blob: 10f65dc012536566226a5c4c6c13b4d30a6af61f [file] [log] [blame]
import csv
import os
from cfg_checker.common import config, logger, logger_cli, pkg_dir, const
class PkgVersions(object):
_labels = []
_list = {}
dummy_desc = {
"component": "unlisted",
"app": "-",
"repo": "-",
"versions": {}
def __init__(self):
# preload csv file"# Preloading MCP release versions")
with open(os.path.join(pkg_dir, 'etc', config.pkg_versions_map)) as f:
_reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=',')
# load packages
for row in _reader:
# load release version labels
if _reader.line_num == 1:
self._labels = [v for v in row[5:]]
# package_name,component,application_or_service,repo,openstack_release,2018.4.0,2018.11.0,2019.2.0,2019.2.1,2019.2.2
# reassign for code readability
_pkg = row[0]
_component = row[1]
_app = row[2]
_repo = row[3]
# if release cell empty - use keyword 'any'
_os_release = row[4] if len(row[4]) > 0 else 'any'
# prepare versions dict
_l = self._labels
_versions = {_l[i]:row[5+i] for i in range(0, len(row[5:]))}
if _pkg in self._list:
if _os_release in self._list[_pkg]["versions"]:
# all pkg/os_releases should be uniq. If found, latest one used
"-> WARNING: Duplicate package info found "
"'{}' (line {})".format(
# update pkg data in list
_pkg: {
"component": _component,
"app": _app,
"repo": _repo,
"versions": {}
# and finally, update the versions for this release
_os_release: _versions
def __getitem__(self, pkg_name):
if pkg_name in self._list:
return self._list[pkg_name]
#return self._dummy_desc
return None
class DebianVersion(object):
epoch = None
epoch_status = const.VERSION_NA
upstream = None
upstream_rev = None
upstream_status = const.VERSION_NA
debian = None
debian_rev = None
debian_status = const.VERSION_NA
status = ""
version = ""
def split_revision(version_fragment):
# The symbols are -, +, ~
_symbols = ['-', '+', '~']
# nums, coz it is faster then regex
_chars = [46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57]
_ord_map = [ord(ch) not in _chars for ch in version_fragment]
# if there is nothing to extract, return at once
if not any([_s in version_fragment for _s in _symbols]) \
and not any(_ord_map):
# no revisions
return version_fragment, ""
_main = _rev = ""
# get indices
_indices = []
for _s in _symbols:
if _s in version_fragment:
for _s in version_fragment:
if ord(_s) not in _chars:
# sort indices
# extract starting from the lowest one
_main = version_fragment[:_indices[0]]
_rev = version_fragment[_indices[0]:]
return _main, _rev
def __init__(self, version_string):
# save
if len(version_string) < 1:
self.epoch = None
self.upstream = None
self.debian = None
self.version = 'n/a'
# do parse the main versions
_v = version_string
# colon presence, means epoch present
_e = _v.split(':', 1)[0] if ':' in _v else ''
# if epoch was there, upstream should be cut
_m = _v if ':' not in _v else _v.split(':', 1)[1]
# dash presence, means debian present
_d = _m.rsplit('-', 1)[1] if '-' in _m else ''
# if debian was there, upstream version should be cut
_m = _m if '-' not in _m else _m.rsplit('-', 1)[0]
self.epoch = _e
self.upstream, self.upstream_rev = self.split_revision(_m)
self.debian, self.debian_rev = self.split_revision(_d)
self.version = version_string
# Following functions is a freestyle python mimic of apt's upstream, enjoy
# mimic produced in order not to pull any packages or call external code
def _cmp_fragment(lhf, rhf):
# search for difference
# indices
_li = _ri = 0
# pre-calc len
_lL = len(lhf)
_rL = len(rhf)
# bool for compare found
_diff = False
while _li < _lL and _ri < _rL:
# iterate lists
_num = lhf[_li] - rhf[_ri]
if _num:
