Implement VM analyzer for looking up duplicated, misplaced and lost VMs

Change-Id: Ie0063bd7a6bbd2c8e276c2bdbd95be1cf1eeddcf
diff --git a/scripts/vm_tracker/README b/scripts/vm_tracker/README
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index 0000000..5e3152d
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+++ b/scripts/vm_tracker/README
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+VM tracking tool
+Q: What does it do?
+A: Searches for VMs that are duplicated (VMs with same IDs on different hypervisors), VMs that are misplaced (running on a different hypervisor that what Nova expects), VMs that are lost (existing in libvirt not having an uuid)
+Q: How does it work?
+A: By comparing the output of Nova (nova list --all) and virsh (virsh list --all, virsh list --uuid)
+Q: How do I use it?
+A: run "" to gather the data from Nova and libvirt, then run "" to get the results.
+Q: What does it need to run?
+A: Salt access, bash on the compute node, and a correct hypervisor name pattern set in the (check comments in the source before running it).