blob: c85493680e6f9c0ab564975806b25f57f4f3f2a3 [file] [log] [blame]
* SaltStack functions
* Login to Salt API and return auth token
* @param url Salt API server URL
* @param params Salt connection params
def getSaltToken(url, params) {
def http = new
data = [
'username': params.creds.username,
'password': params.creds.password.toString(),
'eauth': 'pam'
authToken = http.sendHttpGetRequest("${url}/login", data, ['Accept': '*/*'])['return'][0]['token']
return authToken
* Salt connection and context parameters
* @param url Salt API server URL
* @param credentialsID ID of credentials store entry
def createSaltConnection(url, credentialsId) {
def common = new
params = [
"url": url,
"credentialsId": credentialsId,
"authToken": null,
"creds": common.getPasswordCredentials(credentialsId)
params["authToken"] = getSaltToken(url, params)
return params
* Run action using Salt API
* @param master Salt connection object
* @param client Client type
* @param target Target specification, eg. for compound matches by Pillar
* data: ['expression': 'I@openssh:server', 'type': 'compound'])
* @param function Function to execute (eg. "state.sls")
* @param args Additional arguments to function
* @param kwargs Additional key-value arguments to function
def runSaltCommand(master, client, target, function, batch = null, args = null, kwargs = null) {
def http = new
data = [
'tgt': target.expression,
'fun': function,
'client': client,
'expr_form': target.type,
if (batch) {
data['batch'] = batch
if (args) {
data['arg'] = args
if (kwargs) {
data['kwarg'] = kwargs
headers = [
'X-Auth-Token': "${master.authToken}"
return http.sendHttpPostRequest("${master.url}/", data, headers)
def getSaltPillar(master, target, pillar) {
def out = runSaltCommand(master, 'local', target, 'pillar.get', [pillar.replace('.', ':')])
return out
def enforceSaltState(master, target, state, output = false) {
def run_states
if (state instanceof String) {
run_states = state
} else {
run_states = state.join(',')
def out = runSaltCommand(master, 'local', target, 'state.sls', null, [run_states])
try {
} finally {
if (output == true) {
return out
def runSaltCmd(master, target, cmd) {
return runSaltCommand(master, 'local', target, '', null, [cmd])
def syncSaltAll(master, target) {
return runSaltCommand(master, 'local', target, 'saltutil.sync_all')
def enforceSaltApply(master, target, output = false) {
def out = runSaltCommand(master, 'local', target, 'state.highstate')
try {
} finally {
if (output == true) {
return out
def generateSaltNodeKey(master, target, host, keysize = 4096) {
args = [host]
kwargs = ['keysize': keysize]
return runSaltCommand(master, 'wheel', target, 'key.gen_accept', null, args, kwargs)
def generateSaltNodeMetadata(master, target, host, classes, parameters) {
args = [host, '_generated']
kwargs = ['classes': classes, 'parameters': parameters]
return runSaltCommand(master, 'local', target, 'reclass.node_create', null, args, kwargs)
def orchestrateSaltSystem(master, target, orchestrate) {
return runSaltCommand(master, 'runner', target, 'state.orchestrate', null, [orchestrate])
* Check result for errors and throw exception if any found
* @param result Parsed response of Salt API
def checkSaltResult(result) {
for (entry in result['return']) {
if (!entry) {
throw new Exception("Salt API returned empty response: ${result}")
for (node in entry) {
for (resource in node.value) {
if (resource instanceof String || resource.value.result.toString().toBoolean() != true) {
throw new Exception("Salt state on node ${node.key} failed: ${node.value}")
* Print Salt run results in human-friendly form
* @param result Parsed response of Salt API
* @param onlyChanges If true (default), print only changed resources
* @param raw Simply pretty print what we have, no additional
* parsing
def printSaltResult(result, onlyChanges = true, raw = false) {
if (raw == true) {
print new groovy.json.JsonBuilder(result).toPrettyString()
} else {
def out = [:]
for (entry in result['return']) {
for (node in entry) {
out[node.key] = [:]
for (resource in node.value) {
if (resource instanceof String) {
out[node.key] = node.value
} else if (resource.value.result.toString().toBoolean() == false || resource.value.changes || onlyChanges == false) {
out[node.key][resource.key] = resource.value
for (node in out) {
if (node.value) {
println "Node ${node.key} changes:"
print new groovy.json.JsonBuilder(node.value).toPrettyString()
} else {
println "No changes for node ${node.key}"
def runSaltProcessStep(master, tgt, fun, arg = [], batch = null) {
if (batch) {
result = runSaltCommand(master, 'local_batch', ['expression': tgt, 'type': 'compound'], fun, String.valueOf(batch), arg)
else {
result = runSaltCommand(master, 'local', ['expression': tgt, 'type': 'compound'], fun, batch, arg)
def validateFoundationInfra(master) {
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@salt:master', '', ['salt-key'])
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@salt:minion', 'test.version')
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@salt:master', '', ['reclass-salt --top'])
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@reclass:storage', 'reclass.inventory')
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@salt:minion', 'state.show_top')
def installFoundationInfra(master) {
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@salt:master', 'state.sls', ['salt.master,reclass'])
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@linux:system', 'saltutil.refresh_pillar')
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@linux:system', 'saltutil.sync_all')
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@linux:system', 'state.sls', ['linux,openssh,salt.minion,ntp'])
def installOpenstackInfra(master) {
