blob: b504922c1b6f768b6714c2213271fcdfb7e33eb6 [file] [log] [blame]
package com.mirantis.mcp
* Tests providing functions
* Run docker container with basic (keystone) parameters
* For backward compatibility. Deprecated.
* Will be removed soon.
* @param target Host to run container
* @param dockerImageLink Docker image link. May be custom or default rally image
def runBasicContainer(master, target, dockerImageLink="xrally/xrally-openstack:0.10.1"){
def salt = new
def common = new
common.errorMsg('You are using deprecated method! Please migrate to validate.runContainer. This method will be removed')
error('You are using deprecated method! Please migrate to validate.runContainer. This method will be removed')
def _pillar = salt.getPillar(master, 'I@keystone:server', 'keystone:server')
def keystone = _pillar['return'][0].values()[0]
if ( salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker ps -f name=cvp -q", false, null, false)['return'][0].values()[0] ) {
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker rm -f cvp")
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker run -tid --net=host --name=cvp " +
"-u root -e OS_USERNAME=${keystone.admin_name} " +
"-e OS_PASSWORD=${keystone.admin_password} -e OS_TENANT_NAME=${keystone.admin_tenant} " +
"-e OS_AUTH_URL=http://${keystone.bind.private_address}:${keystone.bind.private_port}/v2.0 " +
"-e OS_REGION_NAME=${keystone.region} -e OS_ENDPOINT_TYPE=admin --entrypoint /bin/bash ${dockerImageLink}")
* Run docker container with parameters
* @param target Host to run container
* @param dockerImageLink Docker image link. May be custom or default rally image
* @param name Name for container
* @param env_var Environment variables to set in container
* @param entrypoint Set entrypoint to /bin/bash or leave default
def runContainer(master, target, dockerImageLink, name='cvp', env_var=[], entrypoint=true){
def salt = new
def common = new
def variables = ''
def entry_point = ''
if ( salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker ps -f name=${name} -q", false, null, false)['return'][0].values()[0] ) {
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker rm -f ${name}")
if (env_var.size() > 0) {
variables = ' -e ' + env_var.join(' -e ')
if (entrypoint) {
entry_point = '--entrypoint /bin/bash'
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker run -tid --net=host --name=${name} " +
"-u root ${entry_point} ${variables} " +
"-v /srv/salt/pki/${cluster_name}/:/etc/certs ${dockerImageLink}")
* Get v2 Keystone credentials from pillars
def _get_keystone_creds_v2(master){
def salt = new
def common = new
def keystone = []
common.infoMsg("Fetching Keystone v2 credentials")
_pillar = salt.getPillar(master, 'I@keystone:server', 'keystone:server')['return'][0].values()[0]
return keystone
* Get v3 Keystone credentials from pillars
def _get_keystone_creds_v3(master){
def salt = new
def common = new
pillar_name = 'keystone:client:os_client_config:cfgs:root:content:clouds:admin_identity'
common.infoMsg("Fetching Keystone v3 credentials")
def _pillar = salt.getPillar(master, 'I@keystone:client', pillar_name)['return'][0].values()[0]
def keystone = []
if (_pillar) {
// we mount /srv/salt/pki/${cluster_name}/:/etc/certs with certs for cvp container
return keystone
else {
common.warningMsg("Failed to fetch Keystone v3 credentials")
return false
* Get file content (encoded). The content encoded by Base64.
* @param target Compound target (should target only one host)
* @param file File path to read
* @return The encoded content of the file
def getFileContentEncoded(master, target, file) {
def salt = new
def file_content = ''
def cmd = "base64 -w0 ${file} > ${file}_encoded; " +
"split -b 1MB -d ${file}_encoded ${file}__; " +
"rm ${file}_encoded"
salt.cmdRun(master, target, cmd, false, null, false)
def filename = file.tokenize('/').last()
def folder = file - filename
def parts = salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, target, 'file.find', ["${folder}", "type=f", "name=${filename}__*"])
for ( part in parts['return'][0].values()[0]) {
def _result = salt.cmdRun(master, target, "cat ${part}", false, null, false)
file_content = file_content + _result['return'][0].values()[0].replaceAll('Salt command execution success','')
salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, target, 'file.find', ["${folder}", "type=f", "name=${filename}__*", "delete"])
return file_content
* Copy files from remote to local directory. The content of files will be
* decoded by Base64.
