blob: bcd086152c4a6d81c188fb5ccf52b0a3bc6185bf [file] [log] [blame]
package com.mirantis.mcp
* Tests providing functions
* Run docker container with basic (keystone) parameters
* @param target Host to run container
* @param dockerImageLink Docker image link. May be custom or default rally image
def runBasicContainer(master, target, dockerImageLink="xrally/xrally-openstack:0.9.1"){
def salt = new
def common = new
def _pillar = salt.getPillar(master, 'I@keystone:server', 'keystone:server')
def keystone = _pillar['return'][0].values()[0]
if ( salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker ps -f name=cvp -q", false, null, false)['return'][0].values()[0] ) {
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker rm -f cvp")
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker run -tid --net=host --name=cvp " +
"-u root -e OS_USERNAME=${keystone.admin_name} " +
"-e OS_PASSWORD=${keystone.admin_password} -e OS_TENANT_NAME=${keystone.admin_tenant} " +
"-e OS_AUTH_URL=http://${keystone.bind.private_address}:${keystone.bind.private_port}/v2.0 " +
"-e OS_REGION_NAME=${keystone.region} -e OS_ENDPOINT_TYPE=admin --entrypoint /bin/bash ${dockerImageLink}")
* Get file content (encoded). The content encoded by Base64.
* @param target Compound target (should target only one host)
* @param file File path to read
* @return The encoded content of the file
def getFileContentEncoded(master, target, file) {
def salt = new
def file_content = ''
def cmd = "base64 -w0 ${file} > ${file}_encoded; " +
"split -b 1MB -d ${file}_encoded ${file}__; " +
"rm ${file}_encoded"
salt.cmdRun(master, target, cmd, false, null, false)
def filename = file.tokenize('/').last()
def folder = file - filename
def parts = salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, target, 'file.find', ["${folder}", "type=f", "name=${filename}__*"])
for ( part in parts['return'][0].values()[0]) {
def _result = salt.cmdRun(master, target, "cat ${part}", false, null, false)
file_content = file_content + _result['return'][0].values()[0].replaceAll('Salt command execution success','')
salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, target, 'file.find', ["${folder}", "type=f", "name=${filename}__*", "delete"])
return file_content
* Copy files from remote to local directory. The content of files will be
* decoded by Base64.
* @param target Compound target (should target only one host)
* @param folder The path to remote folder.
* @param output_dir The path to local folder.
def addFiles(master, target, folder, output_dir) {
def salt = new
def _result = salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, target, 'file.find', ["${folder}", "type=f"])
def files = _result['return'][0].values()[0]
for (file in files) {
def file_content = getFileContentEncoded(master, target, "${file}")
def fileName = file.tokenize('/').last()
writeFile file: "${output_dir}${fileName}_encoded", text: file_content
def cmd = "base64 -d ${output_dir}${fileName}_encoded > ${output_dir}${fileName}; " +
"rm ${output_dir}${fileName}_encoded"
sh(script: cmd)
* Get reclass value
* @param target The host for which the values will be provided
* @param filter Parameters divided by dots
* @return The pillar data
def getReclassValue(master, target, filter) {
def common = new
def salt = new
def items = filter.tokenize('.')
def _result = salt.cmdRun(master, 'I@salt:master', "reclass-salt -o json -p ${target}", false, null, false)
_result = common.parseJSON(_result['return'][0].values()[0])
for (int k = 0; k < items.size(); k++) {
if ( _result ) {
_result = _result["${items[k]}"]
return _result
* Create list of nodes in JSON format.