// Install keepaliveds
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@keepalived:cluster', 'state.sls', ['keepalived'], 1)
// Check the keepalived VIPs
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@keepalived:cluster', '', ['ip a | grep'])
// Install glusterfs
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@glusterfs:server', 'state.sls', ['glusterfs.server.service'])
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@glusterfs:server', 'state.sls', ['glusterfs.server.setup'], 1)
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@glusterfs:server', '', ['gluster peer status'])
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@glusterfs:server', '', ['gluster volume status'])
// Install rabbitmq
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@rabbitmq:server', 'state.sls', ['rabbitmq'])
// Check the rabbitmq status
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@rabbitmq:server', '', ['rabbitmqctl cluster_status'])
// Install galera
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@galera:master', 'state.sls', ['galera'])
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@galera:slave', 'state.sls', ['galera'])
// Check galera status
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@galera:master', 'mysql.status')
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@galera:slave', 'mysql.status')
// Install haproxy
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@haproxy:proxy', 'state.sls', ['haproxy'])
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@haproxy:proxy', 'service.status', ['haproxy'])
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@haproxy:proxy', 'service.restart', ['rsyslog'])
// Install memcached
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@memcached:server', 'state.sls', ['memcached'])
def installOpenstackMkControl(master) {
// setup keystone service
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@keystone:server', 'state.sls', ['keystone.server'], 1)
// populate keystone services/tenants/roles/users
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@keystone:client', 'state.sls', ['keystone.client'])
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@keystone:server', '', ['. /root/keystonerc; keystone service-list'])
// Install glance and ensure glusterfs clusters
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@glance:server', 'state.sls', ['glance.server'], 1)
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@glance:server', 'state.sls', ['glusterfs.client'])
// Update fernet tokens before doing request on keystone server
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@keystone:server', 'state.sls', ['keystone.server'])
// Check glance service
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@keystone:server', '', ['. /root/keystonerc; glance image-list'])
// Install and check nova service
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@nova:controller', 'state.sls', ['nova'], 1)
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@keystone:server', '', ['. /root/keystonerc; nova service-list'])
// Install and check cinder service
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@cinder:controller', 'state.sls', ['cinder'], 1)
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@keystone:server', '', ['. /root/keystonerc; cinder list'])
// Install neutron service
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@neutron:server', 'state.sls', ['neutron'], 1)
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@keystone:server', '', ['. /root/keystonerc; neutron agent-list'])
// Install heat service
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@heat:server', 'state.sls', ['heat'], 1)
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@keystone:server', '', ['. /root/keystonerc; heat resource-type-list'])
// Install horizon dashboard
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@horizon:server', 'state.sls', ['horizon'])
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@nginx:server', 'state.sls', ['nginx'])
def installOpenstackMkNetwork(master) {
// Install opencontrail database services
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@opencontrail:database', 'state.sls', ['opencontrail.database'], 1)
// Install opencontrail control services
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@opencontrail:control', 'state.sls', ['opencontrail'], 1)
// Provision opencontrail control services
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@opencontrail:control:id:1', '', ['/usr/share/contrail-utils/ --api_server_ip --api_server_port 8082 --host_name ctl01 --host_ip --router_asn 64512 --admin_password workshop --admin_user admin --admin_tenant_name admin --oper add'])
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@opencontrail:control:id:1', '', ['/usr/share/contrail-utils/ --api_server_ip --api_server_port 8082 --host_name ctl02 --host_ip --router_asn 64512 --admin_password workshop --admin_user admin --admin_tenant_name admin --oper add'])
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@opencontrail:control:id:1', '', ['/usr/share/contrail-utils/ --api_server_ip --api_server_port 8082 --host_name ctl03 --host_ip --router_asn 64512 --admin_password workshop --admin_user admin --admin_tenant_name admin --oper add'])
// Test opencontrail
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@opencontrail:control', '', ['contrail-status'])
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@keystone:server', '', ['. /root/keystonerc; neutron net-list'])
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@keystone:server', '', ['. /root/keystonerc; nova net-list'])
def installOpenstackMkCompute(master) {
// Configure compute nodes