* @param target Compound target (should target only one host)
* @param folder The path to remote folder.
* @param output_dir The path to local folder.
def addFiles(master, target, folder, output_dir) {
def salt = new
def _result = salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, target, 'file.find', ["${folder}", "type=f"])
def files = _result['return'][0].values()[0]
for (file in files) {
def file_content = getFileContentEncoded(master, target, "${file}")
def fileName = file.tokenize('/').last()
writeFile file: "${output_dir}${fileName}_encoded", text: file_content
def cmd = "base64 -d ${output_dir}${fileName}_encoded > ${output_dir}${fileName}; " +
"rm ${output_dir}${fileName}_encoded"
sh(script: cmd)
* Get reclass value
* @param target The host for which the values will be provided
* @param filter Parameters divided by dots
* @return The pillar data
def getReclassValue(master, target, filter) {
def common = new
common.errorMsg('You are using deprecated method! This method will be removed')
error('You are using deprecated method! This method will be removed')
def salt = new
def items = filter.tokenize('.')
def _result = salt.cmdRun(master, 'I@salt:master', "reclass-salt -o json -p ${target}", false, null, false)
_result = common.parseJSON(_result['return'][0].values()[0])
for (int k = 0; k < items.size(); k++) {
if ( _result ) {
_result = _result["${items[k]}"]
return _result
* Create list of nodes in JSON format.
* @param filter The Salt's matcher
* @return JSON list of nodes
def getNodeList(master, filter = null) {
def salt = new
def common = new
common.errorMsg('You are using deprecated method! This method will be removed')
error('You are using deprecated method! This method will be removed')
def nodes = []
def filtered_list = null
def controllers = salt.getMinions(master, 'I@nova:controller')
def hw_nodes = salt.getMinions(master, 'G@virtual:physical')
if ( filter ) {
filtered_list = salt.getMinions(master, filter)
def _result = salt.cmdRun(master, 'I@salt:master', "reclass-salt -o json -t", false, null, false)
def reclass_top = common.parseJSON(_result['return'][0].values()[0])
def nodesList = reclass_top['base'].keySet()
for (int i = 0; i < nodesList.size(); i++) {
if ( filtered_list ) {
if ( ! filtered_list.contains(nodesList[i]) ) {
def ip = getReclassValue(master, nodesList[i], '_param.linux_single_interface.address')
def network_data = [ip: ip, name: 'management']
def roles = [nodesList[i].tokenize('.')[0]]
if ( controllers.contains(nodesList[i]) ) {
if ( hw_nodes.contains(nodesList[i]) ) {
nodes.add([id: i+1, ip: ip, roles: roles, network_data: [network_data]])
return common.prettify(nodes)
* Execute mcp sanity tests
* Deprecated. Will be removed soon
* @param salt_url Salt master url
* @param salt_credentials Salt credentials
* @param test_set Test set for mcp sanity framework
* @param env_vars Additional environment variables for cvp-sanity-checks
* @param output_dir Directory for results
def runSanityTests(salt_url, salt_credentials, test_set="", output_dir="validation_artifacts/", env_vars="") {
def common = new
common.errorMsg('You are using deprecated method! Please migrate to validate.runTests. This method will be removed')
error('You are using deprecated method! Please migrate to validate.runTests. This method will be removed')
def creds = common.getCredentials(salt_credentials)
def username = creds.username
def password = creds.password
def settings = ""
if ( env_vars != "" ) {
for (var in env_vars.tokenize(";")) {
settings += "export ${var}; "
def script = ". ${env.WORKSPACE}/venv/bin/activate; ${settings}" +
"pytest --junitxml ${output_dir}cvp_sanity.xml --tb=short -sv ${env.WORKSPACE}/cvp-sanity-checks/cvp_checks/tests/${test_set}"
withEnv(["SALT_USERNAME=${username}", "SALT_PASSWORD=${password}", "SALT_URL=${salt_url}"]) {
def statusCode = sh script:script, returnStatus:true
* Execute pytest framework tests
* @param salt_url Salt master url
