blob: c7c2782cefd8b2903227d93694774e1dc7068712 [file] [log] [blame]
# Openstack resources
Network and image must be created prior to run this template
image: cvp.ubuntu.1604
To auto create them, run cvp resource creation script from ../scripts
Path is relative to this folder: <repo>/autoscale
bash ../scripts/ -w ($pwd)
# Source the rc file
. cvprc
# Create stack
openstack stack create -t simple.yaml -e environment.yaml simple-scale
# Check that 2 servers created and copy one of the server IDs
openstack server list
# Check that alarm is created
openstack alarm list
# Check that 'cpu' metric is coming in
openstack metric resource show --type instance <server_uuid>
# Finally, wait for several minutes for the metrics to collect and check averages
gnocchi measures show --resource-id <server_uuid> --aggregation rate:mean cpu
# And check that signals coming in:
openstack stack event list simple-scale
# And check that there is 5 VMs running after ~10 min
openstack server list