blob: a16011f225d9c83de4ec8758728961eb826ef7d6 [file] [log] [blame]
"""Constants that is not to be changed and used in all other files
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
import itertools
_cnt = itertools.count()
NODE_DOWN = next(_cnt)
NODE_UP = next(_cnt)
NODE_SKIP = next(_cnt)
# version const order is important!
# biggest get shown in report top row
VERSION_NA = next(_cnt)
VERSION_OK = next(_cnt)
VERSION_UP = next(_cnt)
VERSION_DOWN = next(_cnt)
VERSION_WARN = next(_cnt)
VERSION_ERR = next(_cnt)
# action const order is important!
# biggest get shown in report top row
ACT_NA = next(_cnt)
ACT_UPGRADE = next(_cnt)
ACT_NEED_UP = next(_cnt)
ACT_NEED_DOWN = next(_cnt)
ACT_REPO = next(_cnt)
del _cnt
all_actions = {
ACT_UPGRADE: "upgrade possible",
ACT_NEED_UP: "needs upgrade",
ACT_NEED_DOWN: "needs downgrade",
ACT_REPO: "repo update",
ACT_NA: ""
all_pkg_statuses = {
VERSION_UP: "upgraded",
VERSION_DOWN: "downgraded",
VERSION_WARN: "warning",
VERSION_ERR: "error",
VERSION_NA: "nostatus"
node_status = {
NODE_UP: "up",
NODE_DOWN: "down",
NODE_SKIP: "skip"
uknown_code = "unk"
ENV_TYPE_KUBE = "salt"
ENV_TYPE_KUBE = "kube"
all_salt_roles_map = {
"apt": "repository",
"bmk": "validation",
"cfg": "master",
"cid": "cicd",
"cmn": "storage_monitor",
"cmp": "compute",
"ctl": "openstack_controller",
"dbs": "database",
"gtw": "openstack_gateway",
"kvm": "foundation",
"log": "stacklight_logger",
"mon": "monitoring",
"msg": "messaging",
"mtr": "stacklight_metering",
"ntw": "contrail_networking",
"nal": "contrail_analytics",
"osd": "storage_node",
"prx": "proxy",
"rgw": "storage_rados",
"unk": "uknown"
ubuntu_releases = ["trusty", "xenial", "ubuntu", "bionic", "focal"]
kaas_ubuntu_active = [
mcp_active_tags = [
all_arch = ["amd64"]
repo_types = {
"main": "Officially supported software",
"restricted": "Supported software that is not "
"available under a completely free license",
"universe": "Community maintained software, "
"i.e. not officially supported software",
"multiverse": "Software that is not free",
"contrib": "Free software, but is dependent to non-free software",
"uknown": "No specific description available"
_repos_info_archive = ""
_repos_versions_archive = "repo.versions.tgz"
_pkg_desc_archive = "pkg.descriptions.tgz"
_repos_index_filename = "repoindex.json"
_mainteiners_index_filename = "mainteiners.json"
_mirantis_versions_filename = "mirantis_v.json"
_other_versions_filename = "other_v.json"
all_kube_roles_map = {
'': "k8s-master",
'openstack-compute-node': "os-cmp",
'openstack-control-plane': "os-ctl",
'openstack-gateway': "os-gtw",
'openvswitch': "ovs",
'local-volume-provisioner': "",
'ceph_role_mgr': "ceph-mgr",
'ceph_role_mon': "ceph-mon",
'com.docker.ucp.collection.shared': "ucp-shared",
'com.docker.ucp.collection.system': "ucp-system",
'com.docker.ucp.collection.swarm': "ucp-swarm",
'com.docker.ucp.collection.root': "ucp-root",
truth = ['true', '1', 't', 'y', 'yes', 'yeah', 'yup', 'certainly', 'uh-huh']
ubuntu_versions = {
"20.10": "Groovy Gorilla",
"20.04": "Focal Fossa",
"18.04": "Bionic Beaver",
"16.04": "Xenial Xerus",
"14.04": "Trusty Tahr",
nova_openstack_versions = {
"23": "wallaby",
"22": "victoria",
"21": "ussuri",
"20": "train",
"19": "stein",
"18": "rocky",
"17": "queens",
"00": "not installed"