* @param salt_credentials Salt credentials
* @param test_set Test set to run
* @param env_vars Additional environment variables for cvp-sanity-checks
* @param output_dir Directory for results
def runPyTests(salt_url, salt_credentials, test_set="", env_vars="", name='cvp', container_node="", remote_dir='/root/qa_results/', artifacts_dir='validation_artifacts/') {
def xml_file = "${name}_report.xml"
def common = new
common.errorMsg('You are using deprecated method! Please migrate to validate.runTests. This method will be removed')
error('You are using deprecated method! Please migrate to validate.runTests. This method will be removed')
def salt = new
def creds = common.getCredentials(salt_credentials)
def username = creds.username
def password = creds.password
if (container_node != "") {
def saltMaster
saltMaster = salt.connection(salt_url, salt_credentials)
def script = "pytest --junitxml ${xml_file} --tb=short -sv ${test_set}"
env_vars.addAll("SALT_USERNAME=${username}", "SALT_PASSWORD=${password}",
variables = ' -e ' + env_vars.join(' -e ')
salt.cmdRun(saltMaster, container_node, "docker exec ${variables} ${name} bash -c '${script}'", false)
salt.cmdRun(saltMaster, container_node, "docker cp ${name}:/var/lib/${xml_file} ${remote_dir}${xml_file}")
addFiles(saltMaster, container_node, remote_dir+xml_file, artifacts_dir)
else {
if (env_vars.size() > 0) {
variables = 'export ' + env_vars.join(';export ')
def script = ". ${env.WORKSPACE}/venv/bin/activate; ${variables}; " +
"pytest --junitxml ${artifacts_dir}${xml_file} --tb=short -sv ${env.WORKSPACE}/${test_set}"
withEnv(["SALT_USERNAME=${username}", "SALT_PASSWORD=${password}", "SALT_URL=${salt_url}"]) {
def statusCode = sh script:script, returnStatus:true
* Execute pytest framework tests
* For backward compatibility
* Will be removed soon
* @param salt_url Salt master url
* @param salt_credentials Salt credentials
* @param test_set Test set to run
* @param env_vars Additional environment variables for cvp-sanity-checks
* @param output_dir Directory for results
def runTests(salt_url, salt_credentials, test_set="", output_dir="validation_artifacts/", env_vars="") {
def common = new
def creds = common.getCredentials(salt_credentials)
def username = creds.username
def password = creds.password
def settings = ""
if ( env_vars != "" ) {
for (var in env_vars.tokenize(";")) {
settings += "export ${var}; "
def script = ". ${env.WORKSPACE}/venv/bin/activate; ${settings}" +
"pytest --junitxml ${output_dir}report.xml --tb=short -sv ${env.WORKSPACE}/${test_set}"
withEnv(["SALT_USERNAME=${username}", "SALT_PASSWORD=${password}", "SALT_URL=${salt_url}"]) {
def statusCode = sh script:script, returnStatus:true
* Execute tempest tests
* @param target Host to run tests
* @param dockerImageLink Docker image link
* @param pattern If not false, will run only tests matched the pattern
* @param output_dir Directory for results
* @param confRepository Git repository with configuration files for Tempest
* @param confBranch Git branch which will be used during the checkout
* @param repository Git repository with Tempest
* @param version Version of Tempest (tag, branch or commit)
* @param results The reports directory
def runTempestTests(master, target, dockerImageLink, output_dir, confRepository, confBranch, repository, version, pattern = "false", results = '/root/qa_results') {
def salt = new
def common = new
common.errorMsg('You are using deprecated method! This method will be removed')
error('You are using deprecated method! This method will be removed')
def output_file = 'docker-tempest.log'
def dest_folder = '/home/rally/qa_results'
def skip_list = '--skip-list /opt/devops-qa-tools/deployment/skip_contrail.list'
salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, target, 'file.remove', ["${results}"])
salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, target, 'file.mkdir', ["${results}", "mode=777"])
def _pillar = salt.getPillar(master, 'I@keystone:server', 'keystone:server')
