blob: e798a19e50f6473c969396183804fde59f9d16dc [file] [log] [blame]
* Run a simple workflow
* Function runScenario() executes a sequence of jobs, like
* - Parameters for the jobs are taken from the 'env' object
* - URLs of artifacts from completed jobs may be passed
* as parameters to the next jobs.
* No constants, environment specific logic or other conditional dependencies.
* All the logic should be placed in the workflow jobs, and perform necessary
* actions depending on the job parameters.
* The runScenario() function only provides the
* Run a Jenkins job using the collected parameters
* @param job_name Name of the running job
* @param job_parameters Map that declares which values from global_variables should be used, in the following format:
* {'PARAM_NAME': {'type': <job parameter $class name>, 'use_variable': <a key from global_variables>}, ...}
* @param global_variables Map that keeps the artifact URLs and used 'env' objects:
* {'PARAM1_NAME': <param1 value>, 'PARAM2_NAME': 'http://.../artifacts/param2_value', ...}
* @param propagate Boolean. If false: allows to collect artifacts after job is finished, even with FAILURE status
* If true: immediatelly fails the pipeline. DO NOT USE 'true' if you want to collect artifacts
* for 'finally' steps
def runJob(job_name, job_parameters, global_variables, Boolean propagate = false) {
def parameters = []
// Collect required parameters from 'global_variables' or 'env'
for (param in job_parameters) {
if (!global_variables[param.value.use_variable]) {
global_variables[param.value.use_variable] = env[param.value.use_variable] ?: ''
parameters.add([$class: "${param.value.type}", name: "${param.key}", value: global_variables[param.value.use_variable]])
println "${param.key}: <${param.value.type}> ${global_variables[param.value.use_variable]}"
// Build the job
def job_info = build job: "${job_name}", parameters: parameters, propagate: propagate
return job_info
* Store URLs of the specified artifacts to the global_variables
* @param build_url URL of the completed job
* @param step_artifacts Map that contains artifact names in the job, and variable names
* where the URLs to that atrifacts should be stored, for example:
* {'ARTIFACT1': 'logs.tar.gz', 'ARTIFACT2': 'test_report.xml', ...}
* @param global_variables Map that will keep the artifact URLs. Variable 'ARTIFACT1', for example,
* be used in next job parameters: {'ARTIFACT1_URL':{ 'use_variable': 'ARTIFACT1', ...}}
* If the artifact with the specified name not found, the parameter ARTIFACT1_URL
* will be empty.
def storeArtifacts(build_url, step_artifacts, global_variables) {
def http = new
def base = [:]
base["url"] = build_url
def job_config = http.restGet(base, "/api/json/")
def job_artifacts = job_config['artifacts']
for (artifact in step_artifacts) {
def job_artifact = job_artifacts.findAll { item -> artifact.value == item['fileName'] || artifact.value == item['relativePath'] }
if (job_artifact.size() == 1) {
// Store artifact URL
def artifact_url = "${build_url}artifact/${job_artifact[0]['relativePath']}"
global_variables[artifact.key] = artifact_url
println "Artifact URL ${artifact_url} stored to ${artifact.key}"
} else if (job_artifact.size() > 1) {
// Error: too many artifacts with the same name, fail the job
error "Multiple artifacts ${artifact.value} for ${artifact.key} found in the build results ${build_url}, expected one:\n${job_artifact}"
} else {
// Warning: no artifact with expected name
println "Artifact ${artifact.value} for ${artifact.key} not found in the build results ${build_url}, found the following artifacts:\n${job_artifacts}"
* Run the workflow or final steps one by one
* @param steps List of steps (Jenkins jobs) to execute
* @param global_variables Map where the collected artifact URLs and 'env' objects are stored
* @param failed_jobs Map with failed job names and result statuses, to report it later
* @param propagate Boolean. If false: allows to collect artifacts after job is finished, even with FAILURE status
* If true: immediatelly fails the pipeline. DO NOT USE 'true' with runScenario().
def runSteps(steps, global_variables, failed_jobs, Boolean propagate = false) {
currentBuild.description = ''
for (step in steps) {
stage("Running job ${step['job']}") {
def job_name = step['job']
def job_parameters = step['parameters']
// Collect job parameters and run the job
def job_info = runJob(job_name, job_parameters, global_variables, propagate)
def job_result = job_info.getResult()
def build_url = job_info.getAbsoluteUrl()
def build_description = job_info.getDescription()
currentBuild.description += "<a href=${build_url}>${job_name}</a>: ${job_result}<br>"
// Import the remote build description into the current build
if (build_description) { // TODO - add also the job status
currentBuild.description += build_description
// Store links to the resulting artifacts into 'global_variables'
storeArtifacts(build_url, step['artifacts'], global_variables)
// Job failed, fail the build or keep going depending on 'ignore_failed' flag
if (job_result != "SUCCESS") {
def job_ignore_failed = step['ignore_failed'] ?: false
failed_jobs[build_url] = job_result
if (job_ignore_failed) {
println "Job ${build_url} finished with result: ${job_result}"
} else {
currentBuild.result = job_result
error "Job ${build_url} finished with result: ${job_result}"
} // if (job_result == "SUCCESS")
} // stage ("Running job ${step['job']}")
} // for (step in scenario['workflow'])
* Run the workflow scenario
* @param scenario: Map with scenario steps.
* There are two keys in the scenario:
* workflow: contains steps to run deploy and test jobs
* finally: contains steps to run report and cleanup jobs
* Scenario execution example:
* scenario_yaml = """\
* workflow:
* - job: deploy-kaas
* ignore_failed: false
* parameters:
* type: StringParameterValue
* use_variable: KAAS_VERSION
* artifacts:
* KUBECONFIG_ARTIFACT: artifacts/management_kubeconfig
* - job: test-kaas-ui
* ignore_failed: false
* parameters:
* type: StringParameterValue
* artifacts:
* REPORT_SI_KAAS_UI: artifacts/test_kaas_ui_result.xml
* finally:
* - job: testrail-report
* ignore_failed: true
* parameters:
* type: StringParameterValue
* use_variable: REPORT_SI_KAAS_UI
* """
* runScenario(scenario)
def runScenario(scenario) {
// Collect the parameters for the jobs here
global_variables = [:]
// List of failed jobs to show at the end
failed_jobs = [:]
try {
// Run the 'workflow' jobs
runSteps(scenario['workflow'], global_variables, failed_jobs)
} catch (InterruptedException x) {
error "The job was aborted"
} catch (e) {
error("Build failed: " + e.toString())
} finally {
// Run the 'finally' jobs
runSteps(scenario['finally'], global_variables, failed_jobs)
if (failed_jobs) {
println "Failed jobs: ${failed_jobs}"
currentBuild.result = "FAILED"
} // try