blob: 2f067e47a68162f49add66a9a881bcb6591d39dd [file] [log] [blame]
* Send HTTP request to JIRA REST API.
* @param uri (string) JIRA url to post message to
* @param auth (string) authentication data
* @param method (string) HTTP method to call. Default: GET
* @param message (string) payload to send to JIRA
* @return map with two elements:
* - responseCode
* - responseText
def callREST (String uri, String auth, String method = 'GET', String message = null) {
String authEnc = auth.bytes.encodeBase64()
def req = new URL(uri).openConnection()
req.setRequestProperty('Content-Type', 'application/json')
req.setRequestProperty('Authorization', "Basic ${authEnc}")
if (message) {
Integer responseCode = req.getResponseCode()
String responseText = ''
if (responseCode == 200) {
responseText = req.getInputStream().getText()
req = null // to reset the connection
return [ 'responseCode': responseCode, 'responseText': responseText ]
* Exract JIRA ticket numbers from the commit
* message for Gerrit change request.
* @param commitMsg string to parse for JIRA ticket IDs
* @param matcherRegex (string) regex to match JIRA issue IDs in commitMsg. Default: '([A-Z]+-[0-9]+)'
* @return list of JIRA ticket IDs
List extractJIRA(String commitMsg, String matcherRegex = '([A-Z]+-[0-9]+)') {
String msg = new String(commitMsg.decodeBase64())
def matcher = (msg =~ matcherRegex)
List tickets = []
matcher.each{ tickets.add(it[0]) }
return tickets
* Post a text message in comments to a JIRA issue.
* @param uri (string) JIRA url to post message to
* @param auth (string) authentication data
* @param message (string) message to post to a JIRA issue as comment
def postComment(String uri, String auth, String message) {
String messageBody = message.replace('"', '\\"').replace('\n', '\\n')
String payload = """{"body": "${messageBody}"}"""
callREST("${uri}/comment", auth, 'POST', payload)
* Post comment to list of JIRA issues.
* @param uri (string) base JIRA url, each ticket ID appends to it
* @param auth (string) authentication data
* @param message (string) payload to post to JIRA issues as comment
* @param tickets list of ticket IDs to post message to
def postMessageToTickets(String uri, String auth, String message, List tickets) {
if ( callREST("${uri}/${it}", auth)['responseCode'] == 200 ) {
println "Updating ${uri}/${it} ...".replaceAll('rest/api/2/issue', 'browse')
postComment("${uri}/${it}", auth, message)