* @param filter The Salt's matcher
* @return JSON list of nodes
def getNodeList(master, filter = null) {
def salt = new
def common = new
def nodes = []
def filtered_list = null
def controllers = salt.getMinions(master, 'I@nova:controller')
def hw_nodes = salt.getMinions(master, 'G@virtual:physical')
if ( filter ) {
filtered_list = salt.getMinions(master, filter)
def _result = salt.cmdRun(master, 'I@salt:master', "reclass-salt -o json -t", false, null, false)
def reclass_top = common.parseJSON(_result['return'][0].values()[0])
def nodesList = reclass_top['base'].keySet()
for (int i = 0; i < nodesList.size(); i++) {
if ( filtered_list ) {
if ( ! filtered_list.contains(nodesList[i]) ) {
def ip = getReclassValue(master, nodesList[i], '_param.linux_single_interface.address')
def network_data = [ip: ip, name: 'management']
def roles = [nodesList[i].tokenize('.')[0]]
if ( controllers.contains(nodesList[i]) ) {
if ( hw_nodes.contains(nodesList[i]) ) {
nodes.add([id: i+1, ip: ip, roles: roles, network_data: [network_data]])
return common.prettify(nodes)
* Execute mcp sanity tests
* @param salt_url Salt master url
* @param salt_credentials Salt credentials
* @param test_set Test set for mcp sanity framework
* @param env_vars Additional environment variables for cvp-sanity-checks
* @param output_dir Directory for results
def runSanityTests(salt_url, salt_credentials, test_set="", output_dir="validation_artifacts/", env_vars="") {
def common = new
def creds = common.getCredentials(salt_credentials)
def username = creds.username
def password = creds.password
def settings = ""
if ( env_vars != "" ) {
for (var in env_vars.tokenize(";")) {
settings += "export ${var}; "
def script = ". ${env.WORKSPACE}/venv/bin/activate; ${settings}" +
"pytest --junitxml ${output_dir}cvp_sanity.xml --tb=short -sv ${env.WORKSPACE}/cvp-sanity-checks/cvp_checks/tests/${test_set}"
withEnv(["SALT_USERNAME=${username}", "SALT_PASSWORD=${password}", "SALT_URL=${salt_url}"]) {
def statusCode = sh script:script, returnStatus:true
* Execute pytest framework tests
* @param salt_url Salt master url
* @param salt_credentials Salt credentials
* @param test_set Test set to run
* @param env_vars Additional environment variables for cvp-sanity-checks
* @param output_dir Directory for results
def runTests(salt_url, salt_credentials, test_set="", output_dir="validation_artifacts/", env_vars="") {
def common = new
def creds = common.getCredentials(salt_credentials)
def username = creds.username
def password = creds.password
def settings = ""
if ( env_vars != "" ) {
for (var in env_vars.tokenize(";")) {
settings += "export ${var}; "
def script = ". ${env.WORKSPACE}/venv/bin/activate; ${settings}" +
"pytest --junitxml ${output_dir}report.xml --tb=short -sv ${env.WORKSPACE}/${test_set}"
withEnv(["SALT_USERNAME=${username}", "SALT_PASSWORD=${password}", "SALT_URL=${salt_url}"]) {
def statusCode = sh script:script, returnStatus:true
* Execute tempest tests
* @param target Host to run tests
* @param dockerImageLink Docker image link
* @param pattern If not false, will run only tests matched the pattern
* @param output_dir Directory for results
* @param confRepository Git repository with configuration files for Tempest
* @param confBranch Git branch which will be used during the checkout
* @param repository Git repository with Tempest
* @param version Version of Tempest (tag, branch or commit)
* @param results The reports directory
def runTempestTests(master, target, dockerImageLink, output_dir, confRepository, confBranch, repository, version, pattern = "false", results = '/root/qa_results') {
def salt = new
def output_file = 'docker-tempest.log'
def dest_folder = '/home/rally/qa_results'
def skip_list = '--skip-list /opt/devops-qa-tools/deployment/skip_contrail.list'
salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, target, 'file.remove', ["${results}"])
salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, target, 'file.mkdir', ["${results}", "mode=777"])
