blob: 66a46aa4848a5d66f05e0de1321d50e07d8e1031 [file] [log] [blame]
import json
import subprocess
import sys
from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool
def shell(command):
_ps = subprocess.Popen(
return _ps
def get_versions(pkg):
# get the info for the package
_pkg_info = shell('apt-cache policy ' + pkg)
_installed = 'none'
_candidate = 'none'
# extract the installed and candidate
for line in _pkg_info.splitlines():
if line.find("Installed") > 0:
_installed = line.split(':', 1)[1].strip()
elif line.find("Candidate") > 0:
_candidate = line.split(':', 1)[1].strip()
return [pkg, _installed, _candidate, _pkg_info]
# get list of packages
_list = shell("apt list --installed")
pkg_list = _list.splitlines()
pkg_list = [_pkg.split('/')[0] for _pkg in pkg_list[1:]]
# threading pool
pool = Pool(10)
result =, pkg_list)
# init pkg storage
pkgs = {}
for res in result:
_pkg = res[0]
if _pkg not in pkgs:
pkgs[_pkg] = {}
pkgs[_pkg]['installed'] = res[1]
pkgs[_pkg]['candidate'] = res[2]
pkgs[_pkg]['raw'] = res[3]
buff = json.dumps(pkgs)