blob: 887646e2f07e42731dd14d55910a9a98d0e1658d [file] [log] [blame]
echo "### Checking rally environments"
status=$(kubectl -n qa-space get pod | grep rally | tr -s " " | cut -d' ' -f3)
if [ ${status} != "Running" ]; then
echo "# 'rally' container is not Running"
exit 1
# Updating folder and file permissions
kubectl exec -n qa-space --stdin rally -- sudo chown rally -R /artifacts
kubectl exec -n qa-space --stdin rally -- sudo chown rally -R /rally/rally-files/
# Copy actual rally-files to the rally pod:
kubectl cp /opt/res-files/k8s/rally-files/ qa-space/rally:/rally/
if [ ! -z $(kubectl exec -n qa-space --stdin rally -- rally env list | grep openstack | cut -d' ' -f2) ]; then
echo "# Openstack env already created"
kubectl exec -n qa-space --stdin rally -- rally env list
echo "# Creating openstack env"
kubectl exec -n qa-space --stdin rally -- bash -c "bash /rally/rally-files/"
echo " "
if [ ! -z $(kubectl exec -n qa-space --stdin rally -- rally env list | grep kubernetes | cut -d' ' -f2) ]; then
echo "# Kubernetes env already created"
kubectl exec -n qa-space --stdin rally -- rally env list
echo "# Creating kubernetes env"
kubectl cp $MY_PROJFOLDER/envs/mos-kubeconfig.yaml qa-space/rally:/artifacts/mos-kubeconfig.yaml
kubectl exec -n qa-space --stdin rally -- bash -c "bash /rally/rally-files/"