def _pillar = salt.getPillar(master, 'I@keystone:server', 'keystone:server')
def keystone = _pillar['return'][0].values()[0]
def env_vars = ['tempest_version=15.0.0',
'OS_ENDPOINT_TYPE=admin'].join(' -e ')
def cmd = '/opt/devops-qa-tools/deployment/; '
if (confRepository != '' ) {
cmd = "git clone -b ${confBranch ?: 'master'} ${confRepository} test_config; " +
'rally deployment create --fromenv --name=tempest; rally deployment config; ' +
'rally verify create-verifier --name tempest_verifier --type tempest ' +
"--source ${repository ?: '/tmp/tempest/'} --version ${version: '15.0.0'}; " +
'rally verify configure-verifier --extend test_config/tempest/tempest.conf --show; '
skip_list = '--skip-list test_config/tempest/skip-list.yaml'
if (pattern == 'false') {
cmd += "rally verify start --pattern set=full ${skip_list} --detailed; "
else {
cmd += "rally verify start --pattern set=${pattern} ${skip_list} --detailed; "
cmd += "rally verify report --type json --to ${dest_folder}/report-tempest.json; " +
"rally verify report --type html --to ${dest_folder}/report-tempest.html"
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker run -w /home/rally -i --rm --net=host -e ${env_vars} " +
"-v ${results}:${dest_folder} --entrypoint /bin/bash ${dockerImageLink} " +
"-c \"${cmd}\" > ${results}/${output_file}")
addFiles(master, target, results, output_dir)
* Execute rally tests
* @param target Host to run tests
* @param dockerImageLink Docker image link
* @param platform What do we have underneath (openstack/k8s)
* @param output_dir Directory for results
* @param repository Git repository with files for Rally
* @param branch Git branch which will be used during the checkout
* @param scenarios Directory inside repo with specific scenarios
* @param tasks_args_file Argument file that is used for throttling settings
* @param ext_variables The list of external variables
* @param results The reports directory
def runRallyTests(master, target, dockerImageLink, platform, output_dir, repository, branch, scenarios = '', tasks_args_file = '', ext_variables = [], results = '/root/qa_results', skip_list = '') {
def salt = new
def output_file = 'docker-rally.log'
def dest_folder = '/home/rally/qa_results'
def env_vars = []
def rally_extra_args = ''
def cmd_rally_init = ''
def cmd_rally_checkout = ''
def cmd_rally_start = ''
def cmd_rally_task_args = ''
def cmd_report = "rally task export --type junit-xml --to ${dest_folder}/report-rally.xml; " +
"rally task report --out ${dest_folder}/report-rally.html"
def cmd_skip_names = ''
def cmd_skip_dirs = ''
salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, target, 'file.remove', ["${results}"])
salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, target, 'file.mkdir', ["${results}", "mode=777"])
if (platform == 'openstack') {
def _pillar = salt.getPillar(master, 'I@keystone:server', 'keystone:server')
def keystone = _pillar['return'][0].values()[0]
env_vars = ( ['tempest_version=15.0.0',
'OS_ENDPOINT_TYPE=admin'] + ext_variables ).join(' -e ')
if (repository == '' ) {
cmd_rally_init = ''
cmd_rally_start = '/opt/devops-qa-tools/deployment/; ' +
"rally $rally_extra_args task start combined_scenario.yaml " +
'--task-args-file /opt/devops-qa-tools/rally-scenarios/task_arguments.yaml; '
cmd_rally_checkout = ''
} else {
cmd_rally_init = 'rally db create; ' +
'rally deployment create --fromenv --name=existing; ' +
'rally deployment config; '
cmd_rally_checkout = "git clone -b ${branch ?: 'master'} ${repository} test_config; "
if (skip_list != ''){
for ( scen in skip_list.split(',') ) {
if ( scen.contains('yaml')) {
cmd_skip_names += "! -name ${scen} "
else {
cmd_skip_dirs += "-path ${scenarios}/${scen} -prune -o "
if (scenarios == '') {
cmd_rally_start = "rally $rally_extra_args task start test_config/rally/scenario.yaml "
} else {
cmd_rally_start = "rally $rally_extra_args task start scenarios.yaml "
