| #!/bin/bash |
| |
| #A simple integration test that will allow you to check whether the LBaaS 2.0 integration is working on your cloud. |
| #May require some minor tuning depending on the LB provider (i.e. specifying flavor, order of listener/pool creation etc) |
| #Requires a project, permissive security group, tenant network, floating network, keypair and image/flavor to start the VM. |
| |
| #Testing of the load balancing is still manual. Start the test in screen, wait until the LB is up and then test it in another tab. |
| now=$(date +'%m-%d-%Y') |
| IMAGE=260d1328-5ed0-4e54-a79c-26c98a92ecc9 |
| FLAVOR=033b82cb-b39f-466c-96c8-cf7c4e910932 |
| NETWORK=bd76e0b4-e707-4456-905d-834035f8c8e5 |
| FIP_NET=f424e52d-eefc-4a8c-b51f-490d79a4127b |
| KEY=qa-lb-kp |
| SGID=1b53d9e0-c62f-4e2a-b942-3dd2fb356337 |
| PORT=22 |
| LBNAME=qa-testlb-${now} |
| echo "Spawning the pool VMs" |
| openstack server create lb-1-${LBNAME} --image ${IMAGE} --flavor ${FLAVOR} --key ${KEY} --nic net-id=${NETWORK} --security-group ${SGID} |
| openstack server create lb-2-${LBNAME} --image ${IMAGE} --flavor ${FLAVOR} --key ${KEY} --nic net-id=${NETWORK} --security-group ${SGID} |
| openstack server create lb-3-${LBNAME} --image ${IMAGE} --flavor ${FLAVOR} --key ${KEY} --nic net-id=${NETWORK} --security-group ${SGID} |
| echo "Obtaining the service subnet ID" |
| SUBNET=`openstack network show ${NETWORK} | grep subnets | awk '{print $4}'` |
| echo "Creating the load balancer" |
| #neutron lbaas-loadbalancer-create --name ${LBNAME} ${SUBNET} |
| openstack loadbalancer create --name ${LBNAME} --vip-subnet-id ${SUBNET} |
| #LB=`neutron lbaas-loadbalancer-list | grep ${LBNAME} | awk '{print $2}'` |
| LB=`openstack loadbalancer list | grep ${LBNAME} | awk '{print $2}'` |
| echo "Obtaining the LB VIP port and adding the permissive security group" |
| #LB_PORT=`neutron lbaas-loadbalancer-show ${LB} | grep 'port_id' | awk '{print $4}'` |
| LB_PORT=`openstack loadbalancer show ${LB} | grep 'port_id' | awk '{print $4}'` |
| neutron port-update ${LB_PORT} --no-security-groups |
| neutron port-update ${LB_PORT} --security-group ${SGID} |
| echo "Creating the LB listener and pool" |
| #LISTENER=`neutron lbaas-listener-create --loadbalancer ${LB} --protocol ${PROTO} --protocol-port ${PORT} --name ${LBNAME}-listener | grep '\ id' | awk '{print $4}'` |
| LISTENER=`openstack loadbalancer listener create --protocol ${PROTO} --protocol-port ${PORT} --name ${LBNAME}-listener ${LB} | grep '\ id' | awk '{print $4}'` |
| #POOL=`neutron lbaas-pool-create --listener ${LISTENER} --protocol ${PROTO} --name ${LBNAME}-pool --lb-algorithm ROUND_ROBIN | grep '\ id' | awk '{print $4}'` |
| POOL=`openstack loadbalancer pool create --listener ${LISTENER} --protocol ${PROTO} --name ${LBNAME}-pool --lb-algorithm ROUND_ROBIN | grep '\ id' | awk '{print $4}'` |
| echo "Obtaining the fixed IP addresses for the pool VMs" |
| IP1=`openstack server show lb-1-${LBNAME} | grep addresses | awk '{print $4}' | cut -d '=' -f 2` |
| IP2=`openstack server show lb-2-${LBNAME} | grep addresses | awk '{print $4}' | cut -d '=' -f 2` |
| IP3=`openstack server show lb-3-${LBNAME} | grep addresses | awk '{print $4}' | cut -d '=' -f 2` |
| echo "Adding the VMs to the pool" |
| #neutron lbaas-member-create --protocol-port ${PORT} ${POOL} --subnet ${SUBNET} --address ${IP1} |
| #neutron lbaas-member-create --protocol-port ${PORT} ${POOL} --subnet ${SUBNET} --address ${IP2} |
| #neutron lbaas-member-create --protocol-port ${PORT} ${POOL} --subnet ${SUBNET} --address ${IP3} |
| openstack loadbalancer member create --protocol-port ${PORT} --subnet-id ${SUBNET} --address ${IP1} ${POOL} |
| openstack loadbalancer member create --protocol-port ${PORT} --subnet-id ${SUBNET} --address ${IP2} ${POOL} |
| openstack loadbalancer member create --protocol-port ${PORT} --subnet-id ${SUBNET} --address ${IP3} ${POOL} |
| echo "Associating the floating IP with the LB VIP" |
| #FIP_ID=(neutron floatingip-create ${FIP_NET} | grep '\ id' | awk '{print $4}') |
| FIP_ID=$(neutron floatingip-show ${FIP_ID} | grep floating_ip_address | awk '{print $4}') |
| neutron floatingip-associate ${FIP_ID} ${LB_PORT} |
| FIP_IP=`neutron floatingip-show ${FIP_ID} | grep address | awk '{print $4}'` |
| echo Load balancer is up with the floating IP ${FIP_IP}:${PORT}, protocol ${PROTO}. Press Enter for LB decommissioning. |
| read _ |
| neutron lbaas-member-list ${POOL} | grep ${SUBNET} | awk -v pool=${POOL} '{system("neutron lbaas-member-delete " $2 " " pool)}' |
| neutron lbaas-pool-delete ${POOL} |
| neutron lbaas-listener-delete ${LISTENER} |
| neutron lbaas-loadbalancer-delete ${LB} |
| neutron floatingip-delete ${FIP_ID} |
| openstack server delete lb-1-${LBNAME} |
| openstack server delete lb-2-${LBNAME} |
| openstack server delete lb-3-${LBNAME} |