def keystone = _pillar['return'][0].values()[0]
def env_vars = ['tempest_version=15.0.0',
'OS_ENDPOINT_TYPE=admin'].join(' -e ')
def cmd = '/opt/devops-qa-tools/deployment/; '
if (confRepository != '' ) {
cmd = "git clone -b ${confBranch ?: 'master'} ${confRepository} test_config; " +
'rally deployment create --fromenv --name=tempest; rally deployment config; ' +
'rally verify create-verifier --name tempest_verifier --type tempest ' +
"--source ${repository ?: '/tmp/tempest/'} --version ${version: '15.0.0'}; " +
'rally verify configure-verifier --extend test_config/tempest/tempest.conf --show; '
skip_list = '--skip-list test_config/tempest/skip-list.yaml'
if (pattern == 'false') {
cmd += "rally verify start --pattern set=full ${skip_list} --detailed; "
else {
cmd += "rally verify start --pattern set=${pattern} ${skip_list} --detailed; "
cmd += "rally verify report --type json --to ${dest_folder}/report-tempest.json; " +
"rally verify report --type html --to ${dest_folder}/report-tempest.html"
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker run -w /home/rally -i --rm --net=host -e ${env_vars} " +
"-v ${results}:${dest_folder} --entrypoint /bin/bash ${dockerImageLink} " +
"-c \"${cmd}\" > ${results}/${output_file}")
addFiles(master, target, results, output_dir)
* Make all-in-one scenario cmd for rally tests
* @param scenarios_path Path to scenarios folder/file
* @param skip_scenarios Comma-delimited list of scenarios names to skip
* @param bundle_file Bundle name to create
def bundle_up_scenarios(scenarios_path, skip_scenarios, bundle_file = '' ) {
def skip_names = ''
def skip_dirs = ''
def result = ''
if (skip_scenarios != ''){
for ( scen in skip_scenarios.split(',') ) {
if ( scen.contains('yaml')) {
skip_names += "! -name ${scen} "
else {
skip_dirs += "-path '${scenarios_path}/${scen}' -prune -o "
if (bundle_file != '') {
result = "if [ -f ${scenarios_path} ]; then cp ${scenarios_path} ${bundle_file}; " +
"else " +
"find -L ${scenarios_path} " + skip_dirs +
" -name '*.yaml' " + skip_names +
"-exec cat {} >> ${bundle_file} \\; ; " +
"sed -i '/---/d' ${bundle_file}; fi; "
} else {
result = "find -L ${scenarios_path} " + skip_dirs +
" -name '*.yaml' -print " + skip_names
return result
* Prepare setupDockerAndTest() commands to start Rally tests (optionally with K8S/Stacklight plugins)
* @param platform Map with underlay platform data
* @param scenarios Directory inside repo with specific scenarios
* @param sl_scenarios Directory inside repo with specific scenarios for stacklight
* @param tasks_args_file Argument file that is used for throttling settings
* @param db_connection_str Rally-compliant external DB connection string
* @param tags Additional tags used for tagging tasks or building trends
* @param trends Build rally trends if enabled
* Returns: map
def runRallyTests(
platform, scenarios = '',
sl_scenarios = '', tasks_args_file = '',
db_connection_str = '', tags = [],
trends = false, skip_list = ''
) {
def dest_folder = '/home/rally'
def pluginsDir = "${dest_folder}/rally-plugins"
def scenariosDir = "${dest_folder}/rally-scenarios"
def resultsDir = "${dest_folder}/test_results"
def date = new Date()
date = date.format("yyyyMMddHHmm")
// compile rally deployment name
deployment_name = "env=${platform.cluster_name}:platform=${platform.type}:" +
// set up Rally DB
def cmd_rally_init = ''
if (db_connection_str) {
cmd_rally_init = "sudo sed -i -e " +
"'s#connection=.*#connection=${db_connection_str}#' " +
"/etc/rally/rally.conf; "
cmd_rally_init += 'rally db ensure; '
// if several jobs are running in parallel (same deployment name),
// then try to find and use existing in db env
if (db_connection_str) {
cmd_rally_init += 'rally env use --env $(rally env list|awk \'/' +
deployment_name + '/ {print $2}\') ||'
def cmd_rally_start
def cmd_rally_stacklight
def cmd_rally_task_args = tasks_args_file ?: 'job-params-light.yaml'
def cmd_rally_report = 'rally task export ' +