cmd_rally_checkout += "if [ -f ${scenarios} ]; then cp ${scenarios} scenarios.yaml; " +
"else " +
"find -L ${scenarios} " + cmd_skip_dirs +
" -name '*.yaml' " + cmd_skip_names +
"-exec cat {} >> scenarios.yaml \\; ; " +
"sed -i '/---/d' scenarios.yaml; fi; "
} else if (platform == 'k8s') {
rally_extra_args = "--debug --log-file ${dest_folder}/task.log"
def plugins_repo = ext_variables.plugins_repo
def plugins_branch = ext_variables.plugins_branch
def _pillar = salt.getPillar(master, 'I@kubernetes:master and *01*', 'kubernetes:master')
def kubernetes = _pillar['return'][0].values()[0]
env_vars = [
"KUBERNETES_HOST=${kubernetes.apiserver.vip_address}" +
"KUBERNETES_CLIENT_CERT=${dest_folder}/k8s-client.crt"].join(' -e ')
def k8s_ca = salt.getReturnValues(salt.runSaltProcessStep(master,
'I@kubernetes:master and *01*', '',
["cat /etc/kubernetes/ssl/ca-kubernetes.crt"]))
def k8s_client_key = salt.getReturnValues(salt.runSaltProcessStep(master,
'I@kubernetes:master and *01*', '',
["cat /etc/kubernetes/ssl/kubelet-client.key"]))
def k8s_client_crt = salt.getReturnValues(salt.runSaltProcessStep(master,
'I@kubernetes:master and *01*', '',
["cat /etc/kubernetes/ssl/kubelet-client.crt"]))
def tmp_dir = '/tmp/kube'
salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, target, 'file.mkdir', ["${tmp_dir}", "mode=777"])
writeFile file: "${tmp_dir}/k8s-ca.crt", text: k8s_ca
writeFile file: "${tmp_dir}/k8s-client.key", text: k8s_client_key
writeFile file: "${tmp_dir}/k8s-client.crt", text: k8s_client_crt
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "mv ${tmp_dir}/* ${results}/")
salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, target, 'file.rmdir', ["${tmp_dir}"])
cmd_rally_init = 'set -e ; set -x; if [ ! -w ~/.rally ]; then sudo chown rally:rally ~/.rally ; fi; cd /tmp/; ' +
"git clone -b ${plugins_branch ?: 'master'} ${plugins_repo} plugins; " +
"sudo pip install --upgrade ./plugins; " +
"rally env create --name k8s --from-sysenv; " +
"rally env check k8s; "
if (repository == '' ) {
cmd_rally_start = "rally $rally_extra_args task start " +
"./plugins/samples/scenarios/kubernetes/create-and-delete-pod.yaml; "
cmd_rally_checkout = ''
} else {
cmd_rally_checkout = "git clone -b ${branch ?: 'master'} ${repository} test_config; "
if (scenarios == '') {
cmd_rally_start = "rally $rally_extra_args task start test_config/rally-k8s/create-and-delete-pod.yaml "
} else {
cmd_rally_start = "rally $rally_extra_args task start scenarios.yaml "
cmd_rally_checkout += "if [ -f ${scenarios} ]; then cp ${scenarios} scenarios.yaml; " +
"else " +
"find -L ${scenarios} -name '*.yaml' -exec cat {} >> scenarios.yaml \\; ; " +
"sed -i '/---/d' scenarios.yaml; fi; "
} else {
throw new Exception("Platform ${platform} is not supported yet")
if (repository != '' ) {
switch(tasks_args_file) {
case 'none':
cmd_rally_task_args = '; '
case '':
cmd_rally_task_args = '--task-args-file test_config/job-params-light.yaml; '
cmd_rally_task_args = "--task-args-file ${tasks_args_file}; "
full_cmd = cmd_rally_init + cmd_rally_checkout + cmd_rally_start + cmd_rally_task_args + cmd_report
salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, target, 'file.touch', ["${results}/rally.db"])
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "chmod 666 ${results}/rally.db")
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker run -w /home/rally -i --rm --net=host -e ${env_vars} " +
"-v ${results}:${dest_folder} " +
"-v ${results}/rally.db:/home/rally/data/rally.db " +
"--entrypoint /bin/bash ${dockerImageLink} " +
"-c \"${full_cmd}\" > ${results}/${output_file}")
addFiles(master, target, results, output_dir)
* Generate test report
* @param target Host to run script from
* @param dockerImageLink Docker image link
* @param output_dir Directory for results
* @param results The reports directory
def generateTestReport(master, target, dockerImageLink, output_dir, results = '/root/qa_results') {
def report_file = 'jenkins_test_report.html'
