Implement VM analyzer for looking up duplicated, misplaced and lost VMs
Change-Id: Ie0063bd7a6bbd2c8e276c2bdbd95be1cf1eeddcf
diff --git a/scripts/vm_tracker/README b/scripts/vm_tracker/README
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+++ b/scripts/vm_tracker/README
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+VM tracking tool
+Q: What does it do?
+A: Searches for VMs that are duplicated (VMs with same IDs on different hypervisors), VMs that are misplaced (running on a different hypervisor that what Nova expects), VMs that are lost (existing in libvirt not having an uuid)
+Q: How does it work?
+A: By comparing the output of Nova (nova list --all) and virsh (virsh list --all, virsh list --uuid)
+Q: How do I use it?
+A: run "" to gather the data from Nova and libvirt, then run "" to get the results.
+Q: What does it need to run?
+A: Salt access, bash on the compute node, and a correct hypervisor name pattern set in the (check comments in the source before running it).
diff --git a/scripts/vm_tracker/ b/scripts/vm_tracker/
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index 0000000..51adbb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/vm_tracker/
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+import json
+def lookup_near(ls, name):
+ for vm in ls:
+ if vm['id'] == name:
+ return vm['id']
+ return False
+def lookup_far(dc, name):
+ result_hvs = []
+ for hv in dc:
+ res = lookup_near(dc[hv], name)
+ if res:
+ result_hvs.append(hv)
+ return result_hvs
+lost_vms = {}
+hypervisors = {}
+hypervisor_pattern = "cmp" #Replace with your own pattern, ensure it's unique so it wouldn't mix up with VM names
+skip_pattern = "------------"
+current_hv = ""
+vm_pattern = "-"
+with open("virsh_vms", "rt") as f:
+ for line in f.readlines():
+ line = line.replace("\n", "")
+ if skip_pattern in line:
+ continue
+ elif hypervisor_pattern in line:
+ current_hv = line.replace(":", "")
+ if current_hv in hypervisors:
+ print("Duplicate hypervisor %s, exiting" % current_hv)
+ break
+ else:
+ hypervisors[current_hv] = []
+ elif vm_pattern in line:
+ if not current_hv:
+ print("Malformed virsh list, exiting")
+ break
+ vm_info_struct = [x for x in line.replace("\n", "").replace("\t"," ").replace("shut off", "shutoff").split(" ") if x]
+ if len(vm_info_struct) == 4:
+ iid, virsh_id, iname, state = vm_info_struct
+ hypervisors[current_hv].append({"id": iid, "state": state})
+ elif len(vm_info_struct) == 3: #No UUID assigned
+ virsh_id, iname, state = vm_info_struct
+ if not lost_vms.has_key(current_hv):
+ lost_vms[current_hv] = [iname + ":" + state]
+ else:
+ lost_vms[current_hv].append(iname + ":" + state)
+nova_out = ""
+nova_vms = {}
+with open("nova_vms", "rt") as f:
+ for line in f.readlines():
+ if "servers" in line:
+ if "RESP BODY" in line:
+ nova_out = line.replace("RESP BODY: ", "").replace("\n", "")
+ nova_vms_json = json.loads(nova_out)
+ for vm in nova_vms_json['servers']:
+ vm_id = vm['id']
+ vm_iname = vm['OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:instance_name']
+ vm_hv = vm['OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:hypervisor_hostname']
+ vm_state = vm['OS-EXT-STS:vm_state']
+ if vm_hv not in nova_vms:
+ nova_vms[vm_hv] = []
+ nova_vms[vm_hv].append({"id": vm_id, "name": vm_iname, "state": vm_state})
+rev = {}
+lsdup = []
+for hv in hypervisors:
+ for vm in hypervisors[hv]:
+ if not vm['id'] in rev:
+ rev[vm['id']] = [hv+"(%s)"%vm['state']]
+ else:
+ rev[vm['id']].append(hv+"(%s)"%vm['state'])
+for vm_id in rev:
+ if len(rev[vm_id]) > 1:
+ print "Duplicate VM: %s on %s" % (vm_id, rev[vm_id])
+ lsdup.append(vm_id)
+for hv in hypervisors:
+ if hv not in nova_vms and len(hypervisors[hv]) > 0:
+ #print "WARN: hypervisor %s exists but nova doesn't know that it has following VMs:" % hv
+ for vm in hypervisors[hv]:
+ if not lookup_far(nova_vms, vm["id"]):
+ print "Nova doesn't know that vm %s is running on %s" %(vm["id"], hv)
+ continue
+ for vm in hypervisors[hv]:
+ report = ""
+ if not lookup_near(nova_vms[hv], vm['id']):
+ if vm['id'] in lsdup:
+ continue
+ report += "WARN: VM %s is on hypervisor %s" % (vm['id'], hv)
+ nova_hvs = lookup_far(nova_vms, vm["id"])
+ if nova_hvs:
+ report += ", but nova thinks it is running on %s." % (str(nova_hvs))
+ else:
+ report += ", but nova doesn't know about it."
+ report += " VM state is %s " % vm['state']
+ if report:
+ print(report)
+if lost_vms:
+ print("Lost VMs report (existing in virsh without an UUID and completely untracked in Openstack)")
+for hv in lost_vms:
+ print(hv+":")
+ for vm in lost_vms[hv]:
+ print(vm)
diff --git a/scripts/vm_tracker/ b/scripts/vm_tracker/
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index 0000000..59566d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/vm_tracker/
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+echo "Gathering the nova data, this may take a while"
+sudo salt -C "ctl01*" ". /root/keystonercv3; nova --debug list --all --limit -1" > nova_vms
+echo "Gathering the virsh data, this may take even longer"
+sudo salt -t 10 -C "cmp*" 'bash -c "paste <(virsh list --all --uuid) <(virsh list --all | grep instance)"' > virsh_vms