return _num
_li += 1
_ri += 1
# diff found? lens equal?
if not _diff and _lL != _rL:
# lens not equal? Longer - later
return _lL - _rL
# equal
return 0
def _cmp_num(self, lf, rf):
# split fragments into lists
_lhf = lf.split('.') if '.' in lf else list(lf)
_rhf = rf.split('.') if '.' in rf else list(rf)
# cast them to ints, delete empty strs
_lhf = [int(n) for n in _lhf if len(n)]
_rhf = [int(n) for n in _rhf if len(n)]
return self._cmp_fragment(_lhf, _rhf)
def _cmp_lex(self, lf, rf):
# cast each item into its ORD value
_lhf = [ord(n) for n in lf]
_rhf = [ord(n) for n in rf]
return self._cmp_fragment(_lhf, _rhf)
# end of cmps
# main part compared using splitted numbers
# if equal, revision is compared using lexical comparizon
def __lt__(self, v):
if self._cmp_num(self.epoch, v.epoch) < 0:
return True
elif self._cmp_num(self.upstream, v.upstream) < 0:
return True
elif self._cmp_lex(self.upstream_rev, v.upstream_rev) < 0:
return True
return False
def __eq__(self, v):
# compare all portions
_result = []
_result.append(self._cmp_num(self.epoch, v.epoch))
_result.append(self._cmp_num(self.upstream, v.upstream))
_result.append(self._cmp_lex(self.upstream_rev, v.upstream_rev))
# if there is any non-zero, its not equal
return not any(_result)
def __gt__(self, v):
if self._cmp_num(self.epoch, v.epoch) > 0:
return True
elif self._cmp_num(self.upstream, v.upstream) > 0:
return True
elif self._cmp_lex(self.upstream_rev, v.upstream_rev) > 0:
return True
return False
def update_parts(self, target, status):
# updating parts of version statuses
if self._cmp_num(self.epoch, target.epoch) != 0:
self.epoch_status = status
self.epoch_status = const.VERSION_OK
if self._cmp_num(self.upstream, target.upstream) != 0 \
or self._cmp_lex(self.upstream_rev, target.upstream_rev) != 0:
self.upstream_status = status
self.upstream_status = const.VERSION_OK
if self._cmp_lex(self.debian, target.debian) != 0 \
or self._cmp_lex(self.debian_rev, target.debian_rev) != 0:
self.debian_status = status
self.debian_status = const.VERSION_OK
class VersionCmpResult(object):
status = ""
action = ""
source = None
target = None
def __init__(self, i, c, r):
# compare three versions and write a result
self.source = i
self.status = const.VERSION_NA
self.action = const.ACT_NA
# Check if there is a release version present
if r and len(r.version) > 0 and r.version != 'n/a':
# I < C, installed version is older
if i < c: = c
if i == r:
# installed version is equal vs release version
self.status = const.VERSION_OK
self.action = const.ACT_UPGRADE
elif i > r:
# installed version is newer vs release version
self.status = const.VERSION_UP
self.action = const.ACT_UPGRADE
elif i < r and r < c:
# installed version is older vs release version
self.status = const.VERSION_ERR
self.action = const.ACT_NEED_UP = r
elif i < r and c == r:
# installed version is older vs release version
self.status = const.VERSION_ERR
self.action = const.ACT_NEED_UP = c
elif c < r:
# installed and repo versions older vs release version
self.status = const.VERSION_ERR
self.action = const.ACT_REPO
# I > C
# installed version is newer
elif i > c: = c
if c == r:
# some unknown version installed
self.status = const.VERSION_ERR
self.action = const.ACT_NEED_DOWN
elif c > r:
# installed and repo versions newer than release
self.status = const.VERSION_UP
self.action = const.ACT_NEED_DOWN
elif c < r and r < i:
# repo is older vs release and both older vs installed
self.status = const.VERSION_UP
self.action = const.ACT_REPO
elif c < r and r == i:
# repo is older vs release, but release version installed
self.status = const.VERSION_OK
self.action = const.ACT_REPO
elif i < r:
# both repo and installed older vs release, new target
self.status = const.VERSION_DOWN
self.action = const.ACT_REPO = r
# I = C
# installed and linked repo is inline,
elif i == c: = c
if i < r:
# both are old, new target
self.status = const.VERSION_ERR
self.action = const.ACT_REPO = r
elif i > r:
# both are newer, same target
self.status = const.VERSION_UP
self.action = const.ACT_NA
elif i == r:
# all is ok
self.status = const.VERSION_OK
self.action = const.ACT_NA
# no release version present = c
if i < c:
self.status = const.VERSION_OK
self.action = const.ACT_UPGRADE
elif i > c:
self.status = const.VERSION_UP
self.action = const.ACT_NEED_DOWN
elif i == c:
self.status = const.VERSION_OK
self.action = const.ACT_NA
# and we need to update per-part status
self.source.update_parts(, self.status)
def deb_lower(_s, _t):
if _t.debian and _t.debian > _s.debian:
return True
return false