def salt = new
def common = new
def dest_folder = '/opt/devops-qa-tools/generate_test_report/test_results'
salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, target, 'file.remove', ["${results}"])
salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, target, 'file.mkdir', ["${results}", "mode=777"])
def reports = ['report-tempest.json',
for ( report in reports ) {
if ( fileExists("${output_dir}${report}") ) {
common.infoMsg("Copying ${report} to docker container")
def items = sh(script: "base64 -w0 ${output_dir}${report} > ${output_dir}${report}_encoded; " +
"split -b 100KB -d -a 4 ${output_dir}${report}_encoded ${output_dir}${report}__; " +
"rm ${output_dir}${report}_encoded; " +
"find ${output_dir} -type f -name ${report}__* -printf \'%f\\n\' | sort", returnStdout: true)
for ( item in items.tokenize() ) {
def content = sh(script: "cat ${output_dir}${item}", returnStdout: true)
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "echo \"${content}\" >> ${results}/${report}_encoded", false, null, false)
sh(script: "rm ${output_dir}${item}")
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "base64 -d ${results}/${report}_encoded > ${results}/${report}; " +
"rm ${results}/${report}_encoded", false, null, false)
def cmd = " --path /opt/devops-qa-tools/generate_test_report/; " +
"cp ${report_file} ${dest_folder}/${report_file}"
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker run -i --rm --net=host " +
"-v ${results}:${dest_folder} ${dockerImageLink} " +
"/bin/bash -c \"${cmd}\"")
def report_content = salt.getFileContent(master, target, "${results}/${report_file}")
writeFile file: "${output_dir}${report_file}", text: report_content
* Execute SPT tests
* @param target Host to run tests
* @param dockerImageLink Docker image link
* @param output_dir Directory for results
* @param ext_variables The list of external variables
* @param results The reports directory
def runSptTests(master, target, dockerImageLink, output_dir, ext_variables = [], results = '/root/qa_results') {
def salt = new
def dest_folder = '/home/rally/qa_results'
salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, target, 'file.remove', ["${results}"])
salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, target, 'file.mkdir', ["${results}", "mode=777"])
def nodes = getNodeList(master)
def nodes_hw = getNodeList(master, 'G@virtual:physical')
def _pillar = salt.getPillar(master, 'I@keystone:server', 'keystone:server')
def keystone = _pillar['return'][0].values()[0]
def ssh_key = salt.getFileContent(master, 'I@salt:master', '/root/.ssh/id_rsa')
def env_vars = ( ['tempest_version=15.0.0',
'OS_ENDPOINT_TYPE=admin'] + ext_variables ).join(' -e ')
salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, target, 'file.write', ["${results}/nodes.json", nodes])
salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, target, 'file.write', ["${results}/nodes_hw.json", nodes_hw])
def cmd = '/opt/devops-qa-tools/deployment/; ' +
'sudo mkdir -p /root/.ssh; sudo chmod 700 /root/.ssh; ' +
"echo \\\"${ssh_key}\\\" | sudo tee /root/.ssh/id_rsa > /dev/null; " +
'sudo chmod 600 /root/.ssh/id_rsa; ' +
"sudo timmy -c simplified-performance-testing/config.yaml " +
"--nodes-json ${dest_folder}/nodes.json --log-file ${dest_folder}/docker-spt2.log; " +
"./simplified-performance-testing/ > ${dest_folder}/report-spt.txt; " +
" ${dest_folder}/nodes_hw.json > ${dest_folder}/report-spt-hw.txt; " +
"cp /tmp/timmy/archives/general.tar.gz ${dest_folder}/results-spt.tar.gz"
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker run -i --rm --net=host -e ${env_vars} " +
"-v ${results}:${dest_folder} ${dockerImageLink} /bin/bash -c " +
"\"${cmd}\" > ${results}/docker-spt.log")
addFiles(master, target, results, output_dir)
* Configure docker container
* @param target Host to run container
* @param proxy Proxy for accessing github and pip
* @param testing_tools_repo Repo with testing tools: configuration script, skip-list, etc.