'--uuid $(rally task list --uuids-only --status finished) ' +
"--type junit-xml --to ${resultsDir}/report-rally.xml; " +
'rally task report --uuid $(rally task list --uuids-only --status finished) ' +
"--out ${resultsDir}/report-rally.html"
def cmd_filter_tags = ''
def trends_limit = 20
// build rally trends if required
if (trends && db_connection_str) {
if (tags) {
cmd_filter_tags = "--tag " + tags.join(' ')
cmd_rally_report += '; rally task trends --tasks ' +
'$(rally task list ' + cmd_filter_tags +
' --all-deployments --uuids-only --status finished ' +
"| head -${trends_limit} ) " +
"--out ${resultsDir}/trends-rally.html"
// add default env tags for inserting into rally tasks
tags = tags + [
// set up rally deployment cmd
if (platform['type'] == 'openstack') {
cmd_rally_init += "rally deployment create --name='${deployment_name}' --fromenv; " +
"rally deployment check; "
} else if (platform['type'] == 'k8s') {
cmd_rally_init += "rally env create --name='${deployment_name}' --from-sysenv; " +
"rally env check; "
} else {
throw new Exception("Platform ${platform} is not supported yet")
// set up rally task args file
switch(tasks_args_file) {
case 'none':
cmd_rally_task_args = ''
case '':
cmd_rally_task_args = "--task-args-file ${scenariosDir}/job-params-light.yaml"
cmd_rally_task_args = "--task-args-file ${scenariosDir}/${tasks_args_file}"
// configure Rally for Stacklight (only with Openstack for now)
if (platform['stacklight']['enabled'] && (platform['type'] == 'openstack')) {
if (! sl_scenarios) {
throw new Exception("There's no Stacklight scenarios to execute")
def scenBundle = "${resultsDir}/scenarios_${platform.type}_stacklight.yaml"
cmd_rally_stacklight = bundle_up_scenarios(
scenariosDir + '/' + sl_scenarios,
cmd_rally_stacklight += "sed -i 's/grafana_password: .*/grafana_password: ${platform.stacklight.grafanaPass}/' " +
"${scenariosDir}/${tasks_args_file}; rally --log-file ${resultsDir}/tasks_stacklight.log task start --tag " + tags.join(' ') +
" --task ${scenBundle} ${cmd_rally_task_args} || true "
// prepare scenarios and rally task cmd
if (scenarios) {
switch (platform['type']) {
case 'openstack':
def scenBundle = "${resultsDir}/scenarios_${platform.type}.yaml"
cmd_rally_start = bundle_up_scenarios(
scenariosDir + '/' + scenarios,
cmd_rally_start += "rally --log-file ${resultsDir}/tasks_openstack.log task start --tag " + tags.join(' ') +
" --task ${scenBundle} ${cmd_rally_task_args} || true; "
// due to the bug in Rally threads, K8S plugin gets stuck on big all-in-one scenarios
// so we have to feed them separately for K8S case
case 'k8s':
cmd_rally_start = 'for task in $(' +
bundle_up_scenarios(scenariosDir + '/' + scenarios, skip_list) + '); do ' +
"rally --log-file ${resultsDir}/tasks_k8s.log task start --tag " + tags.join(' ') +
' --task $task ' + cmd_rally_task_args + ' || true; done; '
} else {
if (! cmd_rally_stacklight) {
throw new Exception("No scenarios found to run Rally on")
// compile full rally cmd map
def full_cmd = [
'001_install_plugins': "sudo pip install --upgrade ${pluginsDir}",
'002_init_rally': cmd_rally_init,
'003_start_rally': cmd_rally_start ?: "echo no tasks to run",
'004_start_rally_stacklight': cmd_rally_stacklight ?: "echo no tasks to run",
'005_rally_report': cmd_rally_report,
return full_cmd
* Generate test report
* @param target Host to run script from
* @param dockerImageLink Docker image link
* @param output_dir Directory for results
* @param results The reports directory
def generateTestReport(master, target, dockerImageLink, output_dir, results = '/root/qa_results') {
def report_file = 'jenkins_test_report.html'
def salt = new
def common = new
common.errorMsg('You are using deprecated method! This method will be removed')
error('You are using deprecated method! This method will be removed')
def dest_folder = '/opt/devops-qa-tools/generate_test_report/test_results'
salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, target, 'file.remove', ["${results}"])
salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, target, 'file.mkdir', ["${results}", "mode=777"])
def reports = ['report-tempest.json',
for ( report in reports ) {
if ( fileExists("${output_dir}${report}") ) {
common.infoMsg("Copying ${report} to docker container")
def items = sh(script: "base64 -w0 ${output_dir}${report} > ${output_dir}${report}_encoded; " +
"split -b 100KB -d -a 4 ${output_dir}${report}_encoded ${output_dir}${report}__; " +
"rm ${output_dir}${report}_encoded; " +
"find ${output_dir} -type f -name ${report}__* -printf \'%f\\n\' | sort", returnStdout: true)
for ( item in items.tokenize() ) {
def content = sh(script: "cat ${output_dir}${item}", returnStdout: true)
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "echo \"${content}\" >> ${results}/${report}_encoded", false, null, false)
sh(script: "rm ${output_dir}${item}")
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "base64 -d ${results}/${report}_encoded > ${results}/${report}; " +
"rm ${results}/${report}_encoded", false, null, false)
def cmd = " --path /opt/devops-qa-tools/generate_test_report/; " +
"cp ${report_file} ${dest_folder}/${report_file}"
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker run -i --rm --net=host " +
"-v ${results}:${dest_folder} ${dockerImageLink} " +
"/bin/bash -c \"${cmd}\"")
def report_content = salt.getFileContent(master, target, "${results}/${report_file}")
writeFile file: "${output_dir}${report_file}", text: report_content
* Execute SPT tests
* @param target Host to run tests
* @param dockerImageLink Docker image link
* @param output_dir Directory for results
* @param ext_variables The list of external variables
* @param results The reports directory
def runSptTests(master, target, dockerImageLink, output_dir, ext_variables = [], results = '/root/qa_results') {
def salt = new
def common = new
common.errorMsg('You are using deprecated method! This method will be removed')
error('You are using deprecated method! This method will be removed')
def dest_folder = '/home/rally/qa_results'
salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, target, 'file.remove', ["${results}"])
salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, target, 'file.mkdir', ["${results}", "mode=777"])
def nodes = getNodeList(master)
def nodes_hw = getNodeList(master, 'G@virtual:physical')
def _pillar = salt.getPillar(master, 'I@keystone:server', 'keystone:server')
def keystone = _pillar['return'][0].values()[0]
def ssh_key = salt.getFileContent(master, 'I@salt:master', '/root/.ssh/id_rsa')
def env_vars = ( ['tempest_version=15.0.0',
'OS_ENDPOINT_TYPE=admin'] + ext_variables ).join(' -e ')
salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, target, 'file.write', ["${results}/nodes.json", nodes])
salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, target, 'file.write', ["${results}/nodes_hw.json", nodes_hw])
def cmd = '/opt/devops-qa-tools/deployment/; ' +
'sudo mkdir -p /root/.ssh; sudo chmod 700 /root/.ssh; ' +
"echo \\\"${ssh_key}\\\" | sudo tee /root/.ssh/id_rsa > /dev/null; " +
'sudo chmod 600 /root/.ssh/id_rsa; ' +
"sudo timmy -c simplified-performance-testing/config.yaml " +
"--nodes-json ${dest_folder}/nodes.json --log-file ${dest_folder}/docker-spt2.log; " +
"./simplified-performance-testing/ > ${dest_folder}/report-spt.txt; " +
" ${dest_folder}/nodes_hw.json > ${dest_folder}/report-spt-hw.txt; " +
"cp /tmp/timmy/archives/general.tar.gz ${dest_folder}/results-spt.tar.gz"
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker run -i --rm --net=host -e ${env_vars} " +
"-v ${results}:${dest_folder} ${dockerImageLink} /bin/bash -c " +
"\"${cmd}\" > ${results}/docker-spt.log")
addFiles(master, target, results, output_dir)
* Configure docker container
* @param target Host to run container
* @param proxy Proxy for accessing github and pip
* @param testing_tools_repo Repo with testing tools: configuration script, skip-list, etc.