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@nova:compute', 'state.apply')
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@nova:compute', 'state.apply')
// Provision opencontrail virtual routers
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@opencontrail:control:id:1', '', ['/usr/share/contrail-utils/ --host_name cmp01 --host_ip --api_server_ip --oper add --admin_user admin --admin_password workshop --admin_tenant_name admin'])
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@nova:compute', 'system.reboot')
def installOpenstackMcpInfra(master) {
// Comment nameserver
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@kubernetes:master', '', ["sed -i 's/nameserver' /etc/resolv.conf"])
// Install glusterfs
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@glusterfs:server', 'state.sls', ['glusterfs.server.service'])
// Install keepalived
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@keepalived:cluster', 'state.sls', ['keepalived'], 1)
// Check the keepalived VIPs
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@keepalived:cluster', '', ['ip a | grep'])
// Setup glusterfs
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@glusterfs:server', 'state.sls', ['glusterfs.server.setup'], 1)
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@glusterfs:server', '', ['gluster peer status'])
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@glusterfs:server', '', ['gluster volume status'])
// Install haproxy
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@haproxy:proxy', 'state.sls', ['haproxy'])
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@haproxy:proxy', 'service.status', ['haproxy'])
// Install docker
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@docker:host', 'state.sls', [''])
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@docker:host', '', ['docker ps'])
// Install bird
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@bird:server', 'state.sls', ['bird'])
// Install etcd
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@etcd:server', 'state.sls', ['etcd.server.service'])
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@etcd:server', '', ['etcdctl cluster-health'])
def installOpenstackMcpControl(master) {
// Pull Calico image
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@kubernetes:pool', 'dockerng.pull', ['calico/node:latest'])
// Install Kubernetes and Calico
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@kubernetes:master', 'state.sls', ['kubernetes.master.service,kubernetes.master.kube-addons'])
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@kubernetes:pool', 'state.sls', ['kubernetes.pool'])
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@kubernetes:pool', '', ['calicoctl status'])
// Setup NAT for Calico
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@kubernetes:master', 'state.sls', ['etcd.server.setup'])
// Run whole k8s controller
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@kubernetes:master', 'state.sls', ['kubernetes.controller'])
// Run whole k8s controller
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@kubernetes:master', 'state.sls', ['kubernetes'], 1)
// Revert comment nameserver
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@kubernetes:master', '', ["sed -i 's/nameserver' /etc/resolv.conf"])
def installOpenstackMcpCompute(master) {
// Install opencontrail
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@opencontrail:compute', 'state.sls', ['opencontrail'])
// Reboot compute nodes
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@opencontrail:compute', 'system.reboot')
def installStacklightControl(master) {
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@elasticsearch:server', 'state.sls', ['elasticsearch.server'], 1)
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@influxdb:server', 'state.sls', ['influxdb'], 1)
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@kibana:server', 'state.sls', ['kibana.server'], 1)
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@grafana:server', 'state.sls', ['grafana'], 1)
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@nagios:server', 'state.sls', ['nagios'], 1)
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@elasticsearch:client', 'state.sls', ['elasticsearch.client'], 1)
runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@kibana:client', 'state.sls', ['kibana.client'], 1)
* Print Salt state run results in human-friendly form
* @param result Parsed response of Salt API
* @param onlyChanges If true (default), print only changed resources
* parsing
def printSaltStateResult(result, onlyChanges = true) {
def out = [:]
for (entry in result['return']) {
for (node in entry) {
out[node.key] = [:]
for (resource in node.value) {
if (resource instanceof String) {
out[node.key] = node.value
} else if (resource.value.result.toString().toBoolean() == false || resource.value.changes || onlyChanges == false) {
out[node.key][resource.key] = resource.value
for (node in out) {
if (node.value) {
println "Node ${node.key} changes:"
print new groovy.json.JsonBuilder(node.value).toPrettyString()
} else {
println "No changes for node ${node.key}"
* Print Salt state run results in human-friendly form
* @param result Parsed response of Salt API
* @param onlyChanges If true (default), print only changed resources
* parsing
def printSaltCommandResult(result, onlyChanges = true) {
def out = [:]
for (entry in result['return']) {
for (node in entry) {
out[node.key] = [:]
for (resource in node.value) {
out[node.key] = node.value
for (node in out) {
if (node.value) {
println "Node ${node.key} changes:"
print new groovy.json.JsonBuilder(node.value).toPrettyString()
} else {
println "No changes for node ${node.key}"