* @param tempest_repo Tempest repo to clone. Can be upstream tempest (default, recommended), your customized tempest in local/remote repo or path inside container. If not specified, tempest will not be configured.
* @param tempest_endpoint_type internalURL or adminURL or publicURL to use in tests
* @param tempest_version Version of tempest to use
* @param conf_script_path Path to configuration script.
* @param ext_variables Some custom extra variables to add into container
def configureContainer(master, target, proxy, testing_tools_repo, tempest_repo,
tempest_endpoint_type="internalURL", tempest_version="15.0.0",
conf_script_path="", ext_variables = []) {
def salt = new
if (testing_tools_repo != "" ) {
if (testing_tools_repo.contains('http://') || testing_tools_repo.contains('https://')) {
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker exec cvp git clone ${testing_tools_repo} cvp-configuration")
configure_script = conf_script_path != "" ? conf_script_path : "cvp-configuration/"
else {
configure_script = testing_tools_repo
ext_variables.addAll("PROXY=${proxy}", "TEMPEST_REPO=${tempest_repo}",
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker exec -e " + ext_variables.join(' -e ') + " cvp bash -c ${configure_script}")
else {
common.infoMsg("TOOLS_REPO is empty, no confguration is needed for container")
* Run Tempest
* @param target Host to run container
* @param test_pattern Test pattern to run
* @param skip_list Path to skip-list
* @param output_dir Directory on target host for storing results (containers is not a good place)
def runCVPtempest(master, target, test_pattern="set=smoke", skip_list="", output_dir, output_filename="docker-tempest") {
def salt = new
def xml_file = "${output_filename}.xml"
def html_file = "${output_filename}.html"
def log_file = "${output_filename}.log"
skip_list_cmd = ''
if (skip_list != '') {
skip_list_cmd = "--skip-list ${skip_list}"
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker exec cvp rally verify start --pattern ${test_pattern} ${skip_list_cmd} " +
"--detailed > ${log_file}", false)
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "cat ${log_file}")
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker exec cvp rally verify report --type junit-xml --to /home/rally/${xml_file}")
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker exec cvp rally verify report --type html --to /home/rally/${html_file}")
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker cp cvp:/home/rally/${xml_file} ${output_dir}")
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker cp cvp:/home/rally/${html_file} ${output_dir}")
return salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker exec cvp rally verify show | head -5 | tail -1 | awk '{print \$4}'")['return'][0].values()[0].split()[0]
* Run Rally
* @param target Host to run container
* @param test_pattern Test pattern to run
* @param scenarios_path Path to Rally scenarios
* @param output_dir Directory on target host for storing results (containers is not a good place)
def runCVPrally(master, target, scenarios_path, output_dir, output_filename="docker-rally") {
def salt = new
def xml_file = "${output_filename}.xml"
def log_file = "${output_filename}.log"
def html_file = "${output_filename}.html"
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker exec cvp rally task start ${scenarios_path} > ${log_file}", false)
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "cat ${log_file}")
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker exec cvp rally task report --out ${html_file}")
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker exec cvp rally task report --junit --out ${xml_file}")
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker cp cvp:/home/rally/${xml_file} ${output_dir}")
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker cp cvp:/home/rally/${html_file} ${output_dir}")
* Shutdown node
* @param target Host to run command
* @param mode How to shutdown node
* @param retries # of retries to make to check node status
def shutdown_vm_node(master, target, mode, retries=200) {
def salt = new
def common = new
if (mode == 'reboot') {
try {
def out = salt.runSaltCommand(master, 'local', ['expression': target, 'type': 'compound'], '', null, ['reboot'], null, 3, 3)
