blob: c993999a3f6952309b94690b1709fe39ff82c81d [file] [log] [blame]
import com.cloudbees.groovy.cps.NonCPS
import org.jenkins.plugins.lockableresources.LockableResourcesManager as LRM
* Jenkins common functions
* Returns a list of groups which user belongs
* @param username String
* @return list of groups [String]
def userGroups(username) {
res = []
def authorities = Jenkins.instance.securityRealm.loadUserByUsername(username).getAuthorities()
authorities.each {
return res
* Check if user belongs to group
* @param username String
* @param group String
* @return boolean result
def userInGroup(username, group) {
def authorities = userGroups(username)
return authorities.any{it==group}
* Check if user belongs to at least one of given groups
* @param username String
* @param groups [String]
* @return boolean result
def userInGroups(username, groups) {
return groups.any{userInGroup(username, it)}
* Returns current username from build
* @return username String
def currentUsername() {
username = ''
wrap([$class: 'BuildUser']) {
username = env.BUILD_USER_ID ?: 'jenkins'
if (username) {
return username
} else {
throw new Exception('cant get current username')
* Check if current user belongs to at least one of given groups
* @param groups [String]
* @return boolean result
def currentUserInGroups(groups) {
username = currentUsername()
return userInGroups(username, groups)
* Check if current user belongs to group
* @param group String
* @return boolean result
def currentUserInGroup(group) {
username = currentUsername()
return userInGroup(username, group)
* Get Jenkins job running builds
* @param jobName job name
* @return list of running builds
def getJobRunningBuilds(jobName){
def job = Jenkins.instance.items.find{it ->}
return job.builds.findAll{build -> build.isBuilding()}
return []
def getRunningBuilds(job){
return job.builds.findAll{build -> build.isBuilding()}
def killStuckBuilds(maxSeconds, job){
def common = new
def result = true
def runningBuilds = getRunningBuilds(job)
def jobName =
for(int j=0; j < runningBuilds.size(); j++){
int durationInSeconds = (System.currentTimeMillis() - runningBuilds[j].getTimeInMillis())/1000.0
if(durationInSeconds > maxSeconds){
result = false
def buildId = runningBuilds[j].id
common.infoMsg("Aborting ${jobName}-${buildId} which is running for ${durationInSeconds}s")
runningBuilds[j].finish(hudson.model.Result.ABORTED, new"Aborting build by long running jobs killer"));
result = true
common.errorMsg("Error occured during aborting build: Exception: ${e}")
return result
* Get Jenkins job object
* @param jobName job name
* @return job object that matches jobName
def getJobByName(jobName, regexp=false){
for(item in Hudson.instance.items) {
if (regexp && ==~ jobName || == jobName) {
return item
* Get Jenkins job parameters
* @param jobName job name
* @return HashMap with parameter names as keys and their values as values
def getJobParameters(jobName){
def job = getJobByName(jobName)
def prop = job.getProperty(ParametersDefinitionProperty.class)
def params = new java.util.HashMap<String,String>()
if(prop != null) {
for(param in prop.getParameterDefinitions()) {
params.put(, param.defaultValue)
return params
* Get list of causes actions for given build
* @param build Job build object (like, currentBuild.rawBuild)
* @return list of causes actions for given build
def getBuildCauseActions(build) {
for(action in build.actions) {
if (action instanceof hudson.model.CauseAction) {
return action.causes
return []
* Get list of builds, triggered by Gerrit with given build
* @param build Job build object (like, currentBuild.rawBuild)
* @return list of builds with names and numbers
def getGerritBuildContext(build) {
def causes = getBuildCauseActions(build)
for(cause in causes) {
if (cause instanceof com.sonyericsson.hudson.plugins.gerrit.trigger.hudsontrigger.GerritCause) {
return cause.context.getOtherBuilds()
return []
* Wait for other jobs
* @param config config parameter:
* builds - List of job build objects, which should be checked
* checkBuilds - List of job names or regexps, which should be used to check provided builds list
* regexp - Wheither to use regexp or simple string matching
def waitForOtherBuilds(LinkedHashMap config){
def context = config.get('context', 'gerrit')
def builds = []
if (context == 'gerrit') {
builds = getGerritBuildContext(currentBuild.rawBuild)
} else if (context == 'custom') {
builds = config.get('builds')
def checkBuilds = config.get('checkBuilds')
def regexp = config.get('regexp', false)
def waitForBuilds = builds.findAll { build ->
def jobName = build.fullDisplayName.tokenize(' ')[0]
if (regexp) {
checkBuilds.find { jobName ==~ it }
} else {
jobName in checkBuilds
def buildsMap = []
if (waitForBuilds) {
def waiting = true
print "\u001B[36mWaiting for next jobs: ${waitForBuilds}\u001B[0m"
while(waiting) {
waiting = false
waitForBuilds.each { job ->
if (job.inProgress) {
waiting = true
} else {
buildInfo = [
'jobName': job.fullDisplayName.tokenize(' ')[0],
'jobNumber': job.number,
return buildsMap
* Check dependency jobs passed successfully
* @param block (bool) Block child jobs in case of parent dependencies failed
* @param allowNotBuilt (bool) Approve not_built status of the dependency job
* @return (map)[
* status: (bool) True if there are no failed dependencies
* log: (string) Verbose description
* ]
def checkDependencyJobs(block = true, allowNotBuilt = false) {
def common = new
def acceptedStatuses = ['SUCCESS']
if (allowNotBuilt) {
depList = []
common.infoMsg('Job may depends on parent jobs, check if dependency jobs exist...')
