |
| #cat tempest/test_extension.py >> repo/tempest/scenario/test_server_multinode.py |
| fi |
| set -e |
| |
| echo "Configuration is done!" |