} catch (Exception e) {
common.warningMsg('Timeout from minion: node must be rebooting now')
common.warningMsg("Checking that minion is down")
status = "True"
for (i = 0; i < retries; i++) {
status = salt.minionsReachable(master, 'I@salt:master', target, null, 5, 1)
if (status != "True") {
if (status == "True") {
throw new Exception("Tired to wait for minion ${target} to stop responding")
if (mode == 'hard_shutdown' || mode == 'soft_shutdown') {
kvm = locate_node_on_kvm(master, target)
if (mode == 'soft_shutdown') {
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "shutdown -h 0")
if (mode == 'hard_shutdown') {
salt.cmdRun(master, kvm, "virsh destroy ${target}")
common.warningMsg("Checking that vm on kvm is in power off state")
status = 'running'
for (i = 0; i < retries; i++) {
status = check_vm_status(master, target, kvm)
echo "Current status - ${status}"
if (status != 'running') {
sleep (1)
if (status == 'running') {
throw new Exception("Tired to wait for node ${target} to shutdown")
* Locate kvm where target host is located
* @param target Host to check
def locate_node_on_kvm(master, target) {
def salt = new
def list = salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, "I@salt:control", '', ["virsh list --all | grep ' ${target}'"])['return'][0]
for (item in list.keySet()) {
if (list[item]) {
return item
* Check target host status
* @param target Host to check
* @param kvm KVM node where target host is located
def check_vm_status(master, target, kvm) {
def salt = new
def list = salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, "${kvm}", '', ["virsh list --all | grep ' ${target}'"])['return'][0]
for (item in list.keySet()) {
if (list[item]) {
return list[item].split()[2]
* Find vip on nodes
* @param target Pattern, e.g. ctl*
def get_vip_node(master, target) {
def salt = new
def list = salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, "${target}", '', ["ip a | grep global | grep -v brd"])['return'][0]
for (item in list.keySet()) {
if (list[item]) {
return item
* Find vip on nodes
* @param target Host with cvp container
def openstack_cleanup(master, target, script_path="/home/rally/cvp-configuration/") {
def salt = new
salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, "${target}", '', ["docker exec cvp bash -c ${script_path}"])
* Cleanup
* @param target Host to run commands
def runCleanup(master, target) {
def salt = new
if ( salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker ps -f name=qa_tools -q", false, null, false)['return'][0].values()[0] ) {
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker rm -f qa_tools")
if ( salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker ps -f name=cvp -q", false, null, false)['return'][0].values()[0] ) {
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker rm -f cvp")
* Prepare venv for any python project
* Note: <repo_name>\/requirements.txt content will be used
* for this venv
* @param repo_url Repository url to clone
* @param proxy Proxy address to use
def prepareVenv(repo_url, proxy) {
def python = new
repo_name = "${repo_url}".tokenize("/").last()
if (repo_url.tokenize().size() > 1){
if (repo_url.tokenize()[1] == '-b'){
repo_name = repo_url.tokenize()[0].tokenize("/").last()
path_venv = "${env.WORKSPACE}/venv"
path_req = "${env.WORKSPACE}/${repo_name}/requirements.txt"
sh "rm -rf ${repo_name}"
// this is temporary W/A for offline deployments
// Jenkins slave image has /opt/pip-mirror/ folder
// where pip wheels for cvp projects are located
if (proxy != 'offline') {
withEnv(["HTTPS_PROXY=${proxy}", "HTTP_PROXY=${proxy}", "https_proxy=${proxy}", "http_proxy=${proxy}"]) {
sh "git clone ${repo_url}"
python.setupVirtualenv(path_venv, "python2", [], path_req, true)
else {
sh "git clone ${repo_url}"
sh "virtualenv ${path_venv} --python python2"
python.runVirtualenvCommand(path_venv, "pip install --no-index --find-links=/opt/pip-mirror/ -r ${path_req}", true)
/** Install docker if needed
* @param target Target node to install docker pkg
def installDocker(master, target) {
def salt = new
if ( ! salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, target, 'pkg.version', ["docker-engine"]) ) {
salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, target, 'pkg.install', [""])