* @param tempest_repo Tempest repo to clone. Can be upstream tempest (default, recommended), your customized tempest in local/remote repo or path inside container. If not specified, tempest will not be configured.
* @param tempest_endpoint_type internalURL or adminURL or publicURL to use in tests
* @param tempest_version Version of tempest to use. This value will be just passed to script (cvp-configuration repo).
* @param conf_script_path Path to configuration script.
* @param ext_variables Some custom extra variables to add into container
def configureContainer(master, target, proxy, testing_tools_repo, tempest_repo,
tempest_endpoint_type="internalURL", tempest_version="",
conf_script_path="", ext_variables = []) {
def salt = new
if (testing_tools_repo != "" ) {
if (testing_tools_repo.contains('http://') || testing_tools_repo.contains('https://')) {
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker exec cvp git clone ${testing_tools_repo} cvp-configuration")
configure_script = conf_script_path != "" ? conf_script_path : "cvp-configuration/"
else {
configure_script = testing_tools_repo
ext_variables.addAll("PROXY=${proxy}", "TEMPEST_REPO=${tempest_repo}",
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker exec -e " + ext_variables.join(' -e ') + " cvp bash -c ${configure_script}")
else {
common.infoMsg("TOOLS_REPO is empty, no confguration is needed for container")
* Run Tempest
* @param target Host to run container
* @param test_pattern Test pattern to run
* @param skip_list Path to skip-list
* @param output_dir Directory on target host for storing results (containers is not a good place)
def runCVPtempest(master, target, test_pattern="set=smoke", skip_list="", output_dir, output_filename="docker-tempest") {
def salt = new
def xml_file = "${output_filename}.xml"
def html_file = "${output_filename}.html"
skip_list_cmd = ''
if (skip_list != '') {
skip_list_cmd = "--skip-list ${skip_list}"
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker exec cvp rally verify start --pattern ${test_pattern} ${skip_list_cmd} --detailed")
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker exec cvp rally verify report --type junit-xml --to /home/rally/${xml_file}")
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker exec cvp rally verify report --type html --to /home/rally/${html_file}")
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker cp cvp:/home/rally/${xml_file} ${output_dir}")
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker cp cvp:/home/rally/${html_file} ${output_dir}")
return salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker exec cvp rally verify show | head -5 | tail -1 | " +
"awk '{print \$4}'")['return'][0].values()[0].split()[0]
* Run Rally
* @param target Host to run container
* @param test_pattern Test pattern to run
* @param scenarios_path Path to Rally scenarios
* @param output_dir Directory on target host for storing results (containers is not a good place)
def runCVPrally(master, target, scenarios_path, output_dir, output_filename="docker-rally") {
def salt = new
def xml_file = "${output_filename}.xml"
def html_file = "${output_filename}.html"
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker exec cvp rally task start ${scenarios_path}")
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker exec cvp rally task report --out ${html_file}")
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker exec cvp rally task report --junit --out ${xml_file}")
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker cp cvp:/home/rally/${xml_file} ${output_dir}")
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker cp cvp:/home/rally/${html_file} ${output_dir}")
* Shutdown node
* @param target Host to run command
* @param mode How to shutdown node
* @param retries # of retries to make to check node status
def shutdown_vm_node(master, target, mode, retries=200) {
def salt = new
def common = new
if (mode == 'reboot') {
try {
def out = salt.runSaltCommand(master, 'local', ['expression': target, 'type': 'compound'], '', null, ['reboot'], null, 3, 3)
} catch (Exception e) {