depKeys = env.TRIGGER_DEPENDENCY_KEYS.toString()
depList = depKeys.split()
if (depList){
common.infoMsg("Here is dependency jobs-list: ${depList} , accepted job statuses are: ${acceptedStatuses}")
for (String item : depList) {
prjName = item.replaceAll('[^a-zA-Z0-9]+', '_')
triggerResult = 'TRIGGER_' + prjName.toUpperCase() + '_BUILD_RESULT'
triggerJobName = 'TRIGGER_' + prjName.toUpperCase() + '_BUILD_NAME'
triggerJobBuild = 'TRIGGER_' + prjName.toUpperCase() + '_BUILD_NUMBER'
if (!acceptedStatuses.contains(env.getProperty(triggerResult))) {
msg = "Dependency job ${env.getProperty(triggerJobName)} #${env.getProperty(triggerJobBuild)} is ${env.getProperty(triggerResult)}"
if (block){
currentBuild.result = 'NOT_BUILT'
currentBuild.description = msg
return [status: false, log: msg, jobs: depList]
} else {
common.infoMsg('There is no job-dependencies')
return [status: true, log: '', jobs: depList]
* Return jenkins infra metadata according to specified jenkins intstance
* @param jenkinsServerURL (string) URL to jenkins server in form: env.JENKINS_URL
* @return (map)[
* jenkins_service_user: (string) name of jenkins user needed for gerrit ops
* ]
def getJenkinsInfraMetadata(jenkinsServerURL) {
def meta = [
jenkins_service_user: '',
switch (jenkinsServerURL) {
case '':
meta['jenkins_service_user'] = 'mcp-jenkins'
case '':
meta['jenkins_service_user'] = 'mcc-ci-jenkins'
error("Failed to detect jenkins service user, supported jenkins platforms: '' ''")
return meta
* Get list of all jenkins workers matched desired label
* @param labelString (string) desired worker label
* @return (list) all workers, currently matched label
def getWorkers(String labelString = null) {
def workerLabel = hudson.model.labels.LabelAtom.get(labelString)
def workers = []
hudson.model.Hudson.instance.slaves.each {
if (it.getComputer().isOnline()) {
if (workerLabel) {
if (workerLabel in it.getAssignedLabels()) {
workers <<
} else {
// if labelString is null, getting all workers
workers <<
return workers
* Get deployment environment and related jenkins lock label and lock resource
* @param initialEnv (string) Name of initially requested environment e.g. imc-eu or auto
* @param namespace (string) Name of environment namespace e.g imc-oscore-team
* @param resources (int) Quantity of required lockable resources
* @param candidateEnvs (list) List of names of env candidates to choose between
* @return (list) List whith environment name, lock label and lock resource
def getEnvWithLockableResources(initialEnv, namespace, resources = 1, candidateEnvs = ["imc-eu", "imc-us"]){
def common = new
def lockResource = null
def env = initialEnv
def lockLabel = "${namespace}-${env}"
def lrm = LRM.get()
if (initialEnv == "auto"){
def freeResources = [:]
for (cEnv in candidateEnvs){
def label = "${namespace}-${cEnv}"
freeResources[label] = lrm.getFreeResourceAmount(label)
common.infoMsg("Detecting target environment from candidates ${freeResources}")
def max = 0
def keys = freeResources.keySet().toList()
for (key in keys){
if (freeResources[key] >= max){
max = freeResources[key]
lockLabel = key
if (max < resources){
lockLabel = keys[0]
env = lockLabel.replaceAll("${namespace}-", "")
common.infoMsg("Detected target environment ${env} lock ${lockLabel}")
// If no label configured on existing resources, create random lockresource
if (! lrm.isValidLabel(lockLabel)){
common.infoMsg("Running without locking, lock label ${lockLabel} does not exist")
lockLabel = null
lockResource = UUID.randomUUID().toString()
return [env, lockLabel, lockResource]