common.warningMsg('Timeout from minion: node must be rebooting now')
common.warningMsg("Checking that minion is down")
status = "True"
for (i = 0; i < retries; i++) {
status = salt.minionsReachable(master, 'I@salt:master', target, null, 5, 1)
if (status != "True") {
if (status == "True") {
throw new Exception("Tired to wait for minion ${target} to stop responding")
if (mode == 'hard_shutdown' || mode == 'soft_shutdown') {
kvm = locate_node_on_kvm(master, target)
if (mode == 'soft_shutdown') {
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "shutdown -h 0")
if (mode == 'hard_shutdown') {
salt.cmdRun(master, kvm, "virsh destroy ${target}")
common.warningMsg("Checking that vm on kvm is in power off state")
status = 'running'
for (i = 0; i < retries; i++) {
status = check_vm_status(master, target, kvm)
echo "Current status - ${status}"
if (status != 'running') {
sleep (1)
if (status == 'running') {
throw new Exception("Tired to wait for node ${target} to shutdown")
* Locate kvm where target host is located
* @param target Host to check
def locate_node_on_kvm(master, target) {
def salt = new
def list = salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, "I@salt:control", '', ["virsh list --all | grep ' ${target}'"])['return'][0]
for (item in list.keySet()) {
if (list[item]) {
return item
* Check target host status
* @param target Host to check
* @param kvm KVM node where target host is located
def check_vm_status(master, target, kvm) {
def salt = new
def list = salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, "${kvm}", '', ["virsh list --all | grep ' ${target}'"])['return'][0]
for (item in list.keySet()) {
if (list[item]) {
return list[item].split()[2]
* Find vip on nodes
* @param target Pattern, e.g. ctl*
def get_vip_node(master, target) {
def salt = new
def list = salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, "${target}", '', ["ip a | grep '/32'"])['return'][0]
for (item in list.keySet()) {
if (list[item]) {
return item
* Find vip on nodes
* @param target Host with cvp container
def openstack_cleanup(master, target, script_path="/home/rally/cvp-configuration/") {
def salt = new
salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, "${target}", '', ["docker exec cvp bash -c ${script_path}"])
* Cleanup
* @param target Host to run commands
* @param name Name of container to remove
def runCleanup(master, target, name='cvp') {
def salt = new
if ( salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker ps -f name=${name} -q", false, null, false)['return'][0].values()[0] ) {
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker rm -f ${name}")
* Prepare venv for any python project
* Note: <repo_name>\/requirements.txt content will be used
* for this venv
* @param repo_url Repository url to clone
* @param proxy Proxy address to use
def prepareVenv(repo_url, proxy, useSystemPackages=false) {
def python = new
repo_name = "${repo_url}".tokenize("/").last()
if (repo_url.tokenize().size() > 1){
if (repo_url.tokenize()[1] == '-b'){
repo_name = repo_url.tokenize()[0].tokenize("/").last()
path_venv = "${env.WORKSPACE}/venv"
path_req = "${env.WORKSPACE}/${repo_name}/requirements.txt"
sh "rm -rf ${repo_name}"
// this is temporary W/A for offline deployments
// Jenkins slave image has /opt/pip-mirror/ folder
// where pip wheels for cvp projects are located
if (proxy != 'offline') {
withEnv(["HTTPS_PROXY=${proxy}", "HTTP_PROXY=${proxy}", "https_proxy=${proxy}", "http_proxy=${proxy}"]) {
sh "git clone ${repo_url}"
python.setupVirtualenv(path_venv, "python2", [], path_req, true, useSystemPackages)
else {
sh "git clone ${repo_url}"
sh "virtualenv ${path_venv} --python python2"
python.runVirtualenvCommand(path_venv, "pip install --no-index --find-links=/opt/pip-mirror/ -r ${path_req}", true)
/** Install docker if needed
* @param target Target node to install docker pkg
def installDocker(master, target) {
def salt = new
if ( ! salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, target, 'pkg.version', ["docker-engine"]) ) {
salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, target, 